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5 More Reasons I Didn't Read Your Story

Sorry about that...

By S. FrazerPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Image by Jordan Al from Pixabay

A while back, I wrote what is still one of my most successful pieces: "Why I Didn't Read Your Story."

In it, I offered what I think are some pretty good tips for attracting readers on Vocal. People seemed to find it useful, so I've written a completely unsolicited part two.

This new list is a more facetious take on that piece, but here are five more reasons I didn't read your story.

1. It's fiction

I'm so sorry, fiction writers, but I just can't do it. I hate reading fiction on here. It has absolutely nothing to do with a writer's talent or the quality of a story—I just can't get invested in short fiction.

I love stories about pop culture, writing, crafting, history, literature, and mental health. There are so many Vocal communities that I willingly patronize, but fiction isn't one of them.

I used to hate poetry, too, but I've learned to appreciate it. Mostly because it's short and to the point.

2. I was busy

I'm currently a student and work as a graduate assistant on a major project in Indianapolis. I've got essays to write, interviews to code, and church services to attend (seriously, that's my job—going to church). That means that a good chunk of my time is spent on work outside of Vocal.

I do carve time out of my busy schedule for supporting other creators, but it's definitely harder now than it was when I was sitting at home unemployed.

3. I was writing

Image by LEEROY Agency from Pixabay

Between doing my job and getting my homework done, I have limited time to write out all of the stories jumbling around in my head. I confess, these days I invest more time in writing my own stories than in reading others'. I do still read Vocal stories, of course; I just spend more time writing. (Which is only natural, since one takes way longer than the other.) I'm sure you understand.

The best time to read on Vocal is when I've got writer's block. I can put my own work on the backburner and look to other creators' stories for inspiration.

4. I don't like you

Okay, so if I haven't engaged with your work, don't assume it's because I've got some kind of beef with you. But there are a few people in the Vocal Facebook groups who are just mean. Like attacking people, insulting other writers, talking down to everybody. It's really rare, but I've blacklisted a couple of them and even blocked one.

Remember that your behavior on social media reflects back on you and influences how other creators respond to your work. Nobody wants to give time or money to a bully. Be respectful, be kind, be professional.

5. I don't want to risk giving you money for a bad take

If, based on its title and cover photo, your story looks like it might be a bad take, I won't risk opening it. For example, if a piece appears to be pro-Trump or anti-vax, I won't even click on it. I will not give you that 1/3 of a penny (or whatever it is we make per single read) for something I find offensive and harmful. I'm petty like that.

To be clear, simply voicing an opinion that I disagree with isn't a problem; I've liked plenty of stories with arguments I didn't buy into. I can appreciate pieces that are well-written, even if I don't necessarily agree with their premises. And I'm pretty open-minded to political stances across the board.

But I won't entertain disinformation or bigotry. The Vocal moderators are pretty good at nipping those kinds of things in the bud anyway, but it's good to be vigilant as consumers, too. If I'm not sure about a story, better to err on the side of caution.

Thanks for reading! If this story didn't totally offend you, subscribe and click the 🖤! And check out some of my other pieces below (unless you're busy, don't like me, or don't want to risk giving me money):


About the Creator

S. Frazer

She/her • 29 • Aspiring writer

Email: [email protected]

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