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How I Found True Love in Toledo Bend Country

Love is what everyone needs

By Carol SeymourPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
How I Found True Love in Toledo Bend Country
Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

I wasn't really looking for love; but I found love from a kind, loving man unexpectedly. Naturally, I wasn't going to turn him down, as he made me feel like a brand new woman. After all, I felt I deserved him and all that he had to offer.

This is how I found him

I was camping at a fishing resort in Toledo Bend one hot day last month (June 2021) and met a stranger with whom we kicked off a conversation concerning fishing and boating and talking about local events.

After we finished our introductions and small talk, we started making a connection unbeknownst to each of us. All though I felt like I had known him all my life, it wasn't true.

One event led to another and we found ourselves going places with each other and engaging in deep conversations. Eventually, we got in his boat and went fishing and cruising the Sabine River. We became more interested in each other, being that he is a master fisherman and I'm not, but I still love the craft and love nature.

Who doesn't love the water, wildlife and the beauty of the river? Well there may be some people out there who don't appreciate the fun of boating and fishing, but I'm not one of them.

No Alcohol...No Pot...No Lies

Our meeting was based on innocents. We drank cold water and Dr. Pepper. Even though I like a cold beer on a hot day, I didn't even care about it that day, I was more interested in him and glad that my mind was free of any stimulants. His natural ways stimulated me to learn more about him and right away, I noticed he was sincere and not full of lies. He was more of a "tell it like it is kinda man". which compliments me because I am a "tell it like it is kinda woman." Why waste your time being phony and putting on the dog to impress someone. It's not cool!

It was not long before we wanted to spend more time with each other, every minute of the day. Being that he is an avid reader and I'm a passionate writer, we never ran out of things to talk about which deepened our interest in each other.

I was elated to discover that he loved history and that he had a great vocabulary which enhanced my writing goals. Our connection made my imagination soar in various ways, but has a direct affect on writing my articles.

We fell in love in 2 weeks

We both fell in love at about the same time in less than two weeks. He had no doubt in his mind, "it was real love" and neither did I have any doubt. Some people can fall in love at first sight, but others may takes months or years to fall in love. But he and I fell in love in 2 weeks. It just happened without any effort on my part or his part. I know that sounds far-fetched, but honestly "it was a match made in heaven."

I value my relationship with him

Even though I've only known him for a short time, I value my relationship. We're both lucky and fortunate to have found each other. Since the world needs love and everyone is looking for it and unsuccessful at finding love, I feel privileged. I will always respect him and consider his feelings as important as my own. Because being able to trust someone is very important to me. And I feel if I only have one person is this world that I can trust wholeheartedly...well I can make it.

Just be yourself to attract real love

By Leonardo Sanches on Unsplash

Real love happens when you are being yourself without putting up any fronts or trying to impress. If your chemistry matches with someone and the moment is right, love will find you. But first you have to love yourself and be comfortable with who you are. It's important to know how to give and receive and understand that the world owes you nothing and you need to have a bank of loving attributes to find true love.

Love can make us live longer

Love can make us live longer and give us reason to push forward. Do you agree dear reader? Love needs to be nurtured in order to grow. Real love has no boundaries and can be a fulfillment for our perfect life.

I hope you enjoyed reading my article on how I found true love in Toledo Bend Country. You can find love any place, but I found it on the Sabine River.

Thanks for reading and I hope to connect with you.

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About the Creator

Carol Seymour

I'm a content creator, an entrepreneur, RV camper van enthusiast. I write about Productivity, love and Mental Health. I love connecting with like-minded people.

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