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Alone depressed girl

Girl is suffering from depression

By Batshal SharmaPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Alone depressed girl
Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Rita, a vibrant 17-year-old, had just stepped into a new chapter of her life as she embarked on her college journey. Filled with anticipation and excitement, she set out for college on foot, eager to embrace the experiences that awaited her.

However, her enthusiasm quickly turned to fear as she encountered a sudden and overwhelming sensation of disorientation. The ground seemed to tremble beneath her, and she felt as though the world around her was shifting. Consumed by panic, Rita hurried back home, desperate to make sense of what she had just experienced.

Despite her efforts to articulate her feelings to those around her, Rita found herself misunderstood and isolated in her turmoil. Restless and unable to find solace even in sleep, she grappled with an overwhelming sense of unease that seemed to permeate every aspect of her life.

Once a lively and intelligent child, Rita found herself succumbing to sadness and despair as she struggled to navigate the unfamiliar terrain of her own mind. Despite her best efforts to improve her demeanor, she found herself trapped in a cycle of restlessness and despair.

Seeking answers, Rita's father took her to see numerous doctors, but none could offer a diagnosis for her condition. Advised to abstain from cold drinks and television for three years, Rita complied dutifully, yet found no relief from her affliction. Her inner turmoil only seemed to deepen, leaving her feeling increasingly disconnected from herself and the world around her.

Despite her inner turmoil, Rita remained steadfast in her commitment to her studies, finding solace in academic pursuits even as she struggled to concentrate. Yet, as time passed, she found herself increasingly isolated from her peers, the subject of malicious gossip and unfounded rumors that only served to compound her misery.

It wasn't until seven years had passed that Rita's aunt introduced her to the teachings of Guru Paramhansa Swami Nikhileswaranda Maharaj and the transformative power of mantra meditation. Embracing this newfound practice, Rita began to experience a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that had engulfed her for so long.

Though she struggled to articulate her suffering to a psychiatrist in a neighboring country due to language barriers, Rita found a measure of relief in the understanding and compassion of this new doctor. With proper medication and support, she began to reclaim her life from the clutches of depression.

As Rita entered her thirties, she confronted the daunting prospect of marriage and motherhood, her journey towards healing far from over. Despite her best efforts, she found herself unable to connect with her husband on a physical level, further fueling her sense of inadequacy and isolation.

Yet, through perseverance and resilience, Rita refused to surrender to despair. With the support of a compassionate doctor and the love of her family, she continued to fight for her mental health, refusing to let her illness define her.

Today, Rita stands as a testament to the power of resilience and the human spirit. Despite the years lost to sorrow and suffering, she has emerged stronger and more determined than ever before. With three children of her own, she embraces each day with gratitude and joy, her journey from darkness to light serving as an inspiration to all who encounter her story.

In sharing her experiences, Rita offers hope to others who may be struggling with their own mental health challenges. Her story serves as a reminder that, even in our darkest moments, there is always the possibility of healing and transformation. As Rita herself would say, "Never give up hope, for within every challenge lies the opportunity for growth and renewal."

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About the Creator

Batshal Sharma

just a man

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