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How to Not Look Like a Beginner at the Gym

Make these easy changes NOW!

By Lucas RaePublished about a year ago 5 min read
How to Not Look Like a Beginner at the Gym
Photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash

Okay, so you've mustered up the courage to step foot into the gym as a beginner and now you're ready to hit the weights.

But the newbie gym goer anxiety.

As someone who has tripped over their own shoelaces and nearly knocked over a weight rack in front of everyone, I know what it's like to feel like a total newbie in the gym.

Because let's face it, no one wants to be that person who can't figure out how to use the treadmill or ends up doing bicep curls with a leg press machine.

But fear not, my friend.

With these five tips, you'll be strutting around the weight room like a seasoned pro in no time. So let's dive in and learn how to avoid looking like a lost puppy in the gym.

1) Practice Proper Form

From the very beginning.

Before you start pumping iron like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you need to make sure you're practicing proper form.

Trust me, I learned this the hard way. One time, I was doing squats and my form was so bad, I ended up looking like a drunk flamingo trying to balance on one leg.

Not a pretty sight, let me tell you.

But don't worry, you don't have to be a fitness expert to get the form down pat. Just take the time to study how to perform each exercise correctly. It's better to take a few minutes to learn the right form than to spend weeks recovering from an injury caused by bad technique.

Plus, once you nail the proper form, you'll not only avoid looking like a beginner, but you'll also see better results from your workouts.

So remember, practice makes perfect!

Keep at it until you're doing those squats like a pro, with perfect form and a strut that screams "I know what I'm doing in this gym."

2) Do Not Ego Lift

We've all seen that person in the gym who's lifting more than they can handle, grunting and groaning like they're trying to lift a car.

If this person is not a hunk who's trying to raise his limit, he sure is a newbie at the gym.

As a beginner, it's tempting to load up the bar with weights and test our strength, but the truth is, ego-lifting is a one-way ticket to looking like a beginner.

I remember the first time I tried to bench press more than I could handle. Let's just say, it didn't end well. I ended up getting stuck under the barbell and had to call (squeak) for help to get out from underneath it.

Talk about embarrassing!

So take it from me, and don't let your ego get in the way of your progress.

Start with lighter weights and work your way up gradually. Not only will you avoid looking like a beginner struggling to lift too much, but you'll also reduce your risk of injury.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race. So put your ego aside, and focus on building a strong foundation.

3) Wear Better GymWear: Dress the Part

They don't. And this is uncomfortable.

Picture this: you walk into the gym wearing a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants that you dug out of the back of your closet.

Meanwhile, everyone else is sporting trendy, form-fitting gym wear.

You can practically hear their judgmental thoughts: "Who let this beginner in here?"

First and foremost, invest in a good pair of shoes. I know, I know - it's tempting to just wear your beat-up sneakers from high school. But trust me, proper gym shoes will make a world of difference. They provide the support and stability you need for different exercises, and can even help prevent injuries.

And don't forget about the gym bag. Sure, you could just throw your water bottle and towel in any old backpack, but a designated gym bag can help you stay organized and prepared. After many experiements, I now use the Adidas Duffel Bag since it is convenient and classy at the same time.

Most beginners wear t-shirts that do not fit well and are hollow at the arms. In comparison, wearing a compression shirt will instantly give you an athletic look.

Compression shirts make you look sexier, even though your lazy ass has a lot of work to do with your body.

Masculine. Sexy. Somebody who knows what he's doing.

Of course, there's a fine line between accessorizing and overdoing it. You don't want to be that person wearing a weightlifting belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, and a headband all at once (unless you're going for a retro 80s look, in which case, go for it).

And if all else fails, just remember: at least you're not wearing jeans to the gym like that one guy I saw last week.

4) Be mindful and respectful of others

Now, let's talk about one of the most important aspects of not looking like a beginner in the gym - being mindful and respectful to others.

It's easy to get caught up in our own workouts and forget that there are other people sharing the same space. But trust me, nothing screams "beginner" like being oblivious to those around you.

For starters, always be aware of your surroundings. Don't block equipment or walk aimlessly around the gym, lost in your own thoughts (or your phone). And if someone is waiting to use a piece of equipment you're using, don't hog it for too long.

Share the love.

And speaking of sharing, don't forget to re-rack your weights. This might seem like a no-brainer, but you'd be surprised how many people forget to do this simple task.

Finally, remember that everyone has different goals and fitness levels.

So be kind, respectful, and mindful. Because at the end of the day, the gym is a community, and we're all in this together. Plus, you never know who might be watching - including that cute guy or girl you've had your eye on.

5) Don't be afraid to ask for help

Asking for help can be hard, especially when you're surrounded by beefy guys grunting like they're auditioning for a role in a Tarzan movie.

But trust me, it's worth it if you want to avoid looking like a lost pup in the gym.

It's easy to get caught up in the idea that asking for help makes you look weak or incompetent. But in reality, it shows that you're committed to doing things right and being respectful of others in the gym.

Plus, most people are more than happy to offer guidance or show you the ropes.

Think of it this way: if you saw someone struggling with their form or looking lost, wouldn't you want to help them out? Of course, you would! And chances are, the people in the gym feel the same way.

In the wise words of Tim Urban, "Asking for help with shame says: 'You have the power over me.' Asking with condescension says: 'I have the power over you.' But asking for help with gratitude says: 'We have the power to help each other."

So go ahead, ask for help with gratitude, and you'll be surprised at how much you'll learn and how much better you'll look and feel in the gym.

fitnessself carehealthbodyadvice

About the Creator

Lucas Rae





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