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An Interview With Writer A.A. Pifer

Getting to know the Wattpad Authors

By Chloe GilholyPublished 5 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

A.A. Pifer is a writer from Victoria, British Columbia and is the author of The Heart Inside, which is available to read on Wattpad. She has very kindly taken her time to have an interview with me today. Please support and check out her work.

Interviewer: What made you become a writer?

A.A. Pifer: Reading Stephen King novels with my mother! She had every single copy of all his works ever made. I had such a fascination with everything he wrote, the way he described characters, and all the things happening around/to them. I loved the way he could evoke fear into his readers with a single sentence. Ever since, I've decided I wanted to be like him.

What brought you to Wattpad?

A Facebook friend was posting her own novel from Wattpad, I decided to take a look, and I've been here ever since (2015).

What is the latest project you’re working on?

I started writing a non-fiction book about my life as a teenage mother, the title of my novel is "The Heart That's Inside." It follows young heroine Ellie Meyers, and her journey becoming a mother at fourteen. I wanted to write about my experience in hopes that, if other girls in their teens find themselves in that predicament, they know they're not alone. I want to give a character for them to relate to, someone they can look up to while they are on this journey of motherhood. It details everything from suicidal attempts, depression, anxiety, hopes for the future, dealing with high-school, not staying with the father etc. It also shows them love, a strong female lead, and that they can do anything they put their minds to.

Have you ever been published outside of Wattpad?

Not yet, but I am hoping to get this novel published.

What’s your greatest achievement as a writer?

It will be knowing I'm making a difference in somebody's life, just because of what they read in my stories.

What are your writing goals?

Right now? Just getting this novel finished and edited properly. I'm hoping to eventually get it out there and see more.

Future writing goals? Becoming a published author. If I can write a book people love, and relate too, I'll be happy.

What’s your favourite thing about writing for Wattpad?

The whole structure of it. You can save and go back if you decided you liked it the other way, or if you accidentally delete something. Knowing my book is out there, and people can read it on the platform is pretty cool too.

What are your pet peeves about writing for Wattpad?

I don't have much of a pet peeve about writing for Wattpad, but I do dislike the whole system to how things are ranked, and what others think is more popular for "Hotlists." I feel like a lot of writers get left out if they're not writing Fan-fiction, Horror stories, or Erotica.

Aside from Wattpad, are there any other sites you’ve written for?

I haven't yet, I'm not really sure what other sites are out there for writing.

Where do you see your writing journey in five years?

I'm hoping to have a few books published by then (dream big right?) I'm going into Creative Writing this January, trying to get a little more comfortable with writing, and hone in on my skills. Hopefully, the learning aspects help me write some good pieces.

How would you feel about someone making fanwork based on your stories?

Wouldn't bother me at all, as long as they credit original Authors, and if it's not turned into Erotica. It is the internet though, so one can wish, and people will still do what they want.

Which Wattpad books, that you’ve written do you feel best displays your writing talents?

This one, and my poetry book I haven't published yet. I'm still trying to figure out where certain pieces should be, but both of them are direct links to myself. I feel the more the story, poem etc. is based on your feelings, or something you've been through, the better it is. It's also easier to write when you know what's happened already.

Thank you so much for your interview and best of luck for the future! You can follow A. A. Pifer's journey on Wattpad here.


About the Creator

Chloe Gilholy

Former healthcare worker and lab worker from Oxfordshire. Author of ten books including Drinking Poetry and Game of Mass Destruction. Travelled to over 20 countries.

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