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How to stop quitting exercise

Simple tips to prevent you from stopping your regular workout routine in the long run

By thepavsalfordPublished 2 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read

Don’t push yourself too much

When you start to exercise, the first thing that you need to do is set specific goals.

Although most people who start a workout routine may think that this is not necessary, you need to make it clear to yourself whether your purpose is to have light exercise, just to keep yourself healthy, or you want to gradually reach high levels of athletic performance, and, why not, participate in sports competitions.

Assuming that you are an amateur – and you want to stay one – and you just want to maintain a good level of health, rather than competing with other athletes, it is important not to overdo it when working out, because this may have a negative impact on how long you will be able to stick to a regular exercise routine.

Of course, you need to be disciplined and follow a workout routine in the long run.

However, too much discipline can have adverse effects, and make you quit sooner or later.

This could happen because you may lose the fun element, and end up seeing exercise as another task that you ought to do, which can make you feel bored and lose your interest in training.

Read workout motivation books and articles

Reading is a mental process, whereas having a workout is a physical activity, and therefore, they shouldn’t have anything in common, right?

In fact, things are not that simple.

These two activities, which, by definition, are seemingly very different from each other, are actually more connected than separated.

In order to get in the mood, and “persuade” yourself to exercise, you need to find a way to get your brain to instruct your body to start exercise, and, perhaps most importantly, continue having exercise on a regular basis.

Currently, much focus is placed on emphasizing the benefits of physical exercise for the brain.

On the other hand, there is the other side of the coin, according to which, the brain itself plays a key role in boosting motivation for physical exercise.

Therefore, reading books and articles on workout motivation is like “feeding” your brain with the right type of information that can encourage and prompt you to take up regular exercise.

Watch exercise motivation videos

Nowadays, you can find information about virtually anything YouTube and other video uploading platforms.

Speaking of YouTube, for example, there are plenty of videos with a special focus on providing exercise motivation, so even the most demanding viewers won’t get disappointed, when it comes to finding ways to get themselves into exercise mode.

Thus, when the time comes for your regular workout session, and you feel demotivated, because you are tired, have a low energy level, or you are simply bored, watching a motivation boosting video can do the trick, and help you overcome those obstacles that may hold you back from reaching your fitness goals.

Some decades ago, during the aerobics craze, watching a relevant video would definitely make you want to start doing aerobics in front of your TV set.

Today, the number of fitness motivation videos that are available online has grown exponentially.

The only thing that you need to do is find your specific niche, because not everyone is interested in the same type of workout.

For example, some people would be motivated by watching a video featuring a World’s Strongest Man competition, whereas others would like to watch bodyweight exercises that they can do at home, without using any special equipment other than their own body.

Sources and further reading:

Whenever I start a new fitness regime, I give up after a week. How can I stay motivated?

Workout motivation: The science of the brain’s role in exercise

Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills

8 ways to override the urge to quit

90% of people quit after 3 months of hitting the gym, here’s how to be the exception

10 Things to Stop Doing If You Want to Exercise

How to Start Working Out So You Don't Quit


About the Creator



I have written articles for various websites, such as Helium, Hubpages, Medium, and many more.

Currently, I work as a translator. I have studied Tourism Management at college.

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