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Moving Day

It's just the way life goes.

By Clarissa JoycePublished 6 years ago 2 min read
Cool photo right?! Thanks, I took it. :)

"Welcome to the neighborhood!" The first thought that goes through most people's minds after finishing up a big move to a new city. In my case, it was more sarcastic than hopeful. Teenagers, am I right? Yes, yes I am. When you first start trying to adjust to a new environment, it's hard, though. It's kind of like going through the five stages of a break up. The first stage? Deny, deny, denial.

"No, we're not moving."

"We can't move, there's NO WAAAY that's possible."

Oh, and my favorite: "Okay, joke's up. You can take everything out of the boxes now." Ah, such a fun time for everyone.

Now we go to the second stage: bargaining.

"Can we move back if I promise to get better grades and pay rent?"

"Can I just live with so-and-so, and you can visit me on the weekends?"

"Okay, so you can go, and I can stay and we can skype all the time, deal?"

And every variation in between. It's actually my favorite stage, probably because it is the absolute funniest one.

Ah, time for the heart wrenching, soul sucking stage. The third stage. The depression stage. Now, speaking from experience, this one is the absolute worst. You cry all the time, gain a bunch of weight, and feel absolutely alone. It sucks. A lot. Especially when you move in the middle of summer and couldn't get a transfer approval from your job. Trust me, you had to be there to really feel the suckiness of it all. I think I sang the "Mr. Lonely" song to my mother around 100 times...give or take...I could be severely under-exaggerating. The point is, this stage sucks, and if you can manage to skip it, I highly advise you to do so. I promise you, you will thank me later.

Where was I again? Oh yes, stage four. Anger. The anger stage is actually pretty liberating. You go around being pissed all the time, and sure, that sucks, but if you channel that anger, the world can be your oyster. All that weight you gained? You're so pissed all the time, you run the shit off. Pissed you can't do any of the old things you used to do? Go out, be creative, and get yourself a new hobby. Your family annoying you to heck and back? Go on a solo adventure and threaten to kick some ass if anyone tries to kidnap you and interrupt your fun. You're pissed anyways, so the adrenaline rush will feel great! Just kidding, don't get kidnapped, and definitely don't do dangerous stuff by yourself...or at know what, just ignore that last bit. Okay, moving on now.

Stage five: the acceptance/getting back to being yourself stage. You made it!! Go eat ice cream, hang out with all those new friends you made, and start a book club! (Trust me, this generation needs more literature in their lives). You're happy, you're smiling, you've got yourself a new job. Pat yourself on the back and go buy those new shoes you've been dying for, or in my case, the entire Throne of Glass book series...I'm a bookworm, what can I say? Anywho, you've gotten things back to normal, and life is pretty decent again, and it's all good. Then, a year and a half later, you find out you're moving again...and ladies and gentlemen, the cycles starts over, and you somehow end up blogging.

The end...


About the Creator

Clarissa Joyce

Still haven’t figured things out yet.

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