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"The story is about a young girl's journey to overcome her wounds and find inner peace. Haunted by strange dreams of a dark house and imprisoned people, she gradually deteriorates in health. After meeting an old monk, she receives a golden key and a valuable lesson about compassion and forgiveness".

By Văn Lập LaPublished 23 days ago 3 min read


There was a girl who had a strange dream many times. In her dream, she saw many people locked in a dark house locked tightly by a rusty lock, and they begged to be rescued. From then on, she became thin, emaciated, her skin turned yellow, and her body became more and more lifeless. No doctor could diagnose her illness.

She heard that there was an old monk who could cure strange diseases, so she traveled a long way to find him. After hearing her explain what was happening to her, the monk said: “This is not difficult. This is a golden key. Wear it around your neck, and the next time you have that dream, remember to use it to open the door to the house that night. Your illness will disappear after you rescue the people inside.” She thanked the monk and returned home with the key. Two days later, she had that strange dream again. This time she approached the house, and looked inside. She discovered that the people in the house were people she once resented: the mother-in-law who insulted her, the neighbor who slandered her, the childhood friend who pushed her into a dirty ditch. dirty and nearly drowned her, and everyone else too. She continued to look deep inside and saw a 3-legged dog. She suddenly realized that it was the cowardly dog that bit her when she was a child while she was on her way to school. In short, all of them have hurt her. She decided not to open the door because she thought they deserved to be locked up like that. She did not use the golden key and let them call for help.

As the days passed, her illness became worse. She decided to go see the monk again. The monk said: “You only have one last chance. If you miss this opportunity, the golden key won't be able to help you anymore. Next time you have that dream again, you must open the lock before the lock is completely sealed with rust.” And she decided to follow the monk's words this time. That night she had that strange dream again. Without any hesitation, she bravely took out the key and opened the door. Everyone in the house rushed out as soon as the door opened. The house began to shake strongly. From the corner of the room, a girl slowly dragged her steps towards the door. She looked very disheveled, extremely weak and pitiful. She looks a lot like you. Are not! That's her, not anyone else. That dark house suddenly collapsed right after the girl walked out. Immediately after that, she saw sunlight begin to spread and dispel all darkness. That light was extremely brilliant and caused her to wake up. Her health gradually recovered, her eyes became cheerful, her face became rosy again and she looked as beautiful as before. She turned back to find the monk to understand what had happened to her. The monk said: "Because in life, you have accumulated everyone's mistakes. You may think you have forgiven those who have wronged you, but in reality you have stored a lot within you. And over time, these substances make you sick.

Child, locking up others is also locking up yourself. Locking the past also locks the heart. Resentment accumulates inside you like a dark house without light. Open the door wide and let the light flood in.

Remember, tolerating others is the simplest way to save your own future, and you are the one who deserves to be tolerated the most."

self helpsuccesshappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Văn Lập La

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