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From Educator to Entrepreneur: Head of ACCESS Dental Laboratories, Dr. Shanelle R. Dawson

Women In Business Spotlight

By Tammy ReesePublished 15 days ago 5 min read

Hey Vocal Media readers, meet Dr. Shanelle R. Dawson, the driving force behind ACCESS Dental Laboratories. Her journey from educator to entrepreneur is extraordinary. We are delighted to introduce you to her and let you know all about the founding of her company, its impactful initiatives, and the recent pivotal decision that reshaped its trajectory.

Can you share the story behind the founding of your company and what inspired you to start this business?

Dr. Shanelle: I met my former business partner in 2012. He was working as a dental technician in a well-known dental laboratory. He was self-taught with no formal training. I asked about his long-term goals. He said he wanted to be a leader at his current place of employment. I talked about gaining formal training. He mentioned not being a great student and didn't like the idea of going back to school. I asked, what about starting our own dental laboratory? That got his attention. I told him I could write the business plan.

Six years later, he was working in a different company and the owner threatened to terminate him. I said, let's build the laboratory. Over a glass of wine, he shared his ideas and I developed the vision. He brought in a coworker to help articulate the technical details while I incorporated initiatives to address barriers to employment and community uplift. Then we set out to connect with people who could help us bring our project to life. I picked up extra consulting contracts to fund the project; we opened our doors January 3rd, 2022. We shared ownership, with me as the managing partner and he led the company as CEO from January 2022 to February 2024. March 2024, I decided to step in and redirect the company. It was time to get back on mission. We had always talked about being community focused but somehow we drifted away. We are back!

In what ways does your company make a positive impact in the industry or community?

Dr. Shanelle: I spent 20 years as teacher. I've worked with students of all ages, backgrounds, and demographics. What I know to be true, students need real-life, relevant examples of success. ACCESS Dental Laboratories is the first, full-service, African American owned, woman led dental laboratory in the country and we are located on the Southside of Syracuse, New York. From inception, my goal was to move the needle on poverty by addressing barriers to employment. This goal has not changed.

The company makes a positive impact on the community by remaining committed to the original vision and wanting to be an asset to the Southside of Syracuse. Anyone who joins our team, knows, our goal is to make a difference in the community. We want to serve our community. We want to have training facilities at local high schools and community colleges. We want to create pathways out of abject poverty. When we uplift the most impoverished areas in our cities, other neighborhoods thrive, as well.

Can you share a decision you made that significantly impacted the trajectory of your business?

Dr. Shanelle: I have always been the managing partner and principal owner of ACCESS Dental Laboratories. However, I spent most of my time working in the background. While behind the scenes, I noticed the company moving further and further away from the original vision. I watched silently, not willing to make waves or changes. I spent a lot of time talking to God about stepping back into the business. I knew stories would be told about the decision. I knew rumors would be spread. I knew I would lose friends. Then one day, I gained the courage to make the move. This is by far the most significant impact my business has faced. That being said, we have recommitted to amazing customer service, phenomenal team dynamics, exceptional work culture, superior products, innovative technologies, and our mission of adding value.

What recent achievements or milestones are you most proud of for your company?

Dr. Shanelle: To date, there have been many achievements and milestone. Truthfully, being open and securing the funding to building the company is by far, one of the greatest. But I would like to highlight something else. Last weekend my COO gave a key note speech about our company. During his speech, he discussed our journey, how we were able to create Access Dental from start to finish, the challenges we faced, and lastly, he included advice relating to minority leadership, dentistry, and the healthcare field a whole. As a business owner, I know the importance of elevating others and given teams members and opportunity to lead. This gives me a sense of pride.

What is one misconception people often have about being a business owner that you have found to be untrue?

Dr. Shanelle: There are countless misconceptions in business ownership: there are a lot of stressful days and sleepless nights, I do not clock in, but I never stop working, I am free to do whatever I want but I represent the brand every time I walk out my door, I have a lot to say but some things are best left unsaid, I am the boss but no one is more important than the team, and yes, the customer is always right even if they are wrong.

Could you walk us through some current projects or initiatives that your company is focusing on right now?

Dr. Shanelle: One of the current projects we are focusing on right now is Clear Esthetic by ADL. These are orthodontic devices that are a transparent, plastic form of dental braces used to adjust teeth. Our campaign will launch in the coming weeks. So please be on the lookout for more details.

What values or principles guide your decision-making process as a business owner?

Dr. Shanelle: I have unshakable faith so I go to God on everything. I believe I have extraordinary favor, I believe the universe is shifting energy on my behalf, and I believe the hands of my ancestors are on my back. Therefore, I do not make decisions in haste. I move slowly and process information. I am very methodical and I over analyze. When I make a decision, I stand firm on it because I play scenarios in my head, I brainstorm different strategies, I seek assistance and feedback from others, and above all else I pray for wisdom and guidance.

Get connected online:

Instagram: @accessdentallabs

X (Twitter): @ACCESSDentalLab

Facebook: @AccessDentalLaboratories



About the Creator

Tammy Reese

Tammy is best known for her legendary interviews with Sharon Stone, Angela Bassett, Sigourney Weaver, Geena Davis, Morris Chestnut, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Laurence Fishburne, Omar Epps, Joseph Sikora, and more.

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