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9 Digital Marketing Trends That Should Be On Your Radar

Digital Marketing Trends

By Alex JohnPublished 8 months ago 5 min read

From publishing to buying, successful digital marketing adapts to changing customer tastes and changing market conditions. For many marketers, this is not always easy, not to mention the constant new market trends that make their jobs even more difficult. Additionally, Facebook and Google's algorithms change multiple times a year, which can make your SEO tactics outdated if you don't keep up.

We witness technology developing rapidly with new advanced tools or software. For example, with every passing day, we have new social media apps, better smartphones and other technological advances that promise to transform the game of digital marketing, whether it’s social media marketing, or lead generation Dubai.

To help you get through the hype, this blog has compiled the top nine digital marketing trends that should be on your radar for your next strategy or content.

Now, let’s jump into the top 9 digital marketing trends.

Livestream Content And Short-Form Video

Social media today allows users to create video content that includes both live streaming and short videos. Many marketers have mentioned that it is a turning point for many brands as it brings the best possible lead generation and conversions compared to other advertising mediums.

Today, shorter videos require more marketing efforts to keep viewers interested in the products or services advertised. Also, many people find streaming videos interesting when they are hosted by famous people like; athletes or celebrities.

Remember, though, that people are more likely not to click on professionally produced and edited videos because they don't see them as comparable.

Optimize Voice SEO

With the advancement of technology, Google and YouTube have introduced voice search through artificial intelligence (AI), making it easier for people. But it doesn't end there. Our expertise includes smart technology, including Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa, Microsoft's Cortana and Google's digital assistant. Thanks to the advancement of all these tools and applications, people can search the internet without typing a single word on their smart devices.

If you've never optimized your voice search before, consider tailoring your search engine optimization (SEO) for voice search. Be sure to include conversational phrases that people would use to find you through your virtual assistant. On the Internet, a user might type “5 top companies for PPC agency Dubai” while in a voice search, they might say, "Can you share the top 5 PPC agencies in Dubai?"

In-feed Shopping

If you run an ecommerce business, you may be familiar with outsourced social media posts. Connect your store's Facebook and Instagram accounts to your digital catalog and let people click on posts in your feed to buy products.

The next in-feed shopping is allowed by Google advertising but ensure it should be shopping campaigns. These ads are linked to your product catalog and appear as shopping images. Create optimized ads and define your search terms that people can use to find them. Then set parameters like geographic region and stock number.

Video Marketing/Podcasting

Video marketing brings us another communication tool which is the "podcast" – helping brands to convey their messages to the customers. Podcasts can be very useful for sharing important information about a service or product, and these podcasts are easily accessible from any device with an Internet connection.

Many digital marketing services in Dubai share the best podcasting strategies to engage your audience with your brand voice. However, the length of the podcast depends on the discussion and participation of the public. As a result, you should lead with topics that will grab their attention and close the podcast on an interesting note.

Email Marketing/Segmentation

Privacy will always be at the top of people’s mind whenever they shop online or fill out a form. Well when it comes to email lists, people show the same concern that is ‘Privacy’. Many digital marketing services in Dubai provide email marketing, help in segmentation and send customized emails to those different segments.

With this strategy, you can add value to every member of your email list. Be thoughtful about your email marketing campaign and make sure it's easy for your list members to opt out.

QUICK TIP: Make your users feel comfortable by including the right word choices in your headlines.

Push Notifications

Push notifications become a resourceful reminder for customers to receive alerts about appointments, new baking recipes and upcoming sales. Most of your customers are walking around with a smartphone these days. Push notifications allow you to reach your customers on their phones.

Push notifications allow you to create personalized messages that appear on their mobile device either as a message pop-up on their home screen or as a text message in their text feed.

If you are not sure how to make push notifications to connect with your customers and drive them to your website, contact the most popular PPC agency Dubai - Point Blanc Media. Their team will guide you through the entire push notification strategy and make sure you reach every single person.

Influencer Marketing

Today we know that every other famous person has become an influencer in various social media when they post a brand to reach a wide audience and make an impression.

An influencer marketing strategy involves giving free products to social media or paying them to promote your product. Instead, they create a message that tells their followers about your brand.

If you're wondering who to connect with, here are some suggestions to help you collaborate with popular people on TikTok, YouTube, or Instagram. Instead of spending a lot of money to get a big influencer with millions of followers, consider partnering with a micro-influencer with 1,000-10,000 followers. And you gradually connect with the top ones!

Interactive Content

Today, people love to interact with brands through social media and other platforms. But only if you add interactive content to your social media platform and it gives your followers a real-time opportunity to interact with your brand. However, if you promote a service/product through interactive content on online social media ends up being a win-win situation.

For example, features like Instagram Live and Facebook Live allow people to talk to you while you're recording video. This tool allows you to easily communicate with your customers. Another option is Instagram stories with stickers like FAQ, Ask Anything or Product Q&A. It is recommended that you try this tactic once in your digital marketing strategy and you will be surprised by the results.

If you want help with interactive content creation – get digital marketing services in Dubai and experience the best conversion rates ever.


Last but not least is gamification – brands are currently creating digital games on their social media and adding the price to attract customers. Another way to do this is for your brand to add different games to the site - this will also bring the attention of the audience.

Game elements are the new direction of digital marketing trends in 2023. Although this is a misunderstood strategy, today many brands are increasingly using game design elements to increase customer retention, word of mouth and revenue.

Consider, for example, a McDonald's gaming application where people visit, play, win and buy certain products at outlets. Gaming strategies are simple to implement, yet highly effective in engaging customers

Where to Find the Best Digital Marketing Agency in the UAE? It’s always a tough job to figure out which marketing agency can help you with all these trendy strategies. Here your solution is "Point Blanc Media" because they have all the expertise from digital marketing to web development.


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