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The Fast and Easy Way to Write a Better Book

Time to boost your book-writing mojo

By Rui AlvesPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Writing a book can be a challenge, even for the seasoned author. But what if I told you there is a process to boost your writer's mojo?

Micro-goals and optimized time management are among the most efficient ways to accomplish any task, including writing a book.

When it comes to a more extensive scope project like writing a book, it's helpful to break it down into smaller steps so that you can work on it a little each day.

The 10-minute rule is a great way to help you complete a task in the shortest time lapse.

Some authors set it in stone and will work on their book for only ten minutes. They will do this daily, with no excuses, to avoid procrastination or writer's block.

Even if I can see the point of doing that, I prefer to use the ten-minute technique differently and apply it to multiple scenarios that will ultimately help you complete the task quicker.


In July, I was inspired to focus on writing stories with a book in mind. I immediately decided to write a new book, I have several unfinished works on my drawers, but I wanted to start from scratch. But, at the time, I was missing a topic.

Interspersing long-form with short-form has always been one of my writing leitmotivs, and I always try to adapt that concept to other aspects of my life.

That's why I sat down to write this story after realizing something had changed in my writing process.

I'm writing in shorter bursts than before, and I'm making the most of micro-progress techniques to help me write faster.

Through this process, I noticed that multiple strategies could be applied at different stages of the writing process.

It's unlikely that you will use all of these micro-strategies at once, but it might be helpful to identify which one(s) work best for you and apply them accordingly.


What about you, dear reader? Maybe you've decided to become an author.

Here is what you can do right now to write a better book; it all takes less than ten minutes.

1 - Find your voice

Take ten minutes to become more aware of yourself. Mindfulness will help you reconnect your mind with your inner voice to avoid writer's block.

2 - Learn your craft

Read more and research to write better. It will help if you read other authors for style, learning, and inspiration.

They are out there, trying to share their message with the world like you are, and they have things to teach and inform you about. Listen to them and learn from them.

3. Ask for feedback

Tell a friend or family what you've been working on. You can sit down for coffee and go through a few pages to see what the other person thinks of your work.

4. Make a plan

Set small daily goals ahead of time. Take ten minutes to think about the bigger picture before sitting at your desk.

5. Write down any idea

Most of the ideas for my stories originate in my head while I am still in bed. Every morning I take ten minutes to write everything down so I will have enough source material later.

6. Build connections

Be careful not to drown yourself in your writing. Save time for your social platforms. Pick up the phone and call a friend for ten minutes.

7. Eat pizza

While you write, indulge in some comfort food.

I always write faster and better when I eat pizza, and I can eat a couple of slices in less than ten minutes and still manage to write 500 words.

Of course, pizza is just one example; you can also eat a chickpea bruschetta or try a vegan flatbread with sun-dried tomatoes.

8. Meta-analysis

Take ten minutes each day to understand how your narrative flows through the labyrinth of storytelling.

There are many conceptual exercises you can do along the way. Let's look at a few examples:

Trace back what you've done to see where you're going.

List some of the significant events in your book in order.

You may know where you started and have an idea of where you're going, but you need to take the time to discover the breadcrumbs along the way.

9. Explore your five senses

When I write fiction, nothing helps me more than getting in touch with reality.

Inspiration comes to me when I feel like my feet are sinking into the sand as the waves roll in.

Nothing strengthens the writing muscle more than sharpening your five senses.

I promise it will take you less than ten minutes:

Listen to a song;

Watch a YouTube video;

Eat a piece of chocolate;

Smell your favorite perfume;

Take a handful of sand and let it slip through your fingers.

10. Be you

Take some time to be yourself. Don't let the story rule your life. Take care. Do what you love, and your book will shine bright with the warmth of your heart.

Concluding remarks

Instead of writing a book in the traditional sense, consider the following tips when writing your next extensive opus.

Keep them in mind; you'll be less likely to become overwhelmed and make more productive progress.

It's time to stop boredom before it happens and make steady progress towards your goal.

You'll be surprised at how a simple change in perspective could transform your entire writing style.

In the end, there are many ways to overcome feelings like procrastination and lack of focus when writing a book. Micro-progress techniques and time management optimization play a crucial role in writing faster and better.


Please keep it simple. Don't try to overhaul your whole life. And don't worry about doing everything at once.

Start slow, but keep chipping away. Little by little, you'll see your writing improvement snowball before your eyes.


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About the Creator

Rui Alves

Hi, I'm Rui Alves, a teacher, army veteran & digital pathfinder. Author, alchemist of sound & Gen-AI artist.

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