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This is My (detailed) Top 10 List of Legit *Hustles From Home* That Allowed Me to Quit my 9-5 & Do What I Want Everyday

The "ins & outs" of How I Make a *Remote Living* on My Phone

By Britts & PiecesPublished 2 years ago 21 min read


Coco is a little-known, absolute gem of an app, and the perfect hustle to kick off our top 10 list! In fact, I've listed these in no specific order... However, I think this one is nearly ranked right where it belongs, as #1 :)

Coco is a live-streaming app, on which you broadcast a live feed of yourself: you can be doing anything, or nothing at all- seriously. 

The thing is, there are bored people all over the world, and I have learned that for some of these bored people, even just watching another person be bored beats being bored. Wild concept, I know- but it's proven to be true. 

Many streamers on Coco will simply broadcast (aka, open the Coco app and set their phone up in front of them) and just do what they were already doing, anyway. So, you see a lot of people on Coco eating, studying, cooking dinner, exercising, dancing, hobbying, cleaning, talking... I've even seen a stream on which the girl who hosts it is never even seen- instead, the camera is just pointed at a notebook and her entire stream consists of her writing the usernames of viewers as they join in to watch the stream- and it's wildly successful! Crazy, right?!

Viewers on Coco have the ability to "gift" the broadcasters. Coco's currency is called "diamonds;" viewers will purchase their desired amount of diamonds from the Coco store, and use those diamonds to tip broadcasters. Of course, then the broadcasters can cash-in their earned diamonds for an Amazon card, at as little as ONE DOLLAR!!! 

Or, if a broadcaster chooses not to cash-in until they've racked up $200 worth of diamonds, they can then instead cash in for a good old bank transfer instead!!

I have made a LOT of easy money on this app (as well as a lot of easy Amazon cash!)

(heart-eyezz* ... star-eyezz*... DOLLAR SIGN-eyezz!!!*) 

Get to earning right away when you use my link, or enter this referral code after you've signed up: 101729


In the world of retail resale, no app compares to Mercari. Why? Because Mercari is FAIR. They are out to help you make money using their platform, because they understand that when you make money, they make money. They value their sellers and customers at any and every level, always offering fun bonus opportunities, discounts/coupons and interactive sales incentives. In my first few months, I made over $1,000 by selling secondhand items on Mercari.

This app is a game-changer and one of my most successful side hustles. The trick to mastering this app is simply: dedication... after all, isn't dedication the trick to mastering anything?! Pretty certain it is. 

Have you ever had a garage sale? As long as your items, location, and the weather do not completely suck- you are liable to make out pretty decently, right? Well, approach Mercari like it's a constant garage sale- one during which weather and location don't matter at all; as long as your items "don't completely suck," and as long as you are vigilant- this is gonna be a really lucrative opportunity for you!

Here's how I make huge money using Mercari:

For starters, I have a daughter, and as you know, growing children blow through at least a couple sizes per year.. So between recycling her outgrown clothes and shoes, along with slimming down my own wardrobe and just simply keeping a good rotation on my household possessions- I supplement a pretty good return... 

BUT, there's more to my Mercari madness... Mwahaha! I am a big time thrifter, and  when I am thrifting (aside from replacing the clothes and shoes I sell of mine and my daughters) I make it a point to keep an eye out for quality, designer, or unique pieces in all sizes- mindful of my Mercari inventory- and it always pays off. 

I once found a Gucci backpack at a consignment shop, where I paid $30 for it. I turned around and sold it on Mercari for $400. So that was a huge win for me. There's no reason you can't replicate this very transaction. 

Sign up for Mercari and get up to $30 sign-in bonus when you use my invitation link :

I hate to cast a negative light on any company, however since I'm writing this article purely for your benefit, I can't exclude this information... My first experience with retail resale was a couple months spent working with Poshmark. From my personal experience with Poshmark, I concluded that their fee per sold listing was unreasonably high, their customer service staff was disrespectful and treated me very poorly.

It was a relief to end my relationship with Poshmark, and even more relieving to go on to work with Mercari. In contrast to Posh, Mercari has treated me with fairness and a professional regard since the very start. Whereas I submitted four help tickets in two months with Posh, I have submitted zero in over two years with Mercari. In comparison, I have the opportunity to make more money off of every individual item I list, because Mercari's fees are significantly lower than those of Poshmark.


 I'd be just plain greedy not to mention Etsy to you... Though it does NOT hurt my feelings having more customers than I know what to do with, at times! 

I feel like Etsy is a different level of intimidating to a lot of people (who haven't yet tried it, of course).. The thing is, if you are under the impression that in order to be a successful and popular Etsy shop owner, one must also be a regulation artist or a have an exquisite classy, creative streak to them- well, you couldn't be more wrong!

