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Question To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Business

See things in the present, even if they are in the future.”

By Arsalan HaroonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Question To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Business
Photo by Proxyclick Visitor Management System on Unsplash

Most Entrepreneurs fail to find success in business because they dont ask themselves this question which every entrepreneur should ask if they want to create a successful business no matter what your industry is.

Every entrepreneur should ask themselves this question before starting a business. Because it gives you a clear direction of where you need your business to go and, it will also identify that it will succeed or not in the long term so you can take action and start that business idea.

Let’s learn what questions you need to ask yourself. If you want to start a business or you start your business in the future. This question is critical to ask because it gives you some clues and answers that will allow you to see if your business idea is worth pursuing and taking action or If it is just not that good.


Why do Most Businesses fail in the long term?

Why do I want to start a business?

The first and most important question you need to ask before starting a business is why you want to start a business? Because you want to become rich? If you start a business because you think it makes you rich, then definitely don't start a business. It is a red flag.

Because becoming rich, is not a bad thing. But starting a business with the intention that it will make you rich is not a good thing. Because so many businesses fail and people get back to their 9 to 5 jobs.

Because they think if they start a business and everything goes well, They will become rich, but it isn’t the case.

Starting a business means you have to face many problems and put in hard work to make your business successful. This isn’t that easy to make a business successful it may take years for you to become a successful business.

But if you want to start a business because you are passionate about that industry and you like taking a risk, you know there will be a failure, But you overcome it. Then It is good for you to start a business. If you are passionate about that industry and provide an audience with great quality products that couldn’t available in the market.

So ask yourself this question first Why do you want to start a business?

Can this business idea make money?

Let's say you get a great business idea and you want to start that business. But you have to ask yourself before taking action and think about this. Can this business idea make me money now and in the future?

Because the main point of a business is to make money Because if you dont make money. You can’t run your business, so it’s essential to ask yourself if this business turns into a profitable business that makes you money? If not, then no matter how creative an idea that is. You don't create a successful business with it.

The business has to make money to run successfully in the long term. Most people start a business with a great idea, but they dont ask themselves if that great idea will turn into a profitable business or if it is just a great idea.

So when you come up with a great business idea. Ask yourself, can this business idea make money?

Who is my target audience for my business?

Identifying your target audience is essential to every business. Everyone in this world is not your customer and, you don't need to make everyone your customer.

The target audience is the one who has a problem that your product or service can solve and, It’s the audience you need to advertise and market your product For; Because you have to reach this kind of audience which we called the target audience.

If you don't identify your target audience, so you don't know who needs your product. If you don't know who needs your product, you also don't know who you need to target when you advertise your product.

So it is crucial to identify your audience before starting a business and think about what problem they have and how you can effectively solve that problem.

Who are my competitors?

If you are going into an industry in which you don't have any competitors. Then, more power to you. But most entrepreneurs, when they start a business.

They already have big competitors, which have big brands than them or bigger business models than them. Identifying why they are successful and how you can get ahead of them is the key to the success of your business.

So always ask who your competitors are and why they succeed. How your product is unique from your competitor’s product and how you can get ahead of them. It's a crucial question to ask yourself before starting a business.

Am I passionate about working on that business?

If you are passionate about working hard on your business and, don't give up until you succeed. Then, you have higher chances of success than a person. Who isn't passionate about their business and doesn't get excited about their business.

It is important to start something which you are Passionate About Because it can give you success in business or anything that you do passionately you can become successful in it.

So ask yourself if you are passionate about working on your business extremely hard?

Is Now the Right Time to Start a Business?

If you are starting a travel-related business in a covid 19 situation. Then, it is probably not the right time to start a business in that industry. Most people often wait for the right time but what they don't know is there is always a right to start a business unless that business model no longer works in a modern world or that industry is temporarily close to some situation.

Ask yourself, what is the right time for you to start a business?

It may be that you have debt, so you can't start a business. You have a newborn baby and, you can't work all the time. So because of it, you can't start a business. What is the right time for you to start a business?

Are You Prepared for Failure?

In the United States alone, 804,398 businesses fail in less than a year in 2020.let be honest, Most businesses fail in less than a year and, some survive and fail in 5 years, Few of them fail in 10 years. But 1 or 2 could get successful in the long run.

We only see successful companies, But most businesses don’t become successful. So always prepared for failure. Remember, if you are starting a business, you have to face failures. But if you still keep going, That’s the entrepreneurial spirit you need to become a successful entrepreneur.


This question will help you identify if your business will succeed in the long term? Does your business idea make you money? If you passionate about this? And many more.

I think Every entrepreneur should ask themselves this question before starting a business. So they know before starting a business which idea is worth taking action.

Always ask yourself this question before starting a business if you don't want to waste your time on unnecessary business ideas which don't give you anything in return.

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About the Creator

Arsalan Haroon

Writer┃SEO Expert┃Investor

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