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Days Are Short So Don't Waste Them

If you're expecting an article that tells you how to squeeze even more work into your day, I'm going to have to disappoint you. It's about using your days, so you don't regret your life on your deathbed.

By René JungePublished 3 years ago 2 min read
Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Productivity is an essential issue for me. But it's not so crucial that I subordinate everything else to it. At the end of my life, I will probably not congratulate myself on having worked very much and very hard, but on having experienced a lot and having had good relationships.

When I go to bed at the end of the day, I am happy if the day was rich in experiences.

When I have spent a harmonious evening with my wife, it gives me more peace of mind than any article I have written that day. New thoughts from books enrich me more than a hundred euros more in my account.

Of course, it is essential to earn enough money to satisfy your needs. Doing one's job is also important, no question. There is nothing wrong with pursuing career goals and always challenging yourself anew. But the challenges must not consume all our strength, and the career must not be the only purpose in life.

I often make myself aware that I am mortal. To be honest, the thought of death scares the shit out of me. The idea that it's all going to end is almost unbearable for me. I know I should just accept it, but I'm not there yet.

But that fear is also a great motivator. Knowing that my life will one day be over helps me to see things from the right perspective.

That's why I read books about productivity and try to optimize myself to achieve high goals. However, I never forget the foundations on which such things as success and performance rest.

If you don't want to burn out while you reach for the stars, you need a lot of energy. You don't get that energy by ticking off to-do lists. Achieving goals only fires you up for a short time.

When the frenzy of the goal you've reached is gone, you have to go on to the next target. The energy and motivation you have just gained will be used up again for the work on the next goal.

Sustainable happiness comes from other sources.

Stable relationships are the foundation on which everything else rests. Friends, spouses, and family are the people who catch you when you fall. They are also the people you should be there for.

If you neglect your loved ones because of your work, you risk losing them. When the important people in your life disappear, you have nothing left to work for.

When I say don't waste your days, I don't mean that you should do as many productive things as possible.

I mean that you should focus on the things that really matter. Before your work, these are the hours you spend with your neighbors.

A meal or a vacation with your family or with your partner is not a waste of time.

The third project that you put on your busy schedule is the real waste of time.

Locking yourself in your room and playing an online role-playing game when your partner is sitting in the living room is a waste of time.

Getting upset about things you can't change is a waste of time.

Anything that doesn't benefit your development or your relationships is a waste of time.

You should only do these things if you have already taken care of the essential things - and that applies every single day.


About the Creator

René Junge

Thriller-author from Hamburg, Germany. Sold over 200.000 E-Books. get informed about new articles:

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