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Benefits Of Superb Heart Rate

Managing Your Anxiety Attacks

By MaquebeoPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

So you're out and about sippin' on some coffee and letting the sun's natural rays splash on your glistening body. Shades on, and eyes peering over the top as you take a quick glance at the ambient around you at your local coffee shop.

You feel magical. It's Friday. You just got paid. You are feeling as fluffy as the clouds that gently swarm above you in the bright blue sky.

And all it takes is one thing to change the entire mood. A phone call with some concerning news. Your luxuries cut off due to loss of employment. Your fears of what will happen tomorrow. A health scare.

Your coffee time turns into a sweat lodge where you start feeling the tingles in your chest area and you freak out, spill that six dollar coffee on your new shirt from Target and you feel like you're gonna faint as you get up quickly. Racing ideas of the "this is it" syndrome speed through your head as you think of loved ones that you will no longer see. The heart palpitations are beating fast and you feel nauseated.

Welcome to life! It is very natural for all of us to experience signs that will show up physically in our bodies. The trick is to get a better handle of things so that when stress occurs in your life, you won't be at your favorite coffee shop wanting to call 9-1-1 'cus you think you're dying.

Below are some self management techniques that can aid you in moments of anxiety and/or panic attacks. Keep in mind that everyone's way to cope with anxiety is different and these techniques are options that can reduce and/or manage your attacks, based on how much or how little you might include these in your daily life.


Sometimes we are so preoccupied with work, school, family, social media and so on, that we ever consider taking a break from everything and everyone. But guess what, you deserve a darn break. And it is not selfish if you turn off your phone and choose to not speak to anyone. It is not selfish if you decide to stay home all day. It is not selfish to put yourself first, even before your partner, kids, pets, family, work.


It can become a drag if you never get out and enjoy the simple things of having some fun. Laugh with good friends and enjoy their company. Explore your city, as I'm sure there will be some corners of the town that you didn't know existed. The point is to go out and enjoy yourself, no matter how big or small. Any activity that has you in a good mood, should be repeated often.


Some of you might be thinking a drink or two (or three) will help. Maybe even a smoke break can too. And yes for some, that works fine. But have you ever tried to complete a full 5 minutes of meditation? The idea of sitting still and concentrating on your breathing with your mind full of so many worries and that heart that is always accelerated with stress, how can you even do that. Benefits of meditation include relaxation of thoughts and the heart. I mean, if you know how to navigate here, then you surely know how to look up meditation on you tube. Start small and practice it as much as you can. It will help during moments on anxiousness.


When your mind is concentrating on reading, the focus is on the words and possibly the story/article that you are reading into. Therefore, any worries might be out the window. And that goes for writing, painting and any arts and crafts activities. The concentration of your inner genius is centered on the final product that comes out after spending time on finishing an interesting book, writing out your feelings or painting some image that is supposed to look like a glorious skyline but sort of resembles various colors all meshed together. But hey, taking the time to turn your focus on arts, relaxes your nervous system and brings total calmness to your entire body.


Imagine walking around with so many pent up emotions and not releasing them? Now imagine you losing your cool at the wrong place in front of important people who could of never thought you were such a loose cannon? If you have a close loved one that you can completely trust, let 'em know your hardships. Vomit your feelings all over this person and let the anger stream through, the tears flow and your disappointments feel heard. And if for what ever reason you can't find someone, therapy is always another option. Simply put, releasing emotions (sadness, anger, joy) and having someone to hear out your experiences (failures, successes, dreams) allows some room to dump out the trash, so to speak, and maybe make room for to not feel overwhelmed.


We all have our fears (spiders, heights, dying, not being loved). But the more that you push and not acknowledge your fears, the more they will cling on to you like a piece of gum stuck in your hair. Fear will always be present and it is up to you if you want to face them. Yes, they terrify the crap out of you. But accepting that certain fears are part of what makes you, it will be easier to manage. Use the motto of the 3 A's: Acknowledge, Accept and Abide. Work with your fears, not against them.


Pay attention to the signs that your body gives out when you feel anxiety running through your body. Is it sweaty palms? Tingly hands, feet? Wanting to throw up? Faster than normal heart rate? Once you determine the physical signs, then you can stand up for yourself. Self talk works for a lot of people. Telling yourself, "I am okay, this anxiety is just temporary and I'm not gonna die right now", has worked wonders for many. Tell yourself something that will ease the anxiety. Take some slow and deep breathes to help calm you down. Anxiety is a temporary wave of sensations running through your body 'cus your brain is on high alert over an event or idea. So confront that and tell yourself positive things that you are fine.

As you move through life, just know that situations will create anxiety. You must also know that this will be part of the rest of your life. There will be things that set you off. Now, you don't have control over others and you might not have control over certain outcomes. But you always have control of how you respond to things and the hope is that you include techniques in your every day living when things are calm, so that when things flare up, you receive them in the most peaceful manner which results in the worry over any matters, will not blow up into this huge anxiety attack.


About the Creator


With a desire to step outside the normality of growing up within the confines of trauma and violence, it is through writing that Maquebeo shares experiences to break down barriers as a brown father from the hood that seeks eternal wellness

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