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5 ways To Build Strong Self Confidence


By K. Wisendanger Published 3 years ago 3 min read
5 ways To Build Strong Self Confidence
Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

What Does Self confidence Mean To You?

Self-confidence is a mindset regarding one's strengths and skills. It implies that you accept and trust yourself and that you are in command of your life. It means that you have a good outlook on yourself and are aware of your talents and weaknesses. You speak confidently, set realistic expectations and goals, and can handle criticism. So, building strong self-confidence is critically important.

Low self-confidence, on the other hand, may make you feel insecure, weak, or subservient, and could make it difficult for you to trust people.

Having high or poor self-confidence is mainly dependent on your views, rather than your real talents. Perceptions are how you think about yourself, and they are often inaccurate.

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5 Ways to Build Strong Self Confidence:

Gaining self-confidence requires consistent effort and work. We've put together some helpful tips to assist you.

1. Put an end to comparing yourself to others.

Comparisons aren't good, whether it's comparing how you appear to your Facebook friends or comparing your pay to your friend's income. A 2018 study published in the journal called Personality and Individual Differences discovered a connection between envy and self-esteem.

People who compared themselves to others were shown to be envious, according to research. And the more jealousy people felt, the worse their self-esteem became.

Remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments if you're feeling envious of someone else's life. Keep a gratitude journal to help you concentrate on your own life rather than the lives of others. It is the first key to building strong self-confidence.

By Husna Miskandar on Unsplash

2. Surround yourself with positive people:

Pay attention to the way your friends make you feel. Do they encourage you or put you down? Do they always pass judgment on you or do they accept you for who you are?

People you spend time with will always have a greater impact on your ideas and attitudes than you may realize.

It may be the time to say goodbye if you feel awful about yourself after spending time with a certain individual. Saying goodbye to negative people present in your life is important for building strong self-confidence.

By Jared Rice on Unsplash

3. Take Care of Yourself:

When you make a mistake, fail, or face a setback, show some compassion to yourself. Self-compassion is simply treating oneself with care. It's a technique of relating to oneself that helps you become more emotionally flexible and better able to deal with difficult emotions.

Self-compassion, according to a 2009 research published in the Journal of Personality, correlates to more consistent confidence. So, the next time you find yourself in a difficult circumstance, remember that being imperfect or falling short is a part of life. You have to be kind to yourself and accept that.

By Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

4. Make positive self-talk a habit:

Using positive self-talk can assist you in developing self-compassion, overcoming doubt, and building strong self-confidence. Negative self-talk, on the other hand, may chip away at your courage and undermine your confidence by persuading your subconscious that you "can't manage it" or that something is "too difficult" to do, and that you "shouldn't even try."

Here are a few examples of ways to counter negative self-talk and rephrase your ideas more positively:

● Rather than telling yourself, "I can't manage this," or "This is impossible," tell yourself, "You can do it," or "All I have to do now is try."

● When you make a mistake, instead of telling yourself "I can't do anything correctly," tell yourself "I can do better next time," or "at least I learned something."

● Use a softer term like "don't like" instead of "hate" when talking about public speaking, and remind yourself that "everyone has strengths and limitations."

By Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

5. Confront Your Fears:

Stop putting things off until you're more confident (like asking someone out on a date or applying for a promotion). The greatest approach to boost your self-esteem is to confront your fears head-on.

Face some of your anxieties that arise from a lack of self-confidence. If you're worried you'll humiliate yourself or make a mistake, go ahead and do it anyway. Think of it as an experiment to try and see what happens.

You could discover that being nervous or making a few errors isn't as awful as you anticipated. And as you progress, you will acquire greater confidence in yourself, which will ultimately help you in leading a bold and meaningful life.

Concluding note:

At some point in our lives, everyone faces difficulties in building their self-confidence. However, if your lack of self-confidence is interfering with your career, social life, or education, it is always better to ask for help.

self help

About the Creator

K. Wisendanger

A literary architect who builds worlds with words.

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