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Me In The wondering Space

Figuring It Out

By Faisal KarimPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
I will Rise

They say failure isn't the opposite of success, but a stepping stones on the path. It's like Thomas Edison, who once declared, "I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Looking back at my life, it feels like a constant current, pulling me towards new experiences and shaping me into the person I am today. My most treasured gifts wear the familiar faces of my parents. Their love, a constant and unwavering force, has been the foundation on which my life has been built. They shielded us from the harsh realities of financial struggles, prioritizing our education above all else. My father, with his infectious laughter, instilled in me the joy of a big, loving family. My mother, the epitome of a strong woman, juggled the roles of homemaker and entrepreneur with incredible grace. From her table filled with delicious, home-cooked meals to her handmade crafts, she showed me the power of resourcefulness and unwavering hard work.

With every sacrifice they made, a dream silently bloomed in their hearts: to see their children well-educated and well-mannered. Despite the challenges, they ensured each of us received a good education, a privilege I never took for granted. It instilled in me a deep sense of gratitude, not just for them, but for the countless blessings Allah has showered upon me. Fast forward to 2019. Armed with a head full of dreams and a heart brimming with ambition, I embarked on my university journey. I poured myself into my studies, soaking up knowledge and skills like a sponge. Graduation in 2023 felt like a monumental achievement, a testament to years of hard work. But the job hunt, the phase I envisioned as a smooth transition, hasn't quite unfolded as planned. The market seems obsessed with experience, a quality my fresh-out-of-university self lacks. The skills employers crave weren't part of my curriculum. It's a bitter pill to swallow, this realization that the world of work functions on a different set of rules than the one governed by assignments and exams. The constant stream of job rejections can be emotionally crippling, especially when voices around you begin to question your path. There's a truth in the saying, "It's not who supports you on your highs, but who backs you in your lows."

These moments of doubt are when I yearn for the comfort of my parents' unconditional support. They remind me that just like the sun dips below the horizon only to rise again with renewed vigor, so too will I. Their unwavering optimism and faith act as a guiding light, filling me with renewed hope and the determination to keep pushing forward.

It's during these introspective moments that I realize it's not just the job market that's different; I've changed too. The experience has peeled back layers, revealing the truth about the people around me. I've learned that sometimes, the voices that claim to be supportive are laced with negativity. It's a harsh lesson, but one that empowers me to choose who I allow into my space. As Robin Sharma, one of my favorite authors, writes, "It's you who can allow what your life looks like. You must remove the bad apples and focus on the best ones." There have been tears and moments of frustration where I've questioned my abilities. But within that struggle, a resilience has bloomed. It's the quiet strength I inherited from my mother, the woman who juggled a million responsibilities without ever breaking a sweat. It's the unwavering optimism I see reflected in my father's eyes. These are the qualities that will see me through.

This job search is a journey of self-discovery. It's forced me to re-evaluate my skills and identify areas where I can grow. I'm actively seeking out online courses and workshops to bridge the gap between my academic background and the demands of the job market. Each rejection email, while stinging, holds a valuable lesson. Perhaps it's a mismatch in skills, or maybe it's a chance to refine my resume or practice my interview techniques. The path ahead may be uncertain, but I'm no longer afraid. I carry with me the love of my family, the lessons learned from each rejection, and the unwavering belief in myself. This journey, with all its twists and turns, is shaping me into the person I'm meant to be. And who knows, maybe the perfect opportunity is just around the corner, waiting to be discovered. Until then, I'll keep pushing forward, my spirit fueled by hope and the unwavering belief that the best is yet to come.

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About the Creator

Faisal Karim


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  • Iam Kareemi3 months ago

    Very thoughtful and absolutely amazingly narrated Sir. Keep going

  • jaan ali3 months ago

    Nicely narrated I am a consistent reader of your stories keep posting

  • Education Of Minds3 months ago

    You Nailed it , beautifully narrated

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