I do not say this to make light of Etsy sellers, and I most certainly am NOT implying that I, myself, am not an exquisitely classy and creative artiste' .... hehe... (Cause, you know, I'm at least 'creative'!)

In reality- sure, Etsy is a classy and artsy place.... But meanwhile, you can literally find ANYTHING on Etsy... Which means you can sell nearly ANYTHING on Etsy...

It's a classic testament of "work smarter, not harder,"... If you are interested in selling on Etsy but you are not necessarily an "artist," there is no reason why you couldn't be equally or more successful than other Etsy sellers by simply selling "supplies" to crafters, artists, and DIYers....

Don't quite know what I mean? No worries! In case you haven't noticed yet- I've got your back! I made this list of examples of simple supplies you can sell in your Etsy shop, to yield excellent results and income! (most of which require a $0 investment on your part!)


As you already know, many apps from the play store and the apple store alike, offer incentives to their users, otherwise known as a "referral bonus," for gearing new members to sign up and join the platform.

Some apps offer you $5 to be applied to your account, per each sign-up through a link that is specific to you. Even better, are those which promise to pay the bonus reward amount to both you AND the friend you've referred.

So, obviously it makes sense to take full advantage of these referral bonuses, any and every time the opportunity to do so is presented. Don't get hung up on it being a low amount, if for instance the reward is $5- because negative thoughts will always poison the well. Instead, make this amount work for you, tell yourself, "If I can get four people to sign up for this app, I get $20."..

As far as I'm concerned, that's FREE money. Free money in ANY AMOUNT, is the come up, period!!

And check this out, the referral bonus hustle just got even more lucrative; there are some apps out here just doing the most- and we're LOVING it...

Here's a perfect example of what I'm talking about:

I've recently become obsessed with a guided investment app called Tornado. There are so many ways to use this app to your advantage, but I'm gonna try to stay on topic so I will only list off a couple key benefits here- then you can use my link to go find out what else this brilliant app offers! 

So, for starters, anyone who signs up using my link gets a sign-on bonus, and I will also get a referral bonus for each sign-up. Your sign on bonus is going to be at least $10, but it could be anywhere up to $1,000! Your amount is decided at random within the system, and the same goes for each time you refer someone new- your bonus could be anywhere between $10 and $1,000! I just love this concept. My sign-on bonus was $50! Then on top of that, this amazing app PAYS YOU to learn about the stock market!!! 

The app walks you through short guided lessons, which are extremely informative and easy to understand. At the end of each lesson (which only take a couple minutes each to complete) you are rewarded, you literally get paid to learn- it's insane and I LOVE it, and I am willing to bet that you will love it too- please use the following link to check Tornado out


This is one of my favorite hustles, because the profit margin is just ridiculous and so very obvious throughout the entire process. When you do this as I'm about to explain, you have the opportunity to make astronomical figures out of almost nothing. This is one hustle that will require investment money- But don't let that turn you off or discourage you- because in some cases "investment money" can mean as little as $20 to get started. You will make that money back SO quickly, that you'll never even have a chance to miss it, trust me. Read on for reassurance!

So, the concept here is to choose a product that is in current demand. This is the most important part of this process: you absolutely must pick something that you know people want "right now." It is even better if it's something that is not easily or readily available in the area you live- for instance, maybe it's only available online or at certain stores. Using Alibaba or Amazon, or some like-minded site, do some searching until you've found the lowest price offered for a bulk order of your item. Once you receive this order, simply separate it into individual items and sell them one by one however and where ever you prefer to sell them. 

You can list them individually online, in your Mercari shop, or you can set up a booth at the flea market on the weekends. Sometimes I will even gain permission from a local business to set up a table outside of their establishment or in the parking lot. When I do this, I am sure to package the items neatly individually and make a sign, displaying what I am selling and what the cost per unit is. 

This super simple "come-up" has never failed me. 

In fact, I am in the middle of one of these hustles as we speak! It's a perfect example to share with you because it cost me less than ever, this time!

I found an awesome deal on Amazon, for 150 pieces of body jewelry for S12.99. Per order, there are belly-button rings, tongue rings, eyebrow rings, lip rings, and various studs included. I read up on the quality of the pieces, and once I confirmed that the barbells are made of surgical steel (as opposed to some crappy "turn you green" foreign material) I was confident that this was a no-brainer. I placed a double order, and then I found a plastic jewelry display on Amazon for $7.99. 

