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Web Accessibility: Designing for All Users

Why do we need web accessibility?

By Monika RoyPublished 30 days ago 4 min read

Web developers feel it their duty that the websites they develop are accessible to users all across the board. In other words, web accessibility is the designing of websites for all users. Web accessibility also means it is developed in a way that users with sensory, motor, or other sorts of disabilities are not excluded.

Why do we need web accessibility?

It is reflective of the enlightened times we leave in that the less fortunate (for example, the visually hampered) are indeed taken into the reckoning when imagining audiences for information consumption. Much of the information on the internet might be, for all we know, vital fr vast swathes of consumers with disabilities. A nice side-effect of these high moral imperatives is that web development is now democratized. Virtually any breathing citizen of the Earth can now make the most of their PC or mobile.

How would you know web accessible design?

● Ascertain that there's sufficient contrast between backdrop colour and text colour so that the visually hampered may not feel challenged;

● Supplying descriptive alt texts for pictures is now a given. That way, the screen reader software may convey them to those with visual handicaps;

● Ascertain that users with motor impairments may find site navigation easy with their keyboard;

● Video subtitles and audio transcripts help not only the hearing impaired, but also those who are trying to learn languages;

● Headers and navigation menus go a long way towards meeting the visitors’ need for content clarity;

● Font size scaling ought not to affect the layout, given that both the visually challenged and those with a preference for bigger texts will be comfortable.

Leading ecommerce web development company follows accessibility best practices

Only when web developers keep to rules and standards for the achievement of universal web accessibility do we have the largest internet consuming base globally. The WCAG or Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ensure such guidelines. Per WCAG compliance directives, we have tiers Level A (minimum), Level AA (recommended), and Level AAA (advanced).

Impaired consumers have found AA compliance to be the best for their purposes.

Website design company in Jaipur helps you offer text alternatives

Images, video, audio and other non-text items on your webpage have to have a text alternative. Visually impaired users can understand the content. Image alt text allows you to add context for the widest variety of users. It pays to add it to all non-decorative images. Among other things, you may add alt text for other site elements that may be hard for assistive technologies to assess, like tables or graphs.

You can use alternative ways to consume time-based media

Time-based media is made of video and audio content. For audio, be ready with the transcript. For video, be sure the subtitles are in sync with the audio.

Flexible, structured content

You may remove the page styling. HTML files are so written that still there would not be loss of structure or data.

Content that’s heard and seen with ease

You can use colour contrast in a way that even the colour blind are not excluded from experiencing your content. Furthermore, consumers ought to be able to adjust the volume on audio playback, even to the extent of stopping it altogether.

Keyboard-enabled full functionality

You could arrange it so that users may navigate your website without a touchpad or mouse, rather, with a keyboard. The tab key ought to permit users to jump between selectable page elements. The enter/return key ought to click the element in focus.

There ought to be sufficient time for visitors for website engagement

Your website ought to permit visitors to watch, read, engage without being construed for time. If there's a time bound action on your website, allow for the users to extend or cancel it. In case a user disengages from the menu, it is convenient for everyone if there’s a set time-delay prior to the menu vanishing.

Good navigation

Meaningful links, a clear page title, a keyboard focus indicator, and the right headings point out to users where they are on the website.

Logical pagination

You should keep navigation above the fold, usually in the page’s header and footer.

Parasable HTML

The best website design company in Jaipur will give you well-written HTML code. You will be able to use start and end tags as and when needed. You don’t want duplicate IDs across elements.


The leading ecommerce web development company will make you a business website with well-made HTML , simple language, colour contrast, and a focus indicator for the currently selected page element. Per your wishes, you can also have the same website WCAG compliant. The site will be bright with all the contrast and color best practices in place. The best website design company in Jaipur can get you a website with audio, video, written content. The navigational layout will spell intuitive. After all, your brand gains positive reviews, if you make it inclusive. That is, your products and services are there for the whole world to consume and feel happy about.


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