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Romans 8:18

The pain that you've been feeling cannot compare to the Joy that is coming.

By Kylie TaylorPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Romans 8:18
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The Pain that You Have Been Feeling Cannot Compare to the Joy that is Coming. Romans 8:18

Welcome in 2024 with the verse. What does it mean you may ask, let me explain the significance of this Bible Verse and New Year's.

Ring In 2024

Ringing in the New Year with this bible verse is immensely important to anyone with or without faith. Romans 8:18, The pain that you have been feeling cannot compare to the Joy that is coming.

This clearly represents that bringing in the New Year is closing one chapter and opening the next. Let the pain of the past year go, the new year is going to bring you joy. Let your heart open a new chapter free of pain, free of negativity. All bad things must come to an end.

By Billy Pasco on Unsplash

To have Faith or Not Have Faith

You don't have to be super religious to have faith. You don't have to believe in the same God I do to have faith. Having faith is a matter of believing things will get better, and believing that there is a higher power. Having faith puts your stress and troubles in the hands of your higher power.

Not having faith is your choice. Not having faith can mean a lot of sadness and a heavy heart. This can mean a lot of unhappiness and negativity. You choose how you live, how you believe, and how you succeed. A heart that is holding on to pain, will not be able to see the joy in front of them.

You don't have to go to church, I mean depending on the church and the preacher it can be boring. You don't have to pray because let's face it some people feel foolish talking to nothing and no one (really you are talking to someone just even though there is no one visibly there). You do have to believe that just like every sidewalk all things come to an end. This doesn't mean you won't experience more pain in life, it just means that you know how to let go, and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

How I am bringing in 2024

You can bet as I sit here writing this post with an open heart and clear mind, I have held tight to my Romans 8:18 verse. I will be watching 2023 roll over to 2o24 knowing that all my pain is leading me to joy. When I say that the last 4 months of 2023 have been heartbreaking, painful, and challenging it has not been a lie.

My family put every penny we had into buying our house in September, and 28 hours later we were faced with a 15 thousand dollar repair and lived without running water for 3 weeks. Then a month and a half later, during a snowstorm our furnace broke and that was another thousand dollar repair. Two weeks before Christmas our main means of transportation needed eight hundred dollars in repairs. All of this occuring while changing jobs.

A new page is turning, a new chapter is starting with just a few short hours until 2023 is over and 2024 begins. I am letting go of the pain of the last four months and opening my heart to the coming joy of 2024.


So remember if you have pain in your heart, that the coming joy will be greater. You don't have to read the bible, believe in God, or believe in me to carry this theory. Let go, love, and find your happiness. 2024 is going to be a great year. Always remember that "The pain you have been feeling cannot compare to the joy that is coming". Romans 8:18

advicequotesself helphealinghappiness

About the Creator

Kylie Taylor

I am freelance creative. I don't want to be just a writer, just a photographer, or just a designer. I want to educate and entertain people on a wide variety thing I have knowledge on.

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