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What Keeps Me Going

It's The Little Thing In Life

By Ronna CurtisPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
My son on the left (Arturo) My daughter (Ashley) I own this picture I used my camcorder..

What Keeps Me Going

There are many factors when considering what keeps me going. Family is the main reason I continue through life. During the summer, I take my family places, such as the water park or other areas people bring their families to during summer vacation. One of my favorite places we went before moving to Topeka was Pumpkin Hollow. We had a great time together! There was horse riding; we walked through the corn maze, rode on a train, took crazy pictures of each other. We bought a couple of pumpkins as they are always huge. We got Indian corn and some gords. We ended up making birdhouses out of the gords. It was great family fun, but when the sun went down, it became a terror Forrest! They called it Horror in the Hollow! I started to stay, but my son and daughter did not want to remain as they were frightened at the mere mention of the name Horror in the Hollow. So we bought some shirts from Pumpkin Hollow and went back home.

Other things that keep me going are my dogs. Tobie and Rosie tend to make me get up and do things with them whether I want to or not. They demand outside time. They should be allowed to go outside, so I usually take them out front of the house. However, I haven't taken them for a long walk as it has been too rainy to go for long walks this summer; until today! I play fetch with them, and they will run away with the ball when they tire of the game.

I play computer games when I have time. When I don't have much to do around the house and work, it is not demanding. I will kick back and enjoy playing The Sims 4 or World of Warcraft. There are other games I play, but these are the main two.

Whenever I have to buy a new computer, I generally have to start The Sims 4 again. World of Warcraft is different; all of my characters are saved on their server, so I don't have to start the game again. I have a level fifty priest, and she is a healer.

I also enjoy sewing when I can find the time and everything I need to make whatever project I decide to start. Generally, I make clothing, pillows, rag dolls, and I might try to make curtains from time to time. The only sewing I am doing at the moment is trying to replace a clasp that broke and cut my finger. I am changing it to a snap! I hope they are safer to use.

When I attended high school, I took Vo-Tech, and they taught me Horticulture. I was in Mr. Ramsey's classroom, and I did pretty well in there as I ended up with an A for a final grade. I still grow plants; I like to plant a tiny garden of tomatoes and cucumbers every year. I had some great cucumbers last year. I hope this year is a better crop, but I don't have hopes as I lost a couple of my plants. I believe it has been too wet then we had super-hot temperatures.

Some of my friends help keep me keep going as they invite me over to their houses for visits. Some have young children, and others do not. We have to work around the ones who have young children and those who don't; we know we can do almost anything we want, such as visiting a bar.

Lastly, there is writing. Writing helps me get stories out of my head and meet new people. I like telling stories, and I hope people love to read them. I write so simply because I am used to translating technical words to people who are disabled or have a low IQ. I like to write for them as some love to read, and they can do it quite well. I also work for an elementary school where I live, so you have to talk to them as if they hear you teach for the first time.

Yes, sometimes I indeed bite off more than I can chew, but I also keep my promises. If I tell you I will write you something, I will do it no matter how much it puts me out. The only way it will put me out is if work is becoming more demanding than usual. This past year was very challenging as the virus has put us all out! I also love vacationing with family, spending time with my dogs, playing computer games, keeping a garden, visiting friends, and writing. What are some of the things that keep you moving or motivated?


About the Creator

Ronna Curtis

Ronna Curtis, Ladybug is the author's name she goes by when publishing a book. Life In Ann's World at in Ann's World. College graduate she enjoys authoring books to entertain a diverse population..

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