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Consuming Olive Oil Linked to Lower Risk of Dementia-Related Death

A new study finds consuming olive oil is linked to a lower risk of death related to dementia.

By jude odekePublished 21 days ago 3 min read
Consuming Olive Oil Linked to Lower Risk of Dementia-Related Death
Photo by Fulvio Ciccolo on Unsplash

Olive oil consumption was shown to be associated with a lower risk of death from dementia-related causes, a new study found.

Never or less than once a month

More than 0 but under or equal to 4.5 grams a day

More than 4.5 grams a day but under or equal to 7 grams a day

More than 7 grams a day

The data was taken from the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. The study tracked 92,383 people — 60,582 women and 31,801 men — who were “cognitively highly functioning”; it excluded anyone with a history of cancer or cardiovascular disease, with missing data on olive oil intake, or whose total energy intakes were “implausible” (under 500 or more than 3,500 kcal a day for women/under 800 or more than 4,200 kcal a day for men).

Over the study period, questions about the frequency of fats and oils consumed were included in the queries conducted every four years, with 1 tablespoon of olive oil considered to be 13.5 grams.

Researchers found 4,751 dementia-related deaths in the study cohort over the 28-year period. Ultimately, the study says, consumption of at least 7 grams or about half a tablespoon a day of olive oil was associated with a 28% lower risk of death from dementia-related causes.

“Beyond heart health, the findings extend the current dietary recommendations of choosing olive oil and other vegetable oils for cognitive-related health,” the authors wrote

How does olive oil affect cognitive health?

Olive oil contains high levels of so-called healthy fats — monounsaturated fatty acids — along with vitamin E and polyphenols, which are plant-based compounds that can help protect the body from type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. They also aid digestion and support brain health.

Consuming adequate amounts of monounsaturated fats, including those from olive oil, supports proper communication between brain cells and also helps to surround and insulate our brain’s nerve fibers, allowing efficient transmission of electrical impulses along our neural pathways. Strong neural pathways are necessary for a variety of brain functions like learning, speaking, and memory,” Richter said. “The polyphenols in olive oil, which are potent antioxidants, also have neuroprotective effects and can help protect neurons from inflammation and oxidative stress.

What should people look for when choosing olive oil?

It’s rich in vitamins

Olive oil does have some reported benefits to the skin. According to the International Olive Council, olive oil has many vitamins, including A, D, and K, as well as vitamin E.

It has antioxidant properties

Olive oil is also an antioxidant, so it might help prevent or reverse damage from cancer-causing ultraviolet radiation. It has a very high concentration of an ingredient called squalene as compared to the other types of fats and oils that humans normally eat. The squalene is what gives olive oil the extra antioxidant boost.

It moisturizes and fights bacteria

If you’re prone to acne, using a soap made with olive oil may helpTrusted Source decrease your acne by killing off the bacteria that causes the acne. Olive oil is also known to moisturize and hydrate your skin.

Olive oil is often used as an ingredient in face wash products. There are cosmetics that have olive oil bases. It can also be found in some soaps, body washes, and lotions.

It’s possible to use olive oil as a moisturizer without any added ingredients by applying it directly onto your skin. From there, you can blot off any excess oil with a towel or cloth. It may be especially helpful to use olive oil as a moisturizer after you’ve been exposed to the sun or suffered a sunburn.

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