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This is Why I Drink

a melodrama

By KJ AartilaPublished 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 3 min read
This is Why I Drink
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

This is Why I Drink …

I left behind a life filled with drama and the people thriving on it, years ago, but the Universe still feels it necessary to challenge me every once-in-a-while, just to test me, I think. Maybe just to remind me of my progress. This time, the stacking of triggers became nearly overwhelming. It was stressful and cold, but I didn’t lose my shit.

Most of these things wouldn’t be that huge of an issue on its own, but in piles, they each become a “thing.”

It started on Thursday, when husband’s debit card became a victim of fraud. He had to go to the bank, cancel the card, and it takes about two weeks to get the replacement.

On Friday morning, I crushed my ribcage. Yeah. I was just standing up to go get dressed in my sixteen layers of clothes to head outside to grain the horses. I crashed to the hardwood floor, landing squarely on my chest and knocking the breath from me. It still hurts to breath and sleep and pretty much move, but nothing is broken. Of course, not getting good sleep for days adds to the difficulty of “dealing.”

Saturday was okay, except the weather turned cold as balls. The guys split wood (our heat source is wood.) Our house seemed to be poorly heating that day. We chalked it up to the cold and wind.

By late Sunday, the heat actually did stop working. Hubby was able to change out the pump, but the heat still wouldn’t work. At eight o’clock at night, my husband and daughter were able to find space heaters at the nearby Dollar General to keep us and the pipes from freezing. That was an unexpected, and welcome, surprise up here in the boonies! We thought we might be SOL until we could make a run further away the next day.

Monday morning, hubby tried to get water running through the system again by “bleeding” the air from the pipes. Still didn’t work. Time to call the service guy. Surprisingly, we found one and he could come out first thing Monday morning. In the meantime, there was a flat tire on my daughter’s car that needed to be removed and repaired that day, and in the afternoon, we were to take her to the Doctor over an hour away for her annual physical. So, we did all that. Oh, and the microwave kicked-it as we were trying to heat some breakfast. So, we have no microwave at the moment, which isn’t terrible, but kind of a pain.

Furnace guy showed up Tuesday morning. Took all day, but they got the heat back on. Only took out a small wall in a basement closet area. Turns out, there was a small build-up of ice in some poorly set-up area that wouldn’t drain and basically interrupted the whole works. Once that was addressed, the system was able to be restored. Yay, heat!

So, overall, I didn’t lose it, and all could have gone so much worse, but I spent Wednesday in recovery mode eating way too much chocolate.

Today, I’m playing catch-up with writing and dishes and housework and contemplating the unexpected and unknown expenses to come from this. Please read my stuff! We could use the pennies ...

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Oh, and just to add to the stressors (but good, but still stressful) – my husband retires on Friday and it’s my birthday on Saturday! Yes, we’re old – and winter in northern Wisconsin sucks!

humanityfact or fiction

About the Creator

KJ Aartila

A writer of words in northern WI with a small family and a large menagerie.

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