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It's Been A Long Hiatus: Writer's Block And It's Dilemma

Getting back in the writing game after a writer's block.

By Tania AfreenPublished 16 days ago 3 min read
Photo by <a href="">Debby Hudson</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

You know what's worst for a writer from my point of view?

Writer's Block.

To me, it's the worst that can happen. I couldn't come up with anything creative. Words didn't flow on the blank canvas of Google Doc.

The cursor kept blinking. Then, I pushed myself after a short break that I gotta write.

That's what brings me happiness - pouring my thoughts into the pages.

But, at times, I couldn't push myself to write. Unnecessary worries and tension, even the legitimate stresses acted as a barrier to it.

I'd just stare at the laptop screen, unable to churn out the words I wanted to. It'd annoy me so much.

I tried, but I just couldn't come up with the words. It just didn't happen.

I pushed myself. I could write, but that "something" was missing- what's that called - the flair, the feel one would get when they read what they wrote that "Yeah, this is that thing I wanted to write."

That particular factor was missing when I'd write.

That's how 2-3 years years went. I'd take occasional breaks in between- hoping to get that magic back in my writing.

I'd hit a writer's block.

A writer's block.

According to Wikipedia, writer's block is, "A non-medical condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author is either unable to produce new work or experiences a creative slow down." []

That sounds something gruesome. It is. When you want to write, but you can't find the write words. You feel your mind has gone numb, paralyzed. Blank canvas. Blinking Cursor on an empty page- hours passing by, not a single word typed down. The sheer horror.

But, the sun shines again after a storm. After a rainy day. No matter how bad the day is- the sun does shine and writer's block does go away.

Brainstorming and writing, even if the process is extremely slow than the slowest sloth, does help. You can always keep the writing and edit it when the block is over.

The secret ingredient- yes, same as Po's secret ingredient, is to believe in yourself and just jot down. Your grammar may not be perfect, but still write. It's like polishing and polishing until it glimmers like a diamond or a bright sapphire.

It's alright if the magic isn't there.

Sometimes, you need a stroll in the park, or your favourite place. Maybe move somewhere for a short break. Or, a long break. Simply, a break.

Maybe go for a walk near a lake, the seaside, or anywhere that brings you some peace and some motivation to hit the keyboard or make you pick up your pen and just scribble.

Perhaps, read through some blogs for writers and readers. There are so many websites. Or, read something that takes you to a different world or dimension.

You could do something different to - how about painting? Or, you could perhaps watch your favourite movies or TV series. A cup of tea at your favourite café - anything that makes your stress or tension go away.

I wrote, even though I didn't feel happy with what I wrote. I felt my writing sounded bland. Like a firecracker that got drenched in rain. I still wrote.

I'd be upset with this annoying block, and I even deleted some blog posts. Rewrote posts on my IG blog. Still. It didn't help me at all.

Then, some months back when I jotted down a blog post for my blog, I thought, "Yipee, the writer's block is over!"

It wasn't. Because, then again I went through another creative blockage.

Curing a writer's block isn't an easy process. It may dissipate quickly for some, for others it may take weeks or months. Worst scenario- it could take years too.

Luckily, I wrote. And, now it feels, that curse of writer's block is over. It took some years, some months, and weeks.

Good News: the writer's block isn't there to bother me anymore!

Happy writing.

And, keep writing!


About the Creator

Tania Afreen

A Cup of Tea, Books, and Writing | Blogger | Writer.

Find me on Twitter- @TAfreen3

IG: @herwordyjournal

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