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9 Reasons my Dog wouldn't Survive in the Wild

Featuring many pictures of the beloved Argos

By Shelby LarsenPublished 23 days ago 4 min read

I'm sure I'm not alone in watching a few too many dog videos on TikTok or Instagram. When I think about the fact that our dogs today descended from wolves, I can't help but laugh. Even my dog, who has herding in his DNA isn't exactly built to live his life outside.

Argos is smart, fast, loyal, and very protective, but he still has his moments. Here's 9 reasons he wouldn't survive long on his own in the wild:

1. Sensitive tummy

Currently, Argos is on a prescription food. Not including his medication, he takes a probiotic and enzyme, and now also needs a regular multivitamin, even though he's only three. Sometimes he just throws up, and if he gets any food he shouldn't, he usually has diarrhea as well.

Sometimes he'll just throw up for no apparent reason. After narrowing down anything he may have eaten or gotten into, I usually land on "well I got a new couch" or "we had overnight guests" or something else that may have disrupted his regular routine. He usually bounces right back without any other issues.

2. Allergies

Argos has fought allergies most of his life. Certain times of the year we do better than others, but he's been on a handful of allergy medications. It doesn't hinder him much; however, we've learned that because he has allergies, he is more susceptible to picking up viruses or even fungal or bacterial infections.

3. Dog Asthma

I didn't even know dogs could get asthma, but from recent x-rays we've had done at the vet, it's seeming very likely. Apparently, asthma in dogs is relatively uncommon, but according to our vet, his lungs look exactly like a cat's lungs when they have asthma. Currently, he takes Zyrtec to help with any allergy symptoms that might exacerbate it.

4. Sensitive Skin

Related to his allergies, Argos also has sensitive skin. If I'm not keeping an eye on any itching, he can quickly develop hot spots or raw areas of skin from excessive licking. He's had red and raw paws, and at one point chewed most of the hair off of part of his tail.

5. "Broken" Leg Syndrome

I don't know how many times I've panicked thinking that Argos has hurt, or even, broken one of his legs. He'll suddenly stop moving, hold one paw up, put his ears back, and look at me until I come to help him. Once I get to him, more often than not, part of an acorn has gotten stuck on or between one of his toe beans. Occasionally, it'll be because he stepped in something mushy.

One time, in a panic, I couldn't see anything at the first look, and I carried him halfway across the field behind our house before setting me down on my patio table to examine his paw closer. Sure enough, he had a tiny piece of something stuck up in between his toe beans. Once removed, he was completely fine.

6. Blankets Required

Lots of dogs love a good soft blanket, but sometimes Argos takes it a step further. He spends a good part of the night curled up by my feet, but when he needs extra cuddles he will wake me up with a soft wine. Once I'm awake, he won't settle back down until I've lifted the blanket up for him so he can crawl down and curl up near my hip. He has to be completely covered by the blanket.

7. Anti-Rain (Or any weather really)

Argos hates getting rained on. He'll do his business if it's raining, but once he's done, he's back in the garage before you can call him. Similar to other dogs, he's also terrified by thunder. If you can't locate Argos during a thunderstorm, be sure to check his bed, under my desk, and the rug in front of the toilet.

He also doesn't like hail since it's so loud, and he's not really a fan of snow either. During the winter on his potty breaks, you can find Argos trying to stand on only his hind legs in an attempt to get as many paws off the cold ground as possible.

8. Afraid of Plastic

A plastic bag stuck in a bush is the most formidable enemy. It moves unpredictably and it makes a lot of noise! Some of Argos's deepest growls have come out as a result of some sort of plastic: loose tarp, tent blowing in the wind, even an empty soda bottle toppling over.

It doesn't have to be just plastic either! I actually thought I had an intruder in my home once based on his reaction to an empty paper sack getting pushed across my kitchen floor by the Roomba.

9. He's Just a Baby

Argos likes to be snuggled, held, and pet most of the day. He loves his hugs, his uppies, and giving kisses. He'd be content to lay in bed and cuddle all day if that's what the day provided. Afterall, he is just a big baby. As long as there are butt scratches involved, he's a happy boy.

As much as we may laugh at his antics, it's a nice reminder of the bond we share with our furry friends. Their need for care, protection, and comfort speaks volumes about the trust and dependence our pets place in us.

While Argos may not be cut out for the wilderness, he's found his perfect place in my home, where he's adored for every quirky trait. Our bond is just one of countless connections between pets and their devoted pet parents, each one a testament to the joy and companionship they bring into our lives.


About the Creator

Shelby Larsen

Warning: I love messing with your favorite fairy tales.

I've loved writing most of my life. In college I made it my passion, but once I reached the "real" world, I stopped. I'm here to find my creativity and get back to my passion.

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  • Andrea Corwin 23 days ago

    Oh, I love your dog and your story!! You give him everything he needs, what a good parent!! Just a thought, and you've probably checked on this - we had a dog that was always scratching. "Hot spots" everywhere. Vet said "oh it could be a grass allergy." I was thinking, no effin way, there is grass everywhere (testing said thatI I am allergic to grass but thankfully have no hot spots, LOL). Anyway - in the LAST year of her life, I changed her food to one with 2 ingredients - lamb and rice. BINGO - no more hot spots. Good luck with this boy and you are my kind of dog (maybe cat?) mama!!

  • Babs Iverson23 days ago

    Delightful story!!! Argos is too cute!!!

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