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Interesting Facts About Digital Marketing 2021

Marketing’s job is never done!

By Arsalan HaroonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by PhotoMIX Company on Pexels

Digital marketing 2021 is changing because of the COVID-19 pandemic. lots of small businesses are closed and lots of marketers lost their small business clients.

But I want you to know these Interesting facts about digital marketing 2021 that will not only help you get more clients. But in this difficult time, you need to know some of the REAL facts about digital marketing in 2021 to get new clients.

Because in This Time, rules have changed and you need to know about them. whether you need to grow your or your client's business. These facts will help you achieve a great result in these difficult times.

“It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic.”

 — Jeff Eisenberg

I know in 2020, COVID-19 has affected Lots of marketers. They are losing their small business clients. Some small businesses may permanently close because they can’t open their physical store in their local area.

But on the other side, digital marketing 2021 will be very beneficial for some marketers. WHY? they gain more clients instead of losing clients. Now you want to ask me, But How do they gain clients when everyone is just losing their existing clients? So the answer is This.

They know that lots of businesses are closed. what they do is they give their physical shop clients a great plan. which will help them sell their stuff without opening their physical shop.

So what they do is that they start focusing more on their online store and spend time to grow them.

It’s hard to find things that won’t sell online.

— Jeff Bezos

These digital marketing tips 2021 help you gain more clients if you do this with your existing Clients.

Tell them that you will grow their business without opening their physical shop. if you do this and it works great for them then they tell their small businesses Colleagues, who are currently closed.

They will contact you. After all, they have no option without you because they can’t open their physical shop.

They reach customers online, so small business owners have the only option is the marketer who is helping small businesses to grow. Not those Marketers who just say I can’t do this.

Stay with them in their difficult time and help them grow their business. I know it takes a lot of work but it’s worth it. So the question is what they are doing for helping their clients?

Always provide value. Value builds trust. Once you have that trust, you can do some selling.

 — HubSpot

Improve Digital marketing 2021 strategy

They try different things for their clients. They don’t just do what they are doing in previous years. Because the time has changed, so we need to change our strategy if we want to grow businesses.

In previous years, you focus on local SEO. But at this time you need to focus on growing social media accounts/website sales and more focus on them instead of local SEO.

Focus on Organic traffic instead of paid advertising

A lot of marketers are making this mistake. They always do pay advertising for their clients and focus less on organic reach.

But at this time you need to focus on organic traffic instead of paid advertising. Because if you give them a good result in some less budget, so they can afford it at this time. Then in the future you take some big projects as well from them.

But at this time your clients have a little budget, and if you help them with this budget, they will soon become your regular clients.

Because their small business closed, so they don’t have a large amount of money to spend on advertising. But again it takes work.

Ask yourself if you are willing to take more work and give more time to your work? If yes then you will benefit from these difficulties. You need to focus on SEO, content marketing because this requires less money.

But this requires time so you need to spend time to work on them and produce a great result for businesses.

So they understand your true value next time. They always come to you. Because they know you are the one who provides excellent value and achieves their business goals.


Digital marketing 2021 is tough for most marketers, but also beneficial for others as well. This is your choice what you prefer, if you just want to do what you are doing for years or you are willing to put more time into your work and provide great value to your Clients.

These interesting facts about digital marketing in 2021 may help you get more clients and turn them into your regular clients.

“Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.”


About the Creator

Arsalan Haroon

Writer┃SEO Expert┃Investor

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