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Myths About Dairy Debunked

From a former dairy queen who did her homework on milk.

By Susie PinonPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

"Milk and other dairy products are the top sources of saturated fat in the Western diet. Studies have linked the consumption of dairy not only as a contributor to heart disease, type two diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. They have also been found to potentially increase the risk of breast, ovarian, and prostate cancers."

-Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

1. MYTH: Dairy is the Best Source of Calcium. You Need Dairy for Strong Bones and Teeth.

While dairy does contain calcium, plant milk actually contains more calcium than dairy milk, often by 50%. Almond, cashew, hemp, flax, oat, pea, soy, and rice milk are among the highest calcium of the plant milks. See page 25 of this study. (Information obtained from USDA Food Composition Database.)

While it is recommended that adults intake 1000–1200mg of calcium per day, various studies have confirmed that dairy actually leeches calcium from bones. We also have trouble absorbing calcium from pasteurized milk. This has proven especially true in randomized controlled groups of arthritic patients.

You may be thinking, "This is bullshit, if it was true my doctors would tell me."

And that's exactly what I thought until I realized that many of the studies supporting and promoting the consumption of cow milk are actually funded by the dairy and meat industry.

And they wouldn't want to lose money by letting the truth come out, right? It's hard to believe, but I've done some investigating and suggest you do too.

Peer-Reviewed Studies

A study conducted at Harvard compared teenagers' consumption of dairy milk with an adult risk of bone fracture. Results found that those who consumed higher amounts of dairy as teens were found to have a 9% higher risk of bone fracture as adults.

Quoted from the above study: "After controlling for known risk factors and current milk consumption, each additional glass of milk per day during teenage years was associated with a significant 9% higher risk of hip fracture."

In a different Harvard study composed of 12,000 women, individuals that consumed three glasses of milk per day broke more bones than women who drank less milk.

In an analysis published in The British Medical Journal, results conclude that there is insufficient data to claim that calcium intake from dietary sources prevents bone fractures.

"Meta-analysis studies in 2007 and 2011 found that there was no association between hip fractures risk and milk consumption." -The Washington Post

So if calcium isn't proven to protect bones, why is dairy milk marketed to make us believe we NEED cow milk for strong bones and teeth? (I'm not claiming calcium is not an essential nutrient. I know it is! I am stating that it has not been found to protect individuals from bone fractures when mass amounts are consumed.)

This study focuses on the bone density of meat-eaters and vegans. Results are conclusive in that although vegans may consume less dietary calcium than do omnivores, there are no adverse effects on bone mineral density nor body composition in vegans.

One cup of milk contains 300mg of calcium, while only 30% of the calcium is absorbed in our bodies. What is the cause for the increased risk of bone fracture due to the higher consumption of cow's milk? Galactose may be to blame. Experimental evidence in animals shows that chronic exposure to D-galactose not only induces aging.

It is also linked to increased inflammation, shorter lifespan due to stress, and decreased immune response among other things, according to expert Dr. Greger's thorough analysis of this peer-reviewed study cited by 276 professionals. Although this study focuses on animals, the galactose exposure for a human is equivalent to 1–2 glasses of cow milk per day.

2. MYTH: There is No Plant Food that is a Complete Protein

Milk is a complete protein, but it isn't the only way to consume something that equates to a complete protein. While we should not be focusing on one food or drink item for a complete amino acid profile, quinoa, a plant food is also a complete protein. Other single items that are complete proteins are buckwheat, soy, hemp, Ezekiel bread, avocado, pumpkin seeds, and more. Every day, we eat a combination of foods in our meals. If you're eating only one single item for every meal, then you may need to re-evaluate your lifestyle habits.

3. MYTH: Plant Foods Lack Sufficient Calcium

It's actually impossible to be calcium-deficient on a whole foods plant-based diet unless you are calorie-deficient.