When I was younger, I had several body piercings, therefore I am fully aware that body jewelry is not cheap. Even now , I still wear a belly button ring and it pains me to buy new jewelry for it, because retail stores still ask $15-$20 per piece of body jewelry!!! That's just insane to me.

So, having bought this huge supply of body jewelry, I have the opportunity to make some killer money... But I also want to remain mindful of people like myself, who are taking a beating anytime they make a retail purchase to expand their body jewelry collection... So I decided to sell mine at $5 a piece- a price that is more than fair for buyers who are used to paying upwards of twenty bucks a piece, right?....

Think about this, since I doubled my order, to instead get two sets of the 150 pieces, I now have 300 pieces of body jewelry to sell... Even if I just gave 100 of those pieces away for free, I would STILL make $1,000 off of the remaining 200 pieces, selling them at the crazy-low price of $5 a piece..... That just might be Merium-Webster's text-book definition of "the come-up"!!!!

Remember, this hustle is not limited to the products I'm giving as examples. You can do this with anything that doesn't specifically state on it's packaging "not intended for individual sale." My daughter did this with Fidget Spinners when that craze was at its peak. The first product I ever sold like this was colored eye contacts. Which was brilliant by the way. but took a pretty significant initial investment. I spent over $500 on my original inventory of colored eye contacts, and my husband was mortified and did not yet believe in this concept- but it is in fact because of that very investment and its return that he has since never questioned my methods (or my madness). Rightfully so, as I made a couple grand off of my colored eye contact hustle. 


I didn't plan on listing any couponing sites or apps in this informational guide. However, Coupon Cabin simply is not your typical couponing site.... Nothing "ordinary" made the cut for the final draft of this list. Read on to learn what's so special about Coupon Cabin.

The best thing about this site, is NOT the coupons it has to offer, but more-so it's offer of "cashback." "Cashback" is generated when you make an online purchase at any of Coupon Cabins countless affiliates. Once you've placed your order, a percentage of the total amount you spent is applied to your Coupon Cabin balance. Hence, part of your CASH is given BACK to you.

I'm sure Coupon Cabin isn't the only to offer cashback, and maybe not even the first to do it.... But the thing is, they are doing it RIGHT. I have personally put Coupon Cabin up against other sites/apps that offer the feature of cashback, and none compare. Honey, for example, is an app that offers cashback- and it does it in a more simplistic way than Coupon Cabin- however Coupon Cabin still comes out ahead, when considering the greatest financial gain.. Which is the whole point, after all.

The only thing working against Coupon Cabin is the fact that in order to reap it's benefits, you have to physically sign in to Coupon Cabin, then search it's database for the store you aim to shop at- and then navigate to that page from within Coupon Cabin. This process must be repeated if it takes you longer than fifteen minutes to select your items and make your purchase on the affiliate site. Of course, impatient or short-fused buyers could see this as 'inconvenient' or 'annoying.'... But to those of us who are just out to make a buck and excited by free money, we appreciate that this is the extent of labor required to yield such a fantastic result.

Just to give you an idea of the earning potential with Coupon Cabin, I'll share a recent personal experience. Every year for her birthday, my daughter has a hotel party. We always get two neighboring rooms at a nice hotel, and my husband and I remain available and tentative next door while she and her friends party the night away in their fancy hotel room. Last year was the first year I had Coupon Cabin to assist me with paying for this costly event. My total for just the two rooms ended up being close to $300, and Coupon Cabin rewarded me $50 for the purchase. Again, free money; you just can't beat it!

Use my link to sign up and you will be eligible to earn a $7 sign-in bonus as soon as you redeem ONE offer!


Okay, this method of making extra money won't actually apply to everyone reading this. How can I know for certain? Well, because in regards to this work, there are two types of people: those who can offer the service; and those who need to utilize the service as performed by someone else...

If you have even the slightest doubt in your own fashion sense, or ability to know "what goes with what," at this time I politely advise you to skip on to tip number 8.

Furthermore, if you are bothered or disgusted by the concept of thrift stores, garage sales, "hand-me-downs," or second-hand items- you'll also want to skip on to the next tip.

If you're still reading after both of those disclaimers: Yay! Let's talk thrifting!!

This hustle requires an outlet for advertising the service you're offering. It's also gonna take a little bit of creativity to compile your ad listing, as you're not selling an actual item or object- nor even something that you already have. Because of this fact, you won't be able to list on all the same platforms on which you usually sell. On most of which, however, with the proper wording and tweaking, you'll be able to make it happen. 

Here's an example of exactly what you could post on your social media and Craigslist to advertise this service:


"Title/Subject:  Recycled Fashion Personal Stylist- Allow Me to Coordinate Your Wardrobe (for one event, or indefinitely!)

