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A girl 16 yr diagnosed with Cancer

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By SUGANYA RPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

After a pea-sized lump on her cheek grew within weeks, a UK girl was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer.

Following an ultrasound and biopsy, the adolescent was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma and would require medical attention.

A pea-sized lump on the cheek of a 16-year-old girl in the United Kingdom was sent home with antibiotics by her dentist; but, after the mass swelled to the size of a "tennis ball" in a matter of weeks, the girl was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. As to The Independent, Gaby Maurice initially noticed a pea-sized bump in her right cheek in 2021 and was later diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a soft tissue cancer, at the age of 13. Dentists initially thought the bulge was connected to her teeth, but when the swelling got worse, they

The 16-year-old reportedly stated, "It was like a little pea at first, but it was growing bigger and bigger every single day," according to the site. "It started right at the top and then it started spreading all the way down (my face) - and after six weeks, it was the size of a tennis ball," she stated.

The girl had rhabdomyosarcoma, and after an ultrasound and biopsy, it was determined that she would need chemotherapy, which caused her hair to come out completely. Ms. Gaby claimed that the chemotherapy was a "shock" to her body and that she felt "insecure" as a result of the severe fatigue, nausea, and hair loss she endured.

"Your body isn't quite sure how to respond to it. I felt so weak, I couldn't even walk to the bathroom without passing out," she remarked.

The publication claims that the teenager underwent multiple surgeries, one of which involved removing the entire tumor over the course of 14 hours. Now that she has experienced remission, it has been a "huge weight off (her) shoulders."

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"I'm proud of my scars because it shows what I've been through - I battled cancer and I made it out the other side," she continued, discussing the effects of her own diagnosis.

"I'm proud of my scars because it shows what I've been through - I battled cancer and I made it out the other side," she continued, discussing the effects of her own diagnosis.

Now that she is back in school, she still requires routine exams and scans. The 16-year-old claimed that despite missing an entire school year, she feels like her "normality" is returning. She also disclosed her desire to "give back" to other young cancer patients by training as a children's oncology nurse.

When a dentist discovered a pea-sized lump in a schoolgirl's cheek, the dentist sent her home with antibiotics and watched in dismay as the mass swelled to the size of a "tennis ball" and was later found to be uncommon cancer.

In October 2021, Gaby Maurice, 16, of Cambridgeshire, noticed a pea-sized bump in her right cheek. She was later diagnosed at the age of 13 with rhabdomyosarcoma, a cancer of the soft tissues.

Her mother Olga, 39, a factory worker, initially took her to the dentist because they thought the lump was connected to her teeth; however, when the swelling got worse, they were told to see a general practitioner.

At first, Gaby said, "it was like a little pea, but it was growing bigger and bigger every single day."

"It began at the top of my face and spread all the way down. After six weeks, it had grown to the size of a tennis ball."

After undergoing multiple surgeries, including a 14-hour operation to remove the entire tumor, Gaby received maintenance chemotherapy and proton beam therapy, a form of radiotherapy.

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I am worker, i live ordinary life, i love to sing and i love go out different places, i having hobby to capture of good photos, love to eat.

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