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Always do your best

Despite what others think or do

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 7 months ago 3 min read

When you are committed to your job, and the people which you are in charge of caring for, it is something that takes more than just showing up, you must put your full effort into being all that you can be, not just for yourself, but for the ones you are caring for. Take the time, and do your homework, so you can ensure you always do your best.

When we shoot for the stars, it can cause other people do develop a bad opinion of you, because in all honesty your hard work can cause others to feel as though your main intention is to try and make them look bad. This of course is not the case, in fact my intention is to create an atmosphere of becoming the best we can become, together as a team, through example and hard work.

I have seen many people with amazing talent and potential, allow that potential to fizzle out because they are afraid of upsetting other people who may not have that same ambition and drive which you possess, so instead of continuing on a path to making a real difference, they dim their light, as to not create any waves, which could lead to others developing a bad opinion of them, due to their overzealous nature, in doing such an amazing job.

This world is geared towards a competitive nature, which is not exactly healthy, we should all be willing to do our best, at whatever it is we are doing, and also be willing to take the time to teach others to do the same. Never allow your drive to be diminished because others do not possess that same drive. Give it your all in whatever you do, so you can always feel as though, despite the fact that not everything may always go as planned, you did you part to ensure that they went as smoothly and successfully as possible.

Take time in your day, to care for yourself, in whatever fashion you may do so, whether it be running, meditating, working out, or reading, whatever you need to do, to center yourself, and focus on the end result being better than the situation was in the beginning. Making a positive impact on others can cause ripples to flow outward from the situation and create a sense of betterment throughout the community in which you may work.

It takes time to cultivate the skills which you may not even know that you possess, until you take the time to try, and ensure that your best is always applied, through mindfulness, and remaining in the present, not regretting the past, or worrying about the future, is key to maintaining a success oriented state of mind. The future can severely stress anyone out, if they obsessively focus on it, and don't take the time to ground in the present. So too can the past, if we are constantly wondering what we could have done better, it drains our energy in regard to developing a sense of mindfulness that is centered in the present.

Such worries are unnecessary and will not assist you in achieving success in your endeavors, so maintain an attitude rooted in the present, and do not worry constantly about the future or the past, but remain mindfully anchored in the present. Don't be afraid of what you are capable of, instead be afraid of that which you are capable of, but not brave enough to pursue. If you are scared of doing something, take a chance and do it, because when we expose ourselves to things that scare us, and push our selves outside our comfort zone, it helps us to grow, in many different ways.

Fear should not be something that holds you back, learn instead how to harness fear, to help you move forward with an attitude of perseverance, and confidence. If you are in a situation that is new, and scary, just remember, take some deep breaths, ground your self in the moment, and center yourself, so you can deal with whatever the challenge that you are facing in the now, and don't worry about any potential failure that may result from your attempt. If we are afraid to fail, we will never move forward, we will never grow, and we will never become better than we are now.

Allow faith in yourself to be that which drives you forward, do not allow fear to hold you back, instead allow it spur you forward, allow it to be a springboard, that can take you to the next level, allow fear to become your friend, and you will not be held back by that which used to scare you. Learn to truly embrace change, and there is nothing you can't achieve.

Brightest Blessings.

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About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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