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Beauty In All Its Forms.

How to notice beauty in a world full of ugly deeds

By Freddy TPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Beauty In All Its Forms.
Photo by Peter Kalonji on Unsplash

The definition of beauty is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit. As it is written, you can see that the old axiom is true, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". The one who calls upon beauty is the one who judges it. In order to begin to see beauty, you must let go of expectations. These parameters are blinders of beauty because truly beauty is everywhere.

The second perspective you need is pure observation. Step back and allow for the appearance of something to wash over your filters. Identify what is being presented and pay attention to it as you would a painting. This type of observation allows for the whole image of the person, place, or thing to come into view. It will also keep you from judging the subject without bias or scrutiny. There is nothing more or less that can be added to what you are witnessing because what you see is what you get (which allows for impartiality).

To start to notice true beauty, I would advise one to visit nature. As you are observing nature, understand that all life is beautiful and precious, just as humans are. Picture each flower as a person you know and see them for what they are and accept it without any bias. When you start to judge the wildlife, remind yourself that the degree of beauty is determined by you. So, choose to see what is beautiful and completely accept what you think is not as a part of that beauty. This will help you to involve the entire view of the flower or in the grand scheme, person, place, or thing. Keep in mind that this does not mean you should view anything without emotion, but without judgment.

Beauty is not just within the scope of sight and seeing, but also encompasses action and grace. A person could be visibly ugly to you, but their heart and actions towards others are beautiful. Beauty is multifaceted, thus it takes many forms. Do not allow vain surface beauty to blind you from the beauty within. Seek to understand first, then beauty will be apparent to you.

Keep in mind that perfection is an illusory concept and that beauty cannot live within the realm of perfection. Nothing will ever be perfect, and that is the beauty of it. Imperfection itself is beautiful; flaws, strife, and loss are all a part of the beautifying process. Do not look for error, but enjoy its presence. In order to complete this journey, allow yourself to travel to places in which you dislike and do your best to enjoy them. Being comfortable in uncomfortable circumstances will spur you to grow past feeble-minded impulses that cause judgment.

When someone has mastered beauty, the individual gains three powers. The first is the ability to connect to the outer disfigurement of the world at large. The second could be likened to the alignment of inner discontinuity, in which you allow yourself to be who you are. The third is victory over uncontrolled circumstances, which manifests peace.

The tool, called beauty, is the ultimate guide for true understanding. When used properly and with a gentle touch, everyone can start to see, feel and be immersed within a world which is infinite and wondrous. I know that you, the reader, armed with this new or recaptured knowledge, will use it for the greater good. Spread beautiful actions and growth all around, and see if others do not gain the proper perspectives while you are leading by example, because I know that they will.


About the Creator

Freddy T

Make everyday a day you enjoy. I provide life learning in a variety of ways. Lets co-create together. Read and Believe!

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