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8 Essential Toiletries for Every New Home

No. 4 is not given enough attention, IMO

By Mary Adeola ScottPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
8 Essential Toiletries for Every New Home
Photo by david Griffiths on Unsplash

Moving into a new home usually comes with buying lots of stuff. However, while you’re busy picking out all the fancy décor for your living room and bedroom, remember that you’ll need toiletries often.

This piece highlights all the toiletries you need to get for your new space. Happy Shopping!

1. Toothbrush and Toothpaste, Alongside a Holder

When equipping a new home's bathroom, everyone usually remembers to include a toothbrush and toothpaste! Given that cleaning your teeth is a morning ritual, it only makes sense. But a holder is something that many people overlook. Of course, you may choose a straightforward His & Her mug set, but adding a charming brush holder might help you manage your brushes more effectively.

Additionally, since we're discussing oral hygiene items, it's always advised to have a mouthwash and floss kit at hand!

By Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

2. Clean, Fresh Towels

An important toiletry mistake is not having stacks of fresh towels in the bathroom. Imagine needing to clean up after taking a shower or washing your hands or face but being unable to locate a clean towel anywhere. It's crucial to remember that you'll always need a plentiful supply of clean towels in your new home's bathroom.

These may be stacked and stored behind your vanity in wicker baskets. Alternatively, you might opt for a built-in shelf for your folded towels. A handle for the one that is presently in use is also necessary.

3. Toilet Brush and Plunger

The plunger and toilet brush are the Black Widow and Hawkeye of the bathroom! To acquire a clean toilet seat, you need both of them, and guess what? One set of them wouldn't really be enough for all the bathrooms in your house. Dragging a single pair from one bathroom to another around the whole home would be really disgusting. Given this, it is preferable to spend quite an amount of money on both products.

You won't have to share them with the other bathrooms in your home while cleaning is underway, which will make you very happy.

By Curology on Unsplash

4. Trashcan

If you want your toiletries to be entirely complete, you need a garbage bin or dustbin. You'll appreciate what a misery it can be if you've ever used a restroom without a proper trashcan. Most people choose a standard plastic trash can, but if you want to match the design of your bathroom, you may also choose a fashionable stainless steel trash can. This is undoubtedly one of the essential toiletries you'll need for your new home from the list.

5. Toilet paper and Stand

The toilet paper is still the subtlest yet fundamental bathroom essential. Without it, using the restroom is useless, yet the majority of us seldom remember to restock the toilet paper until it's too late!

For this reason, a built-in toilet paper stand in your new bathroom is a need. With this, you can quickly reach for the stand and install the roll. By the way, you should include this in your trip toiletry kit as well!

By Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

6. All Things Soap-Related

The bathroom and hand-washing supplies are a must-have for your new home. Both a bar of soap and a liquid soap in a bottle may be positioned on the vanity side or on an above shelf when it comes to soap. Typically, shampoo and conditioner are kept next to the shower. There is usually a little built-in niche where you may also store your bathroom necessities.

The coolest thing is that you can get travel-size toiletries for this specific list of items, and you can even stock up on a couple of them in the guest bathroom to make it seem like a five-star hotel! This way, if any last-minute travel arrangements arise, you'll have a few to-go items at hand.

7. Air Freshener

An air freshener is another item you should have in your new home. It's crucial to have one in every bathroom, and having a spare or two may be really helpful.

The freshener's scent is a matter of choice. While some individuals love flowery aromas, others enjoy the freshness of mint and lemon.

If you want something more durable, a scented diffuser is another option.

By Christian Mackie on Unsplash

8. Bathroom Cleaning Supplies

You should stock up on cleaning supplies. Once you move into your new home and bathroom, things will start to get dirty. Bathroom cleaning supplies come in a variety of sizes and numbers, so you may create a separate shelf only for them.

Here is a brief list of the items you will need to stock up on: Disinfectant wipes, bleach, toilet cleaner, mold remover, squeegee, all-purpose cleaner, and any other thing you find relevant.

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About the Creator

Mary Adeola Scott

Mary is an Editor at the online women’s magazine, AmoMama and is passionate about improving quality of life for the African girl child.When she's not writing, you can find her reading or just enjoying the hermit life.

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