Description: I am a consignment connoisseur with an eye for fashion, eager to offer my personal services and sincere efforts to suit your fashion needs. Perhaps your busy schedule is hindering your ability to go shopping to expand your wardrobe; maybe there is a specific event for which you can't decide what to wear; maybe you want some new exciting outfits to turn heads at the office; perhaps you're just intrigued, ready and willing to try something new- your reasoning or event is not my business- my business is dressing you to perfection for that reason or event- and I promise to do just that! Your purchase of this listing will cover the cost of my services on your behalf as well as completely fund your head-to-toe outfit (accessories included). Though most pieces are consignment treasures, they are promised to be of good quality and condition- or, as I like to say: next to new- and since they are "new to you," when you receive your order and get to try it on, you will both look and feel brand new. Once you've placed your order, all you need to do is send me an email with your personal clothing and shoe size specifications, as well as any "do's and don't's" (if any) that you'd like me to remain mindful of, as I shop for you.

Apply your personal information to the following example:

Name: Ella

Date ordered: 10/10/21

type of wear/event dressing for: professional, to wear to work and maybe even business casual for fridays and afterwork- I dress pretty professional outside of work anyway- just a step above "jeans and a t-shirt"

clothing size: US women Large

pant size:  11

bra size: 38D

shoe size: US women 9.5

height: 5'10"

eye color: brown

skin tone: light tan/mixed

likes: maroon, black, grey, plaid, soft materials, loose fit tops (I'm heavy-chested, and don't want to be "busting out" of a top), low-rise waist pants or bottoms, dramatic jewelry, square toe shoes, slits in dress or skirt hems (I have nice legs)

dislikes/avoid: turtle necks! rough/uncomfortable materials, skinny jeans, high-waist pants or bottoms, stripes, polkadots, neon colors, heels taller than 4 inches, long dresses or long skirts (doesn't look right because I'm pretty tall), light brown tops or bottoms (I hate when people wear tight pants or tops that blend/ the same color as their skin, it ends up looking like they are naked)

Thank you, and I look forward to shopping for you!

my email: [email protected]    "


Yup, it's just that simple. Humans are curious, interactive creatures. You're liable to get some hits right away even if based on purely curiosity and desire for interaction.

I usually do 10 pieces for $100- which in advance I list in the post as: "likely to be 2 tops, 2 bottoms, 2 undershirts, 1 pair shoes, 1 jacket/cardigan, and 2 accessories- specs subject to change- Expect everything to be washed and folded neatly"

And then, do exactly that. Aim to please, and make neutral decisions and don't lean too heavily on your own personal preferences, when picking these clothes for a stranger. 

You got this :)


So, obviously this one won't work for just any and everyone .... You've at least got to be an individual who takes photos, be it with a camera or a phone.... That being said, "someone who takes photos on a phone" is the extent of professionalism required to use FOAP... What I mean by this is: in order to sell photos and be successful on this app, you do NOT have to be an actual photographer by any means!! 

In fact, the vast majority of folks who are successful with FOAP aren't "official photographers" at all- but rather, they are often just regular ol' everyday people who have uploaded some likable personal pics from their phones photo gallery. Images that were never even intended to be sold; they were snapped at random in a real moment, never in a million years thought to be more than the priceless memory they exist as- these are the exact type of photos that often end up selling on FOAP or winning contests/challenges hosted by FOAP, yielding the owner of the image $2,000 or more!!!


But wait, why take my word for it?

Well, because I just so happen to be one of those regular ol' folks who, much like yourself, was reading up on the best and most lucrative hustles to do from home, one day, and happened upon a list that credited FOAP (just like the one that you're reading, RIGHT NOW!) I figured, 'it's worth a shot' (no pun intended! ha) ...and I'll be damned, as it turns out: the world likes me!!

I found success selling personal photos that were otherwise just collecting dust in my photo gallery (so to speak). You know how sometimes when you're trying to get that one perfect shot of whatever your subject may be, so you go ahead and take 78 photos, JUST IN CASE all 77 others were to come out flawed or unattractive in some way? Well, those instances have turned out to be the breeding grounds of all my highest rated photos. Finally, they have purpose!! And a hell-of-a purpose, at that!

As I said, this one may not work for everyone... However, I feel like you owe it to yourself to at least give it a try! Give it a 'go! Create an account, and upload at least five attractive photos from your phone, that will count as a "fair effort," k?

So, um...... DO IT, PLEASE!!! (and make sure you add a good description and a whole bunch of "tags" to the pics you choose to post- so buyers will be able to find them!!)


Freelance work is one of the most popular ways to make a living online. In my opinion, if you're not gonna host your very own website to provide your services from, the next best thing is to work through Fiverr. 

