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How to promote your website

4 powerful and really effective ways to promote your website

By thepavsalfordPublished 2 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read

Promotion was originally posted on Flickr by and is reused here under the terms and conditions of the Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) Creative Commons license

Posting more content on your website

One of the most effective ways of promoting your website is simply by posting more content on it.

Content marketing is a method, through which, you can attract more organic traffic from search engines.

This is because, by posting more content, chances increase for your website to be ranked by search engines for relevant search queries.

This is a type of direct promotion of your website, and it doesn’t require any effort from you other than feeding the search engines with more content.

For example, if you currently update your website once or twice a week or month, you should seriously consider adding fresh content to it on a more frequent basis, such as daily.

Turning your website into a brand

Although you could argue that, in order to turn your website into a brand, you should first promote it successfully, this can also work the other way round.

It’s a question of: “which came first, the chicken or the egg?”.

Thus, by establishing a strong brand for your website first, you could enjoy better website promotion in the future, as a result.

On top of that, if you manage to take advantage of the good word of your customers who have already experienced the positive benefits of your strong website brand, word-of-mouth marketing will come into play, as well, which can boost the promotion of your website even more.

Adding value to your website on a consistent basis should be your top priority, once you have made the decision to lay the foundations of building a robust brand for it.

Website value can be the combination of a number of different things, such as taking care of the technical aspects of running a website (e.g. load time and responsiveness), having a dedicated page with comprehensive and clear FAQ, addressing customer questions, messages, and complaints, meeting customer expectations and product promises, and many more.

Promoting your website on relevant websites and blogs

In addition to increasing your content posting consistency and frequency, you can use the power and take advantage of the traffic and established web presence of relevant websites and blogs, where you can promote your website.

For instance, you can buy advertising banner space on a blog in the same niche as yours, and benefit from highly relevant and engaged inbound traffic.

In fact, this could work even better than organic traffic in certain cases, since the extra visitors that you get in this way will be “pre-qualified” leads, meaning that their engagement and purchase intention would be higher than general organic visitors who may be interested in finding relevant information on your blog, but who may not be interested in actually buying any of your products and/or services.

Promoting your website offline

Strangely enough, promoting your website offline can be as effective as promoting it online.

After all, offline advertising was there before the advent of online advertising, so you can treat your website like any other offline product, and advertise it on offline media.

Also, with online advertising being flooded and dominated by major players who have shifted from offline advertising and invested heavily on online promotion, price bids for prime online advertising space have gone up.

Therefore, thinking about advertising offline would not be a bad idea.

TV commercials, radio spots, newspaper ads, outdoor and indoor advertising signs, etc. are just a few of the places where you can promote your website offline, make an impact, and make your voice heard and your website seen.

Sources and further reading:

10 effective ways to promote your website for free

15 easy (and free) ways to promote your website in 2022

39 ways to increase traffic to your website

6 Foolproof Methods for Promoting Your New Website in 2022

advicebusinesshow tolist

About the Creator



I have written articles for various websites, such as Helium, Hubpages, Medium, and many more.

Currently, I work as a translator. I have studied Tourism Management at college.

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