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The Business Landscape Is About To Dramatically Change

What Leaders Need To Start Doing To Prepare Now

By Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.Published about a year ago 4 min read

There are about to be major changes that occur in business.

The truth is, it will kill a lot of businesses.

It is going to require adaptation, which many people won't do quickly enough.

So what is going to happen?

What's About To Change?

The Changes Starting To Occur

AI will become more utilized - which will have many impacts.

Many people will attempt to use AI in place of their own true knowledge.

This will make those users "appear" better than they really are on aspects of their businesses - a higher percentage of "fake" businesses essentially.

Someone will read a blog post written by an AI which will make them think a business is fantastic based on the blog.

However, the skills of those business owners won't match the content generated by AI.

When this occurs, we will see a dramatically higher percentage of skepticism, justly so, among consumers.

This will only be magnified by the amount of quick, cheap content that AI is able to generate.

This extremely high amount of content will do one of a few things to consumers.

It will either make them run, as the natural human reaction to information overload is to do just that.

It could also make them more demanding of real information from real people.

In either case, it will make them vastly slower in choosing services.

We are also going to see another drop in the economy soon.

This will mean that buying power will dramatically drop.

Consumers will not only be pickier about what they choose but this pickiness will be further heightened by their skepticism.

This will also cause less loyalty toward brands, meaning that if anything goes wrong with the experience consumers will immediately drop.

It will also mean that if you aren't able to provide any quick wins that consumers will leave.

This means we will see a drop in CLTV.

We are also seeing a trend that consumers are demanding real people as faces of businesses.

If consumers are unable to find real people quickly, it will only heighten their skepticism.

Along with this, consumers are demanding that they are understood.

If you can't quickly show people that you understand them, they won't even consider what you have to offer.

The Solutions

➼ Don't Over Rely On AI

AI is a great tool to utilize.

However, that is all it will ever be, a tool.

If you use it as a tool to boost your work and productivity, it will be great.

If you use it to try to REPLACE real knowledge, eventually it will blow up in your face.

If you use AI to code something, and you have no coding ability, AI will eventually come across a problem you can't fix.

If you use AI to gather knowledge but don't fully understand the knowledge it is providing already, consumers will test you and you will fail their tests.

➼ Don't Give Reasons For People To Feel Skeptical

Be authentic in everything you do and say.

If there is even a HINT of any inauthenticity, people will run quickly.

This also means that you have to be an EXEMPLAR of whatever you do and say.

Being "theoretical" won't work anymore, you either have to be doing and showing, or you will fail.

If you say you can fix a problem but that problem isn't fixed in your life, consumers will find out quickly and drop you.

➼ Give Quality Content That Is Easy To Understand

If you overwhelm consumers, they will run.

Don't overload them, make what you talk about as easily understood as possible.

If people see tons of cheap content, they will automatically think it is all AI generated and leave.

The faster and more quality the content is, the easier it becomes to choose it.

➼ Understand The Customers Current Challenges

With the coming fall in the economy, customers will only have increased challenges in their lives.

If you are blind to those challenges, they won't give you half a second of consideration.

You need to understand the problems of today, not the problems of yesterday.

If you are not relevant to the immediate problems, you are not relevant to the customer.

➼ Go Out Of Your Way To Show Loyalty To The Customer

You will only get what you give.

If you want good loyalty from a customer, you need to go out of your way to demonstrate it.

If they feel a hint that they are "less than" anything else, they will drop you.

➼ You AND Your Team Need To Be Seen

It is no longer enough to have "a" face in business

You and Your Team need to be seen as authentic.

There have been too many businesses where one "face" looked good to the public, only to be unmasked for doing horrible things.

You can combat this by having an authentic team that customers can actually see.

It's one thing to have "a" face, it's a completely different thing to have a "team" of faces.

➼ Secret Bonus: Fix Your Dis-Stress

When people begin to panic, which is inevitable when there is distrust and economic challenges, they will seek out businesses and people who are stable.

However, the vast majority of Leaders are in constant distress.

Over 50% are burnt out completely, and many more are close behind.

When you are in Dis-Stress, your team will also go into Dis-Stress, it's a physiological inevitability.

This will eventually be seen by your consumers, and when they see it, their panic will ignite.

When people feel panic, they generally fight or flee, and in either situation, you lose.

However, if you fix your Dis-Stress, you can fix your team's Dis-Stress.

This allows you and your organization to become a beacon of hope among all the panic.

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About the Creator

Cody Dakota Wooten, C.B.C.

Creator of the Multi-Award-Winning Category "Legendary Leadership" | Faith, Family, Freedom, Future | The Legendary Leadership Coach, Digital Writer (500+ Articles), & Speaker


[email protected]

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