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Camp NaNoWriMo Arrives...

My Plan For My First Time Taking Part

By Terri AllenPublished about a year ago 2 min read

So April first is finally here and you know what that means, or maybe you don't…, but it’s finally time for my first attempt at Camp NaNoWriMo. Camp NaNoWriMo is this cute little writing challenge that gives writers a chance to attempt writing a large amount of words in a short time. I believe you can put the word count to whatever you want but keeping with the usual NaNoWriMo goal I have opted for 50,000 words. I need to write 1667 a day to reach the goal by the end of April but this year I am doing it a little differently.

The last two years I have taken part in the November challenge of writing 50,000 words and I have won both times. I wrote for the same project and that WIP has a current word count of 113,800 words. I still have two chapters to complete in this project but it’s not going to take me 50,000 words to finish that project so I have a plan for this year.

Instead of working steadily on one singular project I will be working on four!

These projects are going to be articles for my Vocal, a personal project that I am handwriting, the remaining chapters of my WIP and a short story that I have been working on.

I won’t be working on every one of these every day but as long as I make the word count across these four things every day then I am happy.

The reason I am not working on a single project this year is because I already have a lot of things going on and I don’t want to rush head first into a new project. I would rather spend this month trying to tick off a few boxes and still get to take part in the challenge.

I love the community that I have made the last two years taking part in NaNoWriMo and every year I meet more and more people that take part. It’s like a little writing family!

I’m not putting too much stress on myself like I would for NaNoWriMo, I’m still posting my progress on TikTok but I’m not going to force myself into writing everyday if I really don’t want to.

I have ideal goals that I can work towards but I won’t allow myself to stress out. If one day I want to work on just an article then finish up for the day then that's fine. If one day I want to bash out 500 words for each project then that’s also fine.

If I don’t get a single one of my tasks fully completed by the end of the month at least I worked on it a little bit. I just need to keep myself motivated and realise that not everyday is going to be a writing day, I have my social life and my job that get in the way sometimes and I don’t want to exhaust myself with unreachable writing goals.

I am happy, I am motivated, I am excited!

Have any of you ever taken part in Camp NaNoWriMo or NaNoWriMo in general? If so then how did you get on? Did you enjoy it? I’d love to hear from you!

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About the Creator

Terri Allen

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