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Trump wins New Hampshire primaries

Skrill Network

By Skrill NetworkPublished about a month ago 3 min read

As the primaries are gathering steam for the 2024 US Presidential elections, after Iowa, Donald Trump has won New Hampshire which is regarded as a moderate state. It also comprises right-leaning Independents which poised a glimmer of hope for Nikki Hayley, his only contender in the Republican Party. Earlier this week popular candidates standing 2nd and 4th in primaries in IOWA Ron De Santis and Vivek Ramaswamy have already decided to rally support in favour of Trump. Nikki Haley however is still rallying against Trump and projecting herself as the sole candidate who can defeat Joe Biden.

Trump won in a non-favorable state

Trump led this non-favorable state comfortably by 11 percentage points with a 75% headcount of ballots received, indicating his road to winning the contest is fairly easy. Nikki Hayley is expecting to turn her fate around in South Carolina, but Trump is already there in the lead as seen in exit polls. Nikki Hayley’s support base came from Independents who could vote in New Hampshire, but she lost here making it aptly clear the road to her getting the Republican nomination won’t be easy at all.

Trump’s political Slogan, “Make America Great Again (MAGA)”


Conditions are grim for Niki Hayley

Niki Hayley’s allies are now openly supporting Trump and have also expressed dissatisfaction with Hayle being persistent in attaining the Republican nomination. Many of them while talking to the press stated that Hayley contesting against Trump in primaries will benefit Biden. Trump also has support from Party Senators Deb Fischer and John Cornyn.

Hayley, however, is still pinning hopes from South Carolina where she was a Governor earlier. In a statement given to the press, she criticized and undermined the significance of North Hampshire polls. She believes this is not the final verdict, she is positive about the upcoming states. The campaign will now go to other states like Nevada and Southern Carolina. Hayley is also bringing Super Tuesdays where they will do campaigning and try to take votes of independent members and other Republican voters. Trump says he will not court non-Republican voters as Hayley was doing,

After winning New Hampshire, Trump goes all out against Nikki Hayley. His victory speech had elements of underestimating Hayley. He called Hayley delusional is social media. He also called Hayley an imposter and told everyone that she was ineligible to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president.

This election also happened in the wake of many controversies going around regarding Trump, he is accused of mishandling classified documents of the White House and also transferring hush money to Stormy Daniels. There was news about him manipulating previous elections too.

Expressing concern towards this development, Biden's campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez, says to the Press, “The anti-election, freedom denying, MAGA (Make America Great Again) campaigners have taken down the whole party.

Trump vs Joe Biden 2024

According to a survey conducted by Pollsters, many youngsters wanted to see younger faces to be presidential nominees. But it seems that both Biden and Trump will be going against each other again. Biden (81) and Trump (77) as per Pollster, the majority of Americans considered both to be too old to be contesting for the presidential contest. Joe Biden won the Democrat Primaries without much problems, quite easily beating D Minn. and Rep. Dean Phillips.

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