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The Surprising Science Behind Lull, the Mattress That Will Change the Way You Sleep

Sleep scientists agree, your choice of mattress makes all the difference.

By Stephanie GladwellPublished 5 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read

Supported ByLull

Top Story - August 2019

There’s nothing better than crawling into bed at night and there’s no place in the world more comfortable than your own bed (especially in those moments just before you fall asleep). Unfortunately, those fleeting moments of comfort are not as universal as you’d think. According to Consumer Reports, 68 percent of Americans have trouble sleeping at least once a week and Americans spent $41 billion on sleep aids in 2015. From sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome to anxiety and stress, there are plenty of factors that can contribute to a lack of sleep. In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation, lost sleep can never be recovered. The easiest factor to fix? Your sleep environment.

Enter Lull, the most comfortable mattress. There are many environmental and lifestyle factors that you can adjust in order to ensure that you get better quality sleep but the foundation of your sleep—your mattress—is the ultimate determining factor. Thanks to new, scientific knowledge, it’s clear that Lull has crafted a mattress that will do its part to help you sleep better. Learn more about the surprising science behind sleep and how Lull—the best mattress engineered for optimal sleep—can help you get more of it efficiently.

The Importance of Sleep

It doesn’t matter how many hours you sleep tomorrow night; if you pull an all-nighter or miss some sleep tonight, your brain function will surely suffer. That spells bad news for new parents and university students all over the world; the current trend in sleep science is continuing to prove that sleep is significantly more important than we’ve ever known.

Not getting enough sleep can impact the regions of your brain involved with remembering events; this same region is the one that appears to be weakened in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Not only that, but getting enough sleep can improve your body's immune system and can help you avoid getting sick. All of this means that, without enough restful sleep, you can’t behave as you normally do or push yourself to become who you want to be. You might be surprised to hear it, but your mattress can seriously affect the quality of sleep you’re getting—and in turn, can affect the quality of your life.

Setting Yourself up for the Best Sleep

The saying goes, “quality over quantity,” and that rings true here, too. Even if you’re busy with midterms or a newborn and can’t dedicate a full eight hours to rest, the quality of your sleep has the largest effect on whether you feel rested or not when you wake up. Since sleep is affected by your overall comfort and routines, you can adjust your sleeping environment to maximize your potential for deep, high-quality sleep.

First of all, you can make sure to get some exercise during the day. Whether that’s a walk or a few minutes of yoga, getting more exercise will do wonders for your health and for your sleep. Secondly, you can clean and organize your bedroom. Clutter and dirty spaces can cause anxiety and stress. If your space is not clean, your senses can be overstimulated, your attention can be scattered, you can feel guilt or shame because of the mess, and you’re likely to have trouble relaxing.

You can also take steps to maintain a cool temperature in your bedroom. Lull’s memory foam mattress is also equipped with a cooling gel-infused top layer, which enhances the comfort and temperature regulation of the mattress by providing an extra layer of softness and helps to pull heat away from your body, keeping you cool all night.

Your routine, referred to as “sleep hygiene,” also plays a part in sleep quality. Sleep hygiene consists of going to bed at the same time every night, staying away from screens a couple of hours before bed, and performing similar activities before bed each night to signal to your brain that it’s time to sleep—like reading a book, meditating, drinking tea, or jumping into your Lull mattress.

Optimizing Your Sleeping Surface

The most important factor that you can control is the surface that you’re sleeping on. Lull’s memory foam mattress supports proper alignment of your spine, relieves pressure on your shoulders and hips, keeps you cool, and evenly distributes motion; this means it not only helps you sleep undisturbed, but also allows your muscles to recover and grow stronger, and your energy levels to rise higher over time.

Another thing to consider when mattress shopping is the carbon footprint given that mattresses have been known to use environmentally harmful materials. Lull’s mattress is CertiPUR-US®-Certified, meaning it’s made sustainably without any ozone-depleters, harmful chemicals, heavy metals, PBDE flame retardants, and with minimal off-gassing. Lull is also a Sustainable Furnishing Council® member and a Mattress Recycling Council® member, meaning that the company is taking steps to ensure that the distribution, packaging, and recycling of mattresses is as sustainable as possible. This alone should soothe even the heaviest of consciences.

Ultimately, the quality of your sleep is the quality of your life. You can’t thrive, recover from exercise, learn, or push yourself to reach your full potential if you’re not getting enough quality sleep. Companies like Lull are creating products that address our most pressing sleep concerns, and with the latest sleep science, as well as a number of products and gadgets to help you sleep better, theres no reason you can’t improve your sleep right away!


About the Creator

Stephanie Gladwell

Mother of two, educator of many. Teaches middle-school biology and chemistry. Always interested in exploring the unknown.

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