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Interview with Imtotallynotokay

Getting to know the Wattpad authors

By Chloe GilholyPublished 5 years ago Updated 3 years ago 2 min read

Imtotallynotokay (Ashton) is a proud Slytherin and music lover and uses it as the main inspiration to his Wattpad books. He's got 29 works up on Wattpad at the moment.

Chloe Gilholy: What made you become a writer?

imtotallynotokay: My head's always just been so filled with ideas and I have always made up little stories in my head since I was very young, so it just felt natural for me to write them.

What brought you to Wattpad?

My best friend at the time told me about it and said that there was stories about bands I love on here. So, in the beginning, it was just to read fanfiction.

What is the latest project you’re working on?

I’m currently writing a dystopian, sci-fi related series and the first book should hopefully be out in September.

Have you ever been published outside of Wattpad?

I have not.

What’s your greatest achievement as a writer?

My greatest achievement is probably just growing as a writer. I mean the reads, votes and comments are nice, but becoming a better writer is something I strive for.

What are your writing goals?

I would like to master my writing skills (even though we all keep improving every day of our life), and my end goal is to get traditionally published.

What’s your favourite thing about writing for Wattpad?

I love the freedom of being able to write anything and not just have to stick to one genre. And it’s nice to be able to communicate with all my readers.

What are your pet peeves about writing for Wattpad?

Hmm. Probably the number of books that aren’t written by people who actually want to become authors and are just doing it for popularity. But also the fact that a lot of amazing authors can have like 5 followers and 2 reads while others can have 1k followers and thousands of reads on books that don’t really deserve it.

Aside from Wattpad, are there any other sites you’ve written for?

I've written on QuoteV in the past and have tried AO3, but I eventually removed my works from there because Wattpad is easier for me.

Where do you see your writing journey in five years?

Hopefully, I’ll have a book published. But even if I don’t I know that if I just keep trying I’ll eventually reach that goal.

How would you feel about someone making fanwork based on your stories?

As of right now I happily welcome everything but fanfics for my work. Due to someone in past saying they were going to do one and then telling me they were just going to steal my idea and try to become popular off of it. But if I were to traditionally publish a book(s) I would happily welcome fanfics for them.

Which Wattpad books that you’ve written do you feel best displays your writing talents?

As of right now (out of the books that are up), probablySomebody To You. I do however plan to rewrite it in the near future and make it better.

Thank you for your time and for doing this interview. I wish you the best of luck in your writing journey.


About the Creator

Chloe Gilholy

Former healthcare worker and lab worker from Oxfordshire. Author of ten books including Drinking Poetry and Game of Mass Destruction. Travelled to over 20 countries.

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