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Seeing Success On Vocal

Writing, Vocal, Success

By Mike Singleton - MikeydredPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

It depends what you consider success. For some people, nothing less than great rewards for no effort is the only thing they will see as success, but if you are sensible you will slowly build and take pleasure in any reward you receive and use that to build further.

Vocal provides a lot of support to help you become successful here with suggestions on how to get your work seen outside of Vocal on platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. That is just two more and I know there are a lot more that people frequent, though personally I see too many platforms as a problem, with logins, passwords and links.

Vocal has caused me to write more, and the first time someone read one of my posts gave me a lift, someone else had read something I posted. Overall I am not successful on Vocal, twenty five posts have resulted in over fifty reads, but that is success for me, and the stats on Vocal let you see that every day.

This situation lets you appreciate your own success on your own terms. I do look at some featured writers who get there on their first post , but that is great for them, and does give people something to aim for.

My writing is influenced by what happens every day and the music I listen to and books I read and programs and films that I watch, so I always have something to share even though sometimes it feels as though I have nothing to share.

Seeing that my posts on Vocal have been read is a tiny measure of success and the reads always increase , although the increase may slow at times. It is always good to have successes that you can see as successes. To some people getting out of bed in the morning is a success , and once you have done it you know that you have been successful.

On my own terms my writing on Vocal is a success for me. I am just surprised that I have kept writing and am writing more and I have learned how the Vocal editor works and found that it does a lot more than I originally thought, making it easier to post and therefore add to my success.

One of the things about writing on Vocal is that you can also set targets for a number of posts, though you always need something to write about and that means having as many interests as you can to give you sources for inspiration.

I am on holiday in Thirsk, and the thing I love about this place is the many places you can walk and relax and enjoy the surroundings. I love walking along Cod Beck and visiting the local churches, I keep going to St Oswalds to see the grey squirrels although I have not managed to even get a picture of one , although I have seen lots, and spoken to many people on my visits.

This is another success and has given me something to add to this article. I share pictures and video on my Instagram Channel @mikeydred96 and that is another daily success that I add to giving me a video diary of where I have been and what I have seen.

So I am thankful to Vocal for letting me share my thoughts, giving me a platform to share my thoughts and observations with others and allow me to build a sort of diary that I can refer to as I continue into the future.

Given that we are talking success I suppose the perfect song to share with you on this is the wonderful “Success” by Iggy Pop from the brilliant “Lust For Life” album produced by David Bowie. Now that is another definition of Success.


About the Creator

Mike Singleton - Mikeydred

Weaver of Tales, Poems, Music & Love

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Vocal Tips


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  • Sandra Tena Cole2 months ago

    It's so cool to have watched you grow as a writer and creator since you first wrote this piece 😊💖 Here's to many more years of writing, Mike!! x

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