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7 Hilarious Job Interview Stories.

These are pure gold.

By Jide OkonjoPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

You know how it goes.

The anticipating, the praying, the studying, the getting ready, the waiting, the getting called to the HR's office. If you've ever applied for a job and had to go in for an interview, then you know what I'm talking about. That process is BRUTAL!

But could you imagine walking into the interviewer's office so confidently and so prepared only to be hit by a curve ball you couldn't have imagined? Well, that's exactly what happened to the 7 people on our list today. Although all of these stories happened to Nigerian people in Nigerian offices, the experiences I'm sure are universal.

Are you ready to dive into it?

Then's let's go!

1. On Display.

This would definitely give me a heart attack.

After posting this article, you can best believe I'm on my way to create a safe work-friendly backup Twitter account. Because my Twitter account as it is to prospective employers... let me not come and give somebody heart attack.

I want to hear from you.

2. Just Stick To The Rivers and the Lakes That You're Used To.

Some challenges are really designed to put us in our place. That's what happened here.

Nice thinking OgaLandlord.

3. Get Out Part 2.

Hahahaha, but I thought that television told me to demand my worth. What happened?

Btw, what do you all think of employers asking you how much you'd like to be paid? I personally hate it because if I don't know how much the position is paying, then any number I give is a risk. If I call a number and the interviewer seems satisfied or happy, then I think I've low-balled myself but if I give a number and the interviewer looks shocked or like "who does he think he is?", then I feel like I've shot myself in the foot.

What do you think? Do you like it?

Before we go on, if you're enjoying this story so far, then I employ you to like and follow my Facebook page. I upload interesting stories and articles all the time, and I don't want you to miss out on anyone.

4. What's Bothering You?

Okay but what is the correct answer to this type of question?

Because what is bothering me is that I need money, a job, but if I say that then it will be "Ah, this one is desperate," or something to that effect. All these strange questions these days.

5. I Can't Come and Kill Myself.

But if this isn't the reality of most Nigerian jobs. Ridiculous working hours, crappy pay, and on top of all that, you can best believe they will still you as the errand boy or girl that will fetch them water, buy bread, bring stapler. Ha! The life and plight of a Nigerian youth.

6. Compliment Yourself Sir.

Is that how they're doing it these days? Is this the secret to snagging a job. I would personally be too terrified to report the interviewer unless I thought I did poorly in the interview and had almost a zero chance of getting employed. But if I felt like the interview went well, I don't think I could do something like this because I'm afraid I might rock the boat.

What about you? Would you file a complaint against an interviewer if they did something you didn't like?

7. Justina, Is That You?

🤣 🤣Yooooo. I'll have no choice but to just walk out of the interview. There's no point in wasting my time.

But can you imagine if that happened to you? How would you react? What would you even say? I guess this is the reason they tell us to part with exes on amicable terms. Justina, abeg forget all those things I did, I need this job and I need it now. 🤣

Let me turn it you. Would you happy if you walked in and saw your ex as the interviewer?

Alright! That brings us to the end of our list. I hope you've enjoyed reading through this article.

If you enjoyed it, please don't forget to share it with family and friends you feel will also find it interesting. Also, if you're feeling extra kind and generous right now, then please consider leaving me a tip no matter how small. College is really hard and expensive. Anything you can do to help really does go a long way.

Once again, here is my Facebook if you want to follow me.

Until next time, do have a wonderful rest of your day!


About the Creator

Jide Okonjo

I have ONE account and MANY interests. My page is a creative hodgepodge of:

🇳🇬 Nigerian news stories for my dedicated Nigerian readers.

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