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The Last Minute Quest

A Million Dollar Dilemma: Risking it All for Purpose

By Muhammad Sarmad RazzaqPublished 20 days ago 3 min read
The Last Minute Quest
Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

The studio lights blazed down, casting a harsh glow on the contestants seated in a semi-circle. The audience held its collective breath as the host, a charismatic man with a silver streak in his hair, stepped forward.

"Welcome to 'Just a Minute'!" he boomed. "The game show where every second counts. Our contestants have sixty seconds to answer questions, and the stakes couldn't be higher."

The camera panned across the faces of the competitors. There was Maria, the neuroscientist with a penchant for trivia. Next to her sat Raj, a retired detective who could solve any puzzle. And then there was Emily, the young artist who had a photographic memory.

However, Alex was the true star of the show. Alex had been a child prodigy, a math whiz who had cracked complex algorithms before most kids learned their times tables. Now, as an adult, Alex's mind was a steel trap, and the audience knew it.

The first round began, questions firing like bullets. Maria stumbled on a history query, and Raj aced a riddle about ancient civilizations. Emily was dazzled with her knowledge of art history. But Alex? Alex answered every question without hesitation, eyes fixed on the countdown clock.

As the rounds progressed, Alex's confidence grew. The audience marveled at the precision of each response. But then, in the final round, the host threw a curveball.

"Alex," he said, leaning in, "your last question: What is the square root of 2,147,483,647?"

The room hushed. Alex's mind raced. The number was familiar—a prime, a key to encryption, a secret code. But the square root? It eluded Alex.

"Thirty seconds," the host reminded.

Alex's heart pounded. The audience leaned forward, willing the answer to materialize. But it didn't. The seconds ticked away, and Alex's face contorted in frustration.

"Time's up!" The studio was filled with the host's voice.

The audience gasped. Alex had never faltered before. The tension thickened as the host turned to the other contestants.

"Maria, Raj, Emily," he said, "you've all won substantial prizes. But Alex, you have a choice. You can take home the grand prize—a million dollars—or you can wager it all on one final question."

The studio held its breath. Alex's mind raced. A million dollars was life-changing, but so was the unknown question. The audience whispered, urging Alex to risk it all.

"Your decision?" the host prompted.

Alex's gaze shifted to the clock. Fifty-nine seconds left. The audience leaned in, hearts pounding.

"I'll take the question," Alex said, voice steady.

The host grinned. "Very well. Your final question: What is the meaning of life?"

The room fell silent. Alex's mind whirred. Was it a philosophical riddle? A mathematical equation? Or something deeper?

"Thirty seconds," the host reminded.

Alex closed eyes, searching for an answer. The audience held its collective breath.

"Time's up!" The host declared.

Alex opened eyes, meeting the host's gaze. "The meaning of life," Alex said, voice unwavering, "is to find purpose in every second."

The studio erupted in applause. Alex had risked everything and won. The million dollars seemed insignificant compared to the revelation.

As Alex stepped off the stage, the audience cheered. But Alex's mind lingered on the final question. Life was a series of moments, each one precious. And in that last minute, Alex had found purpose.

Alex donated the winnings to charity, vowing to make every second count. The show became a sensation, and people debated the meaning of life for weeks. But Alex knew—it wasn't about answers; it was about living fully.

And so, in the last minute of every day, Alex paused, savoring the present. Because sometimes, the most profound truths lay hidden in the simplest moments.


About the Creator

Muhammad Sarmad Razzaq

Sarmad Khan: writer, educator, expert in human connections & love dynamics. With a Psychology background, he crafts compelling blog articles & news content, drawing inspiration from travels & photography.Trusted voice in written expression.

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