The possibilities are endless... There are SO many different services you can offer through this multi-faceted, user-friendly platform. Some examples of gigs advertised as services currently offered by Fiverr users are: Social Media Marketing; Copywriting; Translation; Website Development; Graphic Design; NFT Artist; and so much more!

My personal success on Fiverr has been a result of offering up my voice, for voice overs. Granted, it took a good while for me to get my first voice acting gig on the platform- but after landing, delivering, and being compensated for that initial gig, more offers finally quickly followed. 

The problem with Fiverr is, no matter what service or talent you are offering to the public- there's gonna be someone else offering a similar quality product, for cheaper. Even if you try to get ahead of the curve by advertising your own service cheaper than any others you see posted; just you wait- it won't be long before someone dives in front of you to steal your thunder and beat out your (already painfully, unreasonably low) price. 

In fact, I have recently slowed down on my work for this app, nearly to a point of ceasing it all together. I found myself becoming too easily frustrated about price-vs-service issues. There is something that just begins to eat at me when I think too far into companies taking advantage of individuals offering a service they need. 

I know, I know, this is bigger than me- too big for me to really spend any time worrying about- cause what good is it really gonna do, right? 

It's become nearly impossible for me to accept, let alone mentally process the concept of making ten bucks off of a service which is otherwise, traditionally a $10K service


Finally, to conclude this list of simple and practical hustles that I live off of in 2022, Billo made the cut! It was a close one, almost beat out by two other lucrative money-making methods that I've been involved with over a longer period of time; however, I went ahead and decided to give the final spot to Billo. 

Why? Because despite the inevitable presence of similar feelings to those mentioned in tip 9, Billo's other attributes cushion the blow of earning $25-$45 per assignment, and in fact, these multiple outstanding attributes rank this app far ahead of others like it. 

Billo is an app that connects Companies to content creators who want to advertise their brand. Brands upload tasks to Billo that content creators can scroll through to pick and choose which they wish to apply for. Once you've applied for a task, the brand will check your profile and demo video out, and if they are interested in working with you, you will be notified that you've been accepted for the task. If you are recording to advertise an app, you download the app and present your completed video within a few days. If you are advertising a physical product, you'll have a few days to complete your video from the day the product arrives in the mail. Basically, the service you're providing is making commercials.

What sets Billo apart and ahead of the others is that you get to keep whatever you advertise. Sometimes this just means you get a free download for an otherwise $30 app; but in the case that you land a gig advertising a physical product, you can really end up with some cool stuff!! High quality*, unique* cool stuff, at that! 

Just to name a few of my very favorite products that I've advertised on Billo and kept at no cost: a microgreens hydroponic at home gardening kit (about $100 value); a badass bluetooth speaker (about $70 value); this MIRACLE collagen facial serum that I am honestly obsessed with and going to order again once I run out of my free bottle (about a $120 value); a high quality personalized dog leash and collar set with my dogs name embroidered into both pieces (about a $80 value)... and that's not even half of the goodies I've acquired while working with Billo! 

I've never received a low-quality or cheaply-made product to advertise, while working with Billo. The companies and brands Billo works with are, I've noticed, all have either an organic or artsy feel to them, and as clearly evident in the products. I find myself anxious and excited as I await to learn if I've been approved to advertise tasksI've applied for- simply because I genuinely WANT the product. For instance, when I applied to advertise the collagen serum, I had actually already been in the market for some type of collagen product. So waiting for approval, I checked my status probably twenty times, and when I learned I was approved and awaiting shipment, I literally jumped for joy and did a little happy dance. 

Another incredible attribute of a Billo task, is that the process and payment conclude very quickly. Similar apps require a 30-day period between task-completion and payment- but not Billo! That quickness in process provided by Billo invests in its content creators a sense of value, respect and trustworthiness. Of course, it is pitiful that it would be a rarity for a company to instill these feelings in its affiliates- but to Billo's advantage, it's ability to conquer this rare feat makes it stand out among the competition- and not to mention, secure itself a spot on this list!

That concludes this list of legit, remote hustles I make a living off of in 2022.Again, most of these require $0 startup costs, $0 initial investment, and can easily and efficiently replace your day job. Taxes will be a little bit more complicated at the end of the year- but when we're talkin' "free money" that you're generating from your couch, who cares, right?! Undoubtedly, 100% worth it.  I have even more proven techniques that I use every day, in addition to these, so if this post gets good feedback I will create a part 2. 


About the Creator

Britts & Pieces

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” -A.L.


Passionate artist, published illustrator, open-minded and uncensored.

Mom of 1 & married to my best friend.

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