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How to Be Confident

A How-To Guide?

By Amanda DoylePublished 5 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Autumn Goodman on Unsplash

I'm constantly learning. One of the biggest lessons I've had to learn and am still learning about is confidence. It's hard to be confident, right?! Sometimes I find that I really struggle with this, and my biggest insecurity is other people disapproving of what I do. I'm especially sensitive to this, and I've always been worried about being perfect and meeting expectations.

As I've grown up and gone through what I've gone through, I haven't met expectations. I've been the exact opposite of what people wanted for me at times. I don't know if I've been a disappointment, but I haven't been able to meet this standard I had set for myself. I wanted to be somewhere by now, but I'm not. Is that something I'm okay with?

I was inspired by something recently. It was the idea that everyone has their own timeline for how things are supposed to happen. Why do I spend so much time worrying about if I'm taking too long to get somewhere or not meeting the same expectations as other people? Does anyone else worry about these things too? I'm not late for anything. I'm perfectly on time for my own life.

I'm reaching this point in my life where I just want to live and not have anyone judge me or bug me for it. I'm starting to become more comfortable in my skin because I feel like I'm finally letting myself be myself. I've hid parts of me away for so long, and letting myself be free has truly been an experience so far.

I know I'm not perfect. I need to work on not depending on people and separating myself from people I can't rely on. I need to work on not letting other people's opinions bother me. But I feel like I'm living my own fantasy for my life sometimes. It makes me feel happy to know that I'm finally out on my own and making my own rules and doing whatever I want.

So the fact that I've chosen to be confident and bring my true self forward is something that is really changing my life. Here are some tips that you can use if you'd like to try being confident today.

Wear what makes you feel good

This one makes sense, right? We feel confident in what we're comfortable in, what we feel good about wearing. If necessary, go through your wardrobe and find the pieces that make you feel the best. Separate them and wear them frequently. It'll make you feel more confident wearing these clothes, I don't know how it works man.

I like leggings. I have a few pairs of the same ones so that I can always wear what I like. I also have a few t-shirts and sweaters that I like and wear all the time. I know I definitely feel more confident on days that I love the clothes that I'm wearing.

If you don't have these clothes, it's time to go shopping! If you can afford it, of course. Try cheap thrift stores, you can really find some good finds for some good prices.

Ignore Judgments

Sometimes I worry so much about what other people think of me. I'm sure some of you can relate. But if we're trying to be more confident, we can combat this by just ignoring what other people think of us. They're probably not thinking about us much at all, to be honest.

I was at the cottage in the summer and I just acted like myself, and it was really refreshing. It felt good to do what I wanted (one of the perks of being an adult, perhaps?). The sunshine helped too.

So I don't have many tips. I don't know how to teach confidence. All I can tell you is that it's a journey and tomorrow I may not be confident anymore, but I can always try again the day after that! I hope that someone gets something from this post. Tell me if you did? Tell me if you relate? Let's talk about what makes you feel confident.

Cover photo credit.

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About the Creator

Amanda Doyle

Currently in my "figuring it the hell out" era.

Big believer in everything happening for a reason, second chances, and the fact that we're living in a simulation.

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