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Do Nine Out of Ten Men Have Prostatitis?

Is prostatitis common in nine out of every ten men?

By Jane SmithPublished 4 months ago 3 min read
Do Nine Out of Ten Men Have Prostatitis?
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Whenever prostatitis is mentioned, most adult men feel panicked and even harbor many "misunderstandings" about it: frequent urination, urgency, and incomplete emptying are signs of prostatitis; having prostatitis means one must "abstain"; prostatitis can lead to infertility, and so on. Is prostatitis really that frightening? Let's talk about this today.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis refers to a prostate disease caused by various complex reasons. Its symptoms often present as lower urinary tract symptoms, including frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, painful swelling, a sensation of dragging pain, discomfort in the pelvic area, etc.; some may also experience dizziness, fatigue, reduced memory, and sexual function abnormalities (such as impotence, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission), etc.

Prostatitis is one of the common diseases in adult men, with data showing that about 50% of men will be affected by it at some point in their lives.

So, how is such a common disease as prostatitis caused?

Prostatitis can be divided into four major categories: acute bacterial, chronic bacterial, chronic non-bacterial, and prostatodynia, with over 90% of cases in clinical practice belonging to the latter two types. It can be said that apart from bacterial infections, most cases of prostatitis are "cultivated" through certain habits.

4 bad habits that make you prone to prostatitis

Many bad habits in life can increase the likelihood of men developing prostatitis, among which the most common are:

1. Unhealthy sexual life: Too frequent sexual activity, excessive sexual activity, or excessive restraint (long-term "abstinence") can cause abnormal congestion of the prostate, leading to inflammation.

2. Sitting for long periods: Due to the special position of the prostate, sitting postures can cause compression of the prostate. Prolonged sitting leads to long-term compression of the prostate, poor blood circulation, and consequently inflammation.

3. Frequently holding in urine: Frequently holding in urine can easily cause urine to reflux into the prostate and stimulate inflammation.

4.Smoking and alcohol consumption: Both smoking and alcohol are irritants that can easily promote prostate congestion, thereby leading to prostatitis.

Although prostatitis is common, there are many "rumors" among those who don't understand it:

1. Will prostatitis progressively worsen sexual performance?

Many people believe that prostatitis will affect sexual capability, ultimately leading to impotence. In fact, symptoms of "decreased sexual performance" are mostly caused by the pain during erection, discomfort, and the psychological stress due to the patient's own misconceptions. Generally, these symptoms can be significantly improved after proper treatment and psychological adjustment.

2. Must one abstain from sex if they have prostatitis?

Concerned that sexual activity might aggravate the symptoms of prostatitis, many choose complete abstinence. In reality, for chronic prostatitis patients, regular sexual activity can help expel prostatic fluid and actually promote recovery, beneficial for the treatment of prostatitis.

3. Can prostatitis lead to infertility?

Although severe prostatitis can indeed affect semen liquefaction and sperm vitality, thus impacting fertility, this effect is limited. So far, there is not enough clinical evidence to prove that prostatitis leads to infertility.

To prevent prostatitis, one should pay attention in daily life: avoid sitting for long periods, avoid holding in urine; drink more water, eat less spicy food, stay away from smoking and alcohol; balance work and rest, and exercise actively.

Moreover, these two methods can also help better "care for" the prostate:

1. Anus lifting exercise

Inhale and lift inward and upward with effort, tighten, and relax while exhaling. Perform 30 contractions and relaxations each time, once in the morning and once in the evening.

P.S. It is recommended to use the chest-knee position (kneeling with knees, chest on the bed, buttocks raised) for better effect.

2. Warm water sitz bath

Prepare a basin, add half a basin of hot water around 40°C, and sit in it for 15~30 minutes, which can relieve the discomfort of prostatitis to a certain extent.

It's noted that men with fertility needs are advised not to take sitz baths.

In summary, although prostatitis is common, it is both preventable and treatable. Of course, if it has already affected work and life, do not endure it just because of pride or embarrassment; seek medical treatment in time.


About the Creator

Jane Smith

Haha, just to share some health knowledge.

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