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How to Find Your Writing Totem

And awake the Spirit Animal in You

By Rui AlvesPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read

Want to know what type of writer you are? Have you ever thought about your writing style from a spiritual perspective?

How to Find Your Writing Style and Personality

There are many different types of writers, each with their personality and preferred writing style.

But no matter what type you are, there are ways to make the most of your skills and succeed in today’s competitive writing marketplace.

This article will help you find your archetypical match, figure out your writing style and personality, and think about how you can succeed as a writer.

What is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is an art form that involves crafting ideas into words, sentences, and paragraphs to tell a story or convey a message.

It can be used as a form of self-expression, analysis of human experience, to explore one’s thoughts and feelings, debate the world around us, create art, or just for entertainment purposes.

Creative writers are often professionals who write for publication in magazines, newspapers, journals, websites, and many other forms of commercial writing.

Different Types of Writers and How They Work Differently

There are many different types of writers, and each of them has a distinct way of working. It’s important to know what kind of writer you are and what writing style is a good fit for you.

There are two main groups: Fiction and nonfiction. Nonfiction writers usually work in journalism, academia, or marketing. Fiction writers often work as novelists, playwrights, or screenwriters.

What is a Totem or Spirit Animal

In ancient times, wild animals were everywhere in overwhelming numbers, and humans competed with and respected them as rivals in the natural world.

Thus explaining the animal totem poles showing how power animals incorporated into the psyche of humanity.

Native Americans are just one example of many cultures that used animal totem poles and power animals.

Thus, we can say that our totem animal is the animal with which we most share personality and behavioral characteristics.

This identity between the person and their spirit animal is much deeper and more complex in spiritual terms.

The practice of identifying the totem animal is a powerful tool for self-knowledge and can provide insights that help us solve problems or achieve our goals.

From now on, learn more about this practice and all the benefits it can bring to your life.

Awakening Your Spirit Animal

Below you will find some of the most powerful totems and animal spirits.

The Eagle

The queen of the skies is the animal spirit of some of the most seasoned, agile, and skilled writers.

This is because the sharpness of its eyes allows it to stare directly at the sun, which is a symbol of clairvoyance.

For the Celts, it was a symbol of rebirth and renewal, while it was the symbol of eternal life to the Egyptians.

In alchemy, the eagle symbolizes the power of transmutation.

Like the phoenix, which is reborn from its ashes, the eagle symbolizes spiritual regeneration.

Since ancient times, the eagle has been a symbol of royalty and the gods. In Greek mythology, the eagle is associated with Zeus (Jupiter), as the king of the gods would often descend from the skies in the form of an eagle.

The eagle writer aspires to glory and shows a special connection to the spiritual, and likes to exhibit authority in the field of expertise.

Many of the world’s most renowned authors are guided by the eagle spirit, as they have learned how to overcome writer’s block and know how to reinvent themselves.

By Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

The Spider

The spider carries many meanings, among which it symbolizes wisdom, diligence, infinity. It is often considered the great cosmic creator and the mistress and weaver of destiny,

The great weaver is also a symbol of narcissism for its obsession with the center, as it happens in the symbology of the web it weaves.

Hence, if you tend towards introspection and your writing is self-centered, maybe the spider is your totem animal.

On the other hand, writers and creators, in general, are often guided by the spider because this animal is considered the paradigm for a creative soul.

Awakening your spider totem will make the magic happen and unleash all of your inner creativity by tapping into your primordial energy.

Spiders represent the universal feminine principle that resides in all of us; thus, when you connect with your totem, you discover the immense power residing in your sometimes neglected feminine energy.

Look at writing as if you are weaving a web, and you will notice how with hard work and patience, you can create something unique.

Each spiderweb is unique, and even your old cobwebs are worth a fix so they can shine once again.

By Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

The Buffalo

Those who identify with the buffalo tend to see things with neutrality and appreciate the simple and natural life.

If daily habits and routines enhance your writing flow, and you feel more confident when you follow a set schedule, then your totem might be the buffalo.

