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Shake Your Tail Feathers

Unleashing Your Voice on National Be Heard Day

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 3 months ago Updated 3 months ago 3 min read
Beautiful Masculine Series (art by me)

Day 67/366 days of writing in 2024.

Today is National Be Heard Day, a glorious occasion that encourages us to unleash our voices and make a splash in the world! It's a day dedicated to embracing our individuality and expressing ourselves with vibrant flair. Think about it….this day is giving you permission to have more fun!

I was thinking about which pieces of my art encourage this and my Beautiful Masculine series came to mind. Of course these pieces are inspired by my muse: Prince. I previously wrote an article about how his work inspires my creativity daily. You can read it here. I think he taught us to express ourselves and use our voices better than just about anyone.

Beautiful King (art by me)

Scarlet King (art by me)

In the spirit of this special day, let's draw inspiration from the magnificent peacock. This dazzling creature struts its stuff, flaunting its captivating feathers for all to see. Ever watch videos of this on YouTube? They are quite entertaining. Watch one here.

Just like the peacock, we too have unique qualities and talents that deserve to be showcased. Which ones do you need to let come out more?

Conscious Kingdom (art by me)

The peacock's audacious display of colors teaches us to be unapologetically ourselves. It teaches us to embrace our authenticity and let our voices shine bright like the feathers of this majestic bird. It teaches us pure expressionism, holding nothing back.

Divine King (art by me)

On National Be Heard Day, let's make some noise, shake our tail feathers, stand tall, and share our thoughts, ideas, and passions with the world. Whether it's speaking up for ourselves, creating art, championing a cause, or simply being true to who we are, let's remind everyone that our voices matter and creativity matter.

Channel your inner peacock and create a symphony of sound and expression that cannot be ignored. It's time to spread your wings and show the world the incredible individual that you are. Be bold today. Get loud today! Share yourself with the world. Happy National Be Heard Day!

Rainbow Majesty (art by me)

There are many ways to celebrate National Be Heard Day and make your voice heard. Here are a few ideas:

1. Speak up: Use this day as an opportunity to express your thoughts and voice your perspectives. Share your ideas in conversations, meetings, social media platforms, or even here on vocal. Don't be afraid to voice your view and contribute to discussions.

2. Create art: Tap into your creativity and create something that reflects your unique voice. Whether it's through painting, writing, music, fashion, or any other form of artistic expression, let your creativity be a medium to express yourself and make an impact. Not sure where to start? Doodling is a great exercise for this. Grab a notebook and some colored pens and start scribbling.

3. Support others: Celebrate National Be Heard Day by amplifying the voices of others. Share and promote the work of artists, writers, healers, or individuals who are making a difference. Lift others up and help them be heard. Who is someone whose work you admire? Can you channel it into a piece of art, poem, or a quote?

4. Practice active listening: Celebrating National Be Heard Day doesn't just mean expressing yourself, but also actively listening to others. Take the time to truly listen and understand different perspectives. Engage in meaningful conversations and show respect for the voices of others.

Remember, National Be Heard Day is not just about one day. It's about embracing your individuality and expressing yourself every day. Find ways to make your voice heard and encourage others to do the same.

So how will you express yourself today? I’d love to hear from you?

*all these pieces of art are available for purchase. Acrylic on canvas. All are 11x14. I do ship internationally. Email if interested. [email protected]


About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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