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5 Reasons To Walk Barefoot More Often

The Benefits of Earthing Are Profound

By Justine CrowleyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Chances are, you're either a nature or a beach lover. What is there to not love about being connected to 'mother earth' where our source is. In the cavemen era, humans (once we evolved to such) walked and ran barefoot. We need to wear shoes, sandals and thongs for a multitude of reasons; yet there are many profound benefits to earthing (that is, moving around barefoot on the grass or the sand) that make this exercise worthy of an inclusion in the weekly diary. Like yours truly, you may begin to want to earth your feet in nature more often.

The five top reasons (from a professional barefoot walker) for earthing are as follows:

1. You Save Money

As the times call for leaner financial management; earthing is a form of exercise that does not require you to sign your soul away to a gym membership. Earthing can be done anywhere in the natural environment, from the local park and/or beach - even to your cities botanical gardens. These natural places normally don't change an entry fee. Sure, you may pay towards your travel expenses, yet to go to the gym, or even your local aquatic centre - you have to hand over a bit of your hard earned moolah in order to exercise and arrive there.

2. You Become Grounded

Connecting to the source (mother earth) is a fantastic way to ground yourself by living in the moment. Anxiety manifests as a byproduct of focusing on the future, while depression manifests from focusing on the past. Being grounded keeps your present on what is right here, right now. The natural environment has that positive effect on your psyche. Being grounded enables you to live your life in flow, and therefore solve your problems faster and more effectively in order to enjoy a high quality of life. Human brains have been hardwired to complicate things, when in face life is super simple if you surrender. Surrendering to what is, and enjoying the now is so simple.

3. You Become Healthier

There are a few known health benefits to earthing. First of all, you are getting some exercise in while breathing fresh air. The smell of the saltiness from the beach is invigorating, while being surrounded by greenery is fresh and relaxing. The negative ions in the sand and the grass is known to minimise inflammation in the body, thereby leading to weight loss (whether minor or gradual) - as well as minimising stress and enjoying better sleep at night.

4. You Become Happier

Exercise produces endorphins that enhance happiness, yet exercising outdoors is an activity that raises your vibration to more abundance in your life. When you enjoy more abundance in your life, you're naturally a happier person who wants to make a more positive contribution to the world, without any expectations in return. Earthing enables you to enjoy more 'me time' - an element of life that is perceived more as a luxury, when more time for yourself is a necessity in order to fill up the tank and serve others in our jobs from a place of love and gratitude.

5. You Feel More Connected to The Universe/Source Energy

You are in direct contact with nature, as opposed to any artificial or man made objects that breed greater materialism. There is nothing wrong with materialism, yet walking (or even running) barefoot on the grass or the sand is a rare activity that is to be enjoyed. You may begin to interact with others who are also reaping the benefits of earthing simultaneously, and you may also get to pet a few furry friends along the way. Either way, your relationship with a power that is greater than us also expands for greater support beyond the physical realm.

If you want to give earthing a try, I invite you to give earthing a real good shot. No different to your dentist and/or beauty appointments; please go ahead and set appointments for your earthing practice in your diary. Please take them seriously like any other appointment/obligation in your life. On the other hand, if you're already reaping the benefits of earthing; well done you. For those in the latter camp; hopefully this article inspires you to keep on going with your earthing practice; perhaps to even amplify it a bit. Thank you very much for supporting my work, and enjoy the benefits that earthing has to offer in such called for times.


About the Creator

Justine Crowley

Freelance Internet Moderator/UX Writer/UX Consulting Designer/Graphic Designer

Lives in Sydney, Australia. Loves life.

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  • Jazzy 10 months ago

    I LOVE GROUNDING! This was such good info on why we should do it and a great reminder I need to do it!

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