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The Vocal Tipping Benefit

Give a little bit .. who knows what you might get in return

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Give a little bit .. who knows what you might get in return

One of the things about writing on Vocal , is that you can publish and then maybe people will read and even heart your story and that will make you feel that you have achieved something. If one person reads and appreciates something I write and publish then that’s a win for me. The fact that Vocal pays you for reads is a tiny bonus but worth it if you get a lot of reads.

One of my problems was that people may heart and read my stories but I don’t know who that was or what they thought (well the heart does give a clue that they liked it) , and similarly I will read excellent pieces and want to say “you’ve written a great piece there , I really liked ….” but all I can do is heart it.

I then discovered Vocal support groups on Facebook and I am not great at keeping up with social media groups and platforms but it has allowed me to interact with other Vocal Creators and give and get compliments and feedback from them , plus some beneficial tips.

I’ve also connected via Instagram and Facebook messenger which allows me to share and chat with others and feel that this is a great ability that is not available on the Vocal platform itself, but it means you just have to put a little effort into it and you will get rewarded with interaction with others doing the same as you.

Then something happened …..

My friend Lesley (Call Me Les) sent me a tip. My first reaction was , how nice , someone likes me , or my writing at least. Then I checked my wallet and saw who it was from and that cheered me up even more as I clicked through and checked her profile and read a few of her stories. So Lesley hopefully got a little extra benefit from her tip.

See what happens here?

Lesley tips me , I click through , find out more about her , read and heart some of her work , and remember she has tipped me. Not only did she tip me but we made a Vocal connection, I don’t have to find her on Vocal now because I have that link in my wallet.

If you get hundreds of tips you may be blase enough to ignore your tipper , but that would not be magnanimous at all , would it?

Unfortunately Vocal doesn't keep a record of the people you tip , so you only get a link if the tip you back but when you tip they will have a link to you, and that may result in reads and visits and if they like you may recommend you to friends.

A dollar tip is about £0.75 so not expensive , the price of a can of coke (from the right shop) , and may expose you to a whole new audience , because they will know that you like them (because you tipped them)

So if you like someone’s story send a tip, also join the various groups on social media and you can leave feedback on stories and maybe get to know other Vocal creators.

So here are links to the Facebook groups (there may be more but these are the first two I joined and they have been a great help):

Vocal Media Creators Hub

The Vocal Creators Support Group

Leave a few tips and see what happens , it’s a way of getting Vocal Creators to take notice, and getting to know you.

So what piece should I lead with , I suppose really “Give A Little Bit” by Supertramp would be a perfect accompaniment to sending someone a dollar , and of course feel free to send me one and then I will get to noice you and I promise at least one read and a heart , and ,maybe a tip back.


About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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X ֎ In ֎ YT (0.2m) ֎ T

Vocal Tips


Call Me LesGina HeatherCaroline


DaphsamMisty MelissaMa Coombs

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