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The bad in the good and how to see it.

By Freddy TPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

What is Satan but the dark side of God?

Does it make any sense to sequester or separate the illicit parts of yourself? The same goes for all the good in the world. Because, evil sits right beside good and beside good lay evil; one cannot live without the other. Most of the time, we see the good being done and not the evil beside it. We see the nun but not the corporal punishment; we see the center kick the soccer ball and score the goal, not the hamstring injury in the prior season.

Good cannot travel without the force of turbulence to stabilize and cement itself. The evil that good causes is much less impactful than the evil it eliminates I.E. the outcome of working out is bigger muscles. The alternative is a sedimentary lifestyle that ends your life quicker in a much friendlier way.

However, this brings up multiple instances where the good in one thing is eclipsed by another bad act. The religious crusades are an example of this in action. How is it that bringing a "peaceful" religion to a region or people ends in violent bloodshed? It is because crusades such as those were not good or holy, they were a result of human ambition go awry. Giving without acceptance of refusal, forces the other party to accept what is being given, even if it is not wanted.

By Danny Gallegos on Unsplash

Have you ever received a gift you did not want or need? If you have, you have been ungrateful and allowed the bad to outweigh the good. The gift was the gift and if that goes over your head then good luck! Be able to understand that good eliminates bad. If you have ever been shut off from all the good in your life understand that it's all around you and extremely active. See with your heart and not your eyes so that peace can be in your soul.

In order to see the greatness within and without you must cultivate these tendencies:

1. Gratitude (Be explicitly thankful for what you have and will receive).

2. Happiness (This state of being allows for one to see good because you are "in" the good mind state)

3. Detachment from Outcome (Not to be confused with a detached attitude but more to do with what you expect; say no to expectations).

4. Learning/Education (The more you learn the more you grow).

5. Stay Adventurous (Go to places that have your interests embedded in them).

The five tendencies of seeing greatness/goodness are ones that everyone should keep and study because they can encompass so much more than its surface. Each one needs meditation and practice in order to actually be effective "irl" (in real life).

By Tyler Nix on Unsplash

When things go bad:

Lost on what to do....Do what you love.

No personal/romantic relationships....Volunteer until helping becomes easy.

Depressed/Moody....Workout and go for a run outdoors with fresh air.

Lost a loved one or family member... Be with them, grieve fully and pray (if you do that sort of thing).

Angry and don't know the source of cause.....Eat and read a book

If you looked at the prior list you can see that the remedies are similar, if not the same as the list above. Keep the positive with the negative and enact the positive solution. Positive solutions are actually easier to find than mulling over and pouting about the situation. A good action taken is a bad action thwarted.

By Dmitriy Ermakov on Unsplash

What good and bad are is of no concern. What good and bad do is worth all the marbles. Stay keen on the fact that good and bad are intertwined and without either both would be nothing. Keep the good over the bad and the bad under the good to maintain balance; learn knowledge and gain wisdom. Keep it good so it won't stay bad! Love you all.

how tohealinghappinessadvice

About the Creator

Freddy T

Make everyday a day you enjoy. I provide life learning in a variety of ways. Lets co-create together. Read and Believe!

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