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Folks, That's a wrap!

Blink and You Missed It: 2023

By k eleanorPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Dear 2023,

Firstly, what's with the speed, huh? 12 months felt like 12 weeks. Days felt shorter than my attention span in a meme marathon. It's as if time borrowed Usain Bolt's shoes and sprinted through the calendar.

As I bid you farewell, I feel compelled to express my gratitude for the profound lessons and hardships you've bestowed upon me.

Bro, started off with a bang and ended with a single character standing in the midst of her own zombie apocalypse, but in between, you brought me lots of new experiences, good and bad.

Your sunsets painted the sky with hues of both sorrow and hope, a poignant reminder that even in the darkest hours, there is a promise of a new dawn.

I remember the first book I read in 2023 was Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life, a self-help book that asks the question, “What makes you want to live?"

Well, here's the list:

1. All the things I have yet to experience!!

2. I haven't taken enough pictures of my friends and family.

3. There are great people waiting to meet me and to love me. These people will change my life. They could be a soulmate or a dog, of course.

4. There are movies I haven't watched that will change my perception of life.

5. If I'm not here, who is going to eat my favorite meal?

6. There are many more sunsets, beaches, and mountains for me to see.

7. I want to spend more time with my friends, sitting with them on the top of mountains with a dog.

8. I still haven't made enough of an impact on the world. I want to make this world a better place to live in.

9. I have yet to find another moment that makes me truly feel alive. And the list goes on and on.

You taught me immensely about patience. I’ve learned the simple truth that taking walks with a coffee and a cool breeze in the air helps me more than anything to calm down. It doesn’t solve my problems, but it gives me peace in times of chaos and a little hope that I can try again tomorrow. My time spent in rest affords me the opportunity to reflect, and even if by tomorrow things are still not alright, I know I can do it again.

Also, 2023, you didn't just show me people's true colors; you threw a whole palette at me! From the shady greens of deceit to the fake-tan orange of betrayal, it was like attending a circus of trust issues. I must say, your comedic timing was on point—a stand-up special with more twists than a pretzel. As I bid adieu, I’m grateful for the lessons and the hilarity. Farewell to those friends who turned out to be more slippery than a snake in an oil spill.

Thank you for the beautiful, small moments that deserve their own screen time. Imagine a scene akin to the heartwarming camaraderie in "The Grand Budapest Hotel," where friends share laughter against the backdrop of a picturesque sunset. A coffee shop becomes a setting reminiscent of the cozy moments in "Before Sunrise," where simple conversations unfold like poetic dialogues. Those were my favorite memories.

You were a wild ride, a rollercoaster of highs that touched the skies and lows that dug deep into the soul. I stumbled, I fell, and I rose again—bruised but never broken.

As I eagerly pack my bags to leave your stage, 2023, I can't help but feel a rush of excitement for what lies beyond the curtain. The allure of 2024 beckons with the promise of new beginnings, uncharted adventures, and the pursuit of dreams. It's a blank canvas waiting for the strokes of ambition and the hues of possibility. Here's to chasing those dreams with the fervor of a shooting star and crafting a story that even the best storytellers would envy.

Lukewarm regards,



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About the Creator

k eleanor

Writer focused on film, media, fandom, music, comic, and all things geeky. Here you'll find Breakdowns, Analysis, Easter Eggs of Movies and series. Every universe comes together at this place. So just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

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  • The Dani Writer5 months ago

    Ooooh I swooned over your Ikigai answer list! You expressed the past year in such a way that many could relate. I too felt like the gas pedal and the fast-forward button were in a constant state of depress. Like what's the hurry? Even January went by fast and January ALWAYS drags--I mean, come on, it's JANUARY! Great writing k eleanor, and great to read!

  • Novel Allen5 months ago

    The years do seem to be flying for real. So surreal that we are in 2024. I totally agree with all the drama-let downs and hope for better upon this blank canvas ahead of us.

  • Denise E Lindquist5 months ago

    A rollercoaster of highs and lows is something I can identify with! Laughter and hilarity are what I will do whether highs or lows. Medicine for my soul! Thank you for this! Best wishes for a better new year for us all!😊💕

  • Peter Kent5 months ago

    This was written by a precious person imho

  • Caroline Craven5 months ago

    Lukewarm regards! Love that. I also really love the way you use colours to describe people.

  • Hannah Moore5 months ago

    Lukewarm regards! May 2024 be a ride more conducive to warm regards!

  • Your list made me smile. It was so positive and uplifting! Happy New Year and may only good things come your way! 🥰🥰🥰

  • Kodah5 months ago

    Crazy year everyone had!! Happy new year's (soon)!! 😆❤️

  • Kendall Defoe 5 months ago

    It was quite a ride, wasn't it?😉

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