They may view their writing schedule as a typical 9-to-5 job and even write seven days a week.

This writer can write for hours under the right conditions and is more productive in a quiet, stress-free environment.

They live their writing lives without much expectation of fame or glory, believing that the best results come from those who focus on the long haul.

These writers are tireless members of the writing community and have excellent writing power and perseverance; they show gratitude and consistency and strive for stability above all.


The Wolf

The symbolism of the wolf has contradictory meanings in our culture.

In the past, the black wolf had an evil connotation, but nowadays, some human qualities are attributed to this animal, including intelligence, sociability, and compassion, the white wolf.

Writers who like to be more relational fall into this category. Those blessed with the white wolf spirit are among the most selfless members of the writing community.

They are also among those most concerned with the welfare of the writing pack. Wolves (like dogs) are guardians in many traditions.

The wolf protects a place from other wild and fierce animals and represents a celestial, protective and heroic figure.

In Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome, are suckled by a she-wolf; thus, in ancient Rome, the wolf represents maternal care.

If you know a writer who’s always willing to help others on their writing journey, please leave a mention in a response below, so they know how much you appreciate their help.

By Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

The Bear

The bear is a symbol of strength and prowess. They are wild animals that show these qualities, especially when they defend their young.

The bear is one of the most famous animals in shamanic practices, where it refers to medicine and healing.

The bear symbol is more common in the male gender, mainly because of its association with strength and power. However, from a spiritual perspective, gender doesn’t matter.

Bears like to stand upright as a sign of strength, so this animal can be associated with those who strive to stand out from the crowd and be innovative.

This type of writer likes to go about things at its own pace.

Bears are known to enjoy long naps. Therefore, the bear writer does not rush; he waits for the right moment just before the trout swims by to catch it, enjoy the meal, rest, and repeat.

By Mark Basarab on Unsplash

The Owl

The owl is one of the rarest and most powerful totemic animals simbolizing wisdom, intelligence, mystery, and mysticism.

This nocturnal bird of prey is often the spiritual guide of those who work at their best at nighttime.

People drawn to mysticism and symbols such as the moon will find their perfect spirit guide in the owl.

In Greek Mythology, the symbol of Athena was an owl. The goddess had a mascot that, according to legend, revealed to her the secrets of the night through her power of clairvoyance.

The Native Americans also invoked the owl as an oracle of occult knowledge with clairvoyant power.

In other words, those who find inspiration in dreams are guided by this totem, as the owl helps them to unravel mysteries and see beyond reality to what lurks into the shadows of the mind.

By Todd Steitle on Unsplash

The Butterfly

The butterfly is the ultimate manifestation of renewal in the spiritual world, symbolizing reincarnation.

Writers who are also empaths or have a deep connection to mysticism and spiritualism are often guided by their butterfly totem.

For them, writing is more than a hobby or a job. It becomes a process of self-development—a way to reach into their inner sanctum.

The symbolic reinforcement of the butterfly goes back to ancient civilizations such as the Aztecs or Maya.

In Greek mythology, the word for butterfly is Psyche, a Greek goddess represented by a woman with butterfly wings who embodies the soul.

In Japan, the butterfly symbolizes the geisha and represents the feminine principle.

In the Middle East and Central Asia, people believe that the dead can appear at night in the form of a butterfly.

Finally, in modern psychoanalysis, the butterfly symbolizes rebirth and is represented by butterfly wings.

By Alfred Schrock on Unsplash

Finding Your Niche as a Writer and Understanding the Market for Writers in General

Awakening your totem helps you figure out your inner voice, and ultimately it enables you to find your optimal writing niche(s).

There are many niches for writers. Travel, lifestyle, finance, and technology are among the most popular topics among bloggers, but the sky is the limit as a creative writer.

Finally, writers need to understand the writing market to find their niche. The market is constantly changing, and new niches are always emerging.


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About the Creator

Rui Alves

Hi, I'm Rui Alves, a teacher, army veteran & digital pathfinder. Author, alchemist of sound & Gen-AI artist.

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