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Handling a Busy Schedule — 6 Ways to Get It Done

No. 4: Take your breaks. Funny, uh?

By Mary Adeola ScottPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels

Everyone gets to that point in life where it feels like the weight of the rest of the world lies on us. 24 hours in a day would barely seem enough for all the numerous tasks one has to accomplish. Before you say jack, work has consumed all of your life, making it nearly impossible for you to have time for anything else.

Truth is, no matter who you are, days like these would come. But there’s good news- it doesn’t always have to be this way. In the midst of all this chaos, you must find some peace. This article will provide you with tips on handling a busy schedule.

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1. Get your priorities in order

If there’s anything you should take away from this article, it’s that it is impossible for you to handle and tackle multiple tasks at the same time if you hope to be effective. It is therefore important that you begin to prioritize your tasks and responsibilities. A super way to get through an overwhelming truckload of work is to arrange them orderly, using their level of importance or deadlines. By so doing, you get to settle each task in time and move on to the next without having to drain yourself.

2. Know what you can do, and CAN’T do

There’s no award for suffering and overstretching yourself. Do not, for any reason overcommit yourself to any responsibility. Know your limits and stay within your boundaries. Learn to say No when you’re faced with more tasks than you can deliver. For some persons, saying No may not come naturally. However, like every other skill, it can be learned and developed. You owe yourself this favor if you intend to work within your limits. The only things you’d get from overcommitting are stress, and extra pressure, which you do not need.

3. Learn to delegate

If your office or position affords you the luxury of delegating duties, by all means, do so. For everyone in a leadership position, it is very important that you know how to delegate duties. Besides helping you reduce your workload, delegating will also help you free some time up so you can spend it on things that make you happy. It is important to note however that delegation is much more than just reeling out orders. You have to be able to identify what needs to be done and determine the best person to do it. Also, you must be clear and crisp in dishing out your instructions to avoid having to do the task all over because it was poorly done the first time. When you delegate, don’t feel bad. Besides the fact that delegating benefits you, you are also helping someone else hone their skills.

4. Breaks are essential

You need a break once in a while. Most times, when we begin working on something, we intend to keep going until we’re done. In all honesty, it’s not bad to work with this mentality, but in some cases, it’s better to take a break. Sometimes, upon taking a break and returning to the task, it becomes clearer and easier to handle.

5. Lean on your support system

Your family members and friends are there for a reason. Lean on them. Should you ever feel like you’re overwhelmed and getting drowned, reach out to someone you can trust. Do not consider yourself a bother. If anything, your loved ones are more than willing to help you. by having someone assist in your research, or merely running errands for you, a world of difference can be created.

6. You need time for yourself

You are important. You are priceless. You deserve some time just for yourself. Learn to make time for you. Most of the time, we become so occupied with getting things done and meeting all necessary deadlines. In all of these, we begin to neglect ourselves. This shouldn’t be. No matter how short it is- 15 or 30 short minutes, make time out to relax. Within this space of time, engage in activities that make you happy. Nap, if you must. Read a book, play a game. Just ensure that whatever it is you choose to do, you’re happy while at it.

self care

About the Creator

Mary Adeola Scott

Mary is an Editor at the online women’s magazine, AmoMama and is passionate about improving quality of life for the African girl child.When she's not writing, you can find her reading or just enjoying the hermit life.

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