Plant Food Source & Calcium in mg

  • Collards (1 cup, boiled); 268 mg
  • Orange juice, calcium-fortified (1 cup); 349 mg
  • Oatmeal, fortified instant (1 packet); 98 mg
  • Figs, dried (10 medium); 136 mg
  • Tofu, calcium-set (1/2 cup); 861 mg
  • Spinach (1 cup, boiled); 245 mg
  • Soybeans (1 cup, boiled); 261 mg
  • White beans (1 cup, boiled); 161 mg
  • Mustard greens (1 cup, boiled); 165 mg
  • Navy beans (1 cup, boiled); 128 mg
  • Great northern beans (1 cup, boiled); 120 mg
  • Black turtle beans (1 cup, boiled); 102 mg
  • Swiss chard (1 cup, boiled); 102 mg
  • Broccoli (1 cup, boiled); 62 mg
  • Kale (1 cup boiled); 94 mg
  • Butternut squash (1 cup, boiled); 84 mg
  • Pinto beans (1 cup, boiled); 79 mg
  • Chickpeas (1 cup, canned); 109 mg
  • Sweet potato (1 cup, boiled); 76 mg
  • Green beans (1 cup, boiled); 55 mg
  • Barley (1 cup); 61 mg
  • Brussels sprouts (8 sprouts); 60 mg
  • Navel orange (1 medium); 60 mg
  • Raisins (2/3 cup); 54 mg

Sourced from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service

So you can see that there are a wide variety of plant foods that have more than enough calcium to meet your recommended value.

What Can I Eat that Excludes Dairy?

Here are some ideas, some of which include non-dairy alternatives so you can get your cheese-lovin' fix.

Breakfast: Loaded oatmeal; cereal with plant milk; sweet potato avocado toast with tomatoes

Lunch: Salad with Mixed Greens and a Slice of Vegan Pizza; vegan bean tacos

Dinner: Vegetable tofu stirfry; African stew; vegan baked ziti/lasagna

Snack: Smoothies; fruit; nuts/seeds; vegan mac and cheese, etc.

The Reality of Dairy

The dairy industry is not only a product of rape, torture, and massive inhumane slaughter of young, innocent, and maternal animals. The secretions of a bovine mammal are terrible for your health, and wreck havoc on your body in more ways than one.

Have acne, tired skin? Ditch dairy. IBS, IBD? Ditch dairy. Arthritis, osteoporosis? Ditch dairy. Bloated, overweight, obese? Ditch dairy. Headaches, migraines, congested, sinus problems? Ditch dairy from your life indefinitely - forever.

You're not lactose intolerant. You're just not a baby cow.


Why is Dairy so Bad?

I thought it was good for me. I love a cold glass of milk. Why should I listen to a VEGAN of all people? They just have an agenda, anyway.

Well, why do you think I went vegan? Because I felt better by leaving animals and their various secretions off my plate. I wasn't always vegan and I drank and consumed cow tit juice (because let's be real, that's what it is) multiple times a day - just like you. I was stubborn, just like you.

I went to my ENT for what evolved to daily migraines that couldn't be eased by aspirin and regularly resulted in episodes of me vomiting, often at work. Such a fun time. My ENT told me to quit dairy and pinned it as a contributor to my pounding head. Did I listen? No. And I suffered for another year until I was so desperate that I tried cutting dairy. And it worked. No more sinus headaches!

I didn't only suffer from headaches. I was bloated all the time. Even though I've always been thin, I literally looked pregnant. It was the worst about twenty minutes after I'd finish my second slice. (This was before I discovered vegan pizza.) So much so that relatives questioned if I was secretly pregnant since I was petite with a big belly. No, I have never been pregnant. Talk about embarrassing!

Since I have cut dairy completely from my life, I feel so much lighter (I'm talking about bowel movements) and healthier. And to know I am no longer contributing to one of the most vicious, violent, inhumane industries in the entire world - the dairy industry, I can sleep a little better each night.

Please quit dairy. You don't have to love animals to leave them alone. And you certainly can do it for selfish reasons. Get the life back you deserve.

Ditch dairy now and forever. And remember, you're not lactose intolerant. You're just not a baby cow.

Xo, Susie


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About the Creator

Susie Pinon

Italian chick with a New Yorker attitude. Free-spirited, eclectic by nature, vegan. I'm fueled by my passion for the art of words. I'm addicted to chocolate + love to heal through the sun's rays. Let's talk words

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