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An Interview with Oliviarose85

Getting to know the Wattpad authors

By Chloe GilholyPublished 5 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

Olivia Rose is from Wisconsin, USA. She is the author of four published books on Wattpad includingLife, Love & a Little Coffeeand the writing guide, From Passion to Page. Thank you for doing this interview with me. I wish you the best of luck in your writing journey.

Chloe Gilholy: What made you become a writer?

Olivia Rose: In fourth grade, everyone was required to write a poem for a statewide contest. I ended up winning my age division. That was back in 1994 and I've been writing ever since.

What brought you to Wattpad?

I was using Google to look for books to buy with a certain plotline and clicked on a link that brought me to Wattpad. I was in complete awe over all the free books!

What is the latest project you’re working on?

My current book is about a young woman in her last month of high school. She's ready to move on and start a new life in college until she finds out her mother is in the early stages of Huntington's Disease.

With this new revelation and the knowledge that the disease is hereditary, it opens her up to living life how she wants without worrying about judgement and shows her how precious the bond of family really is.

There is also a strong friendship that turns into a romance between her and her teacher as she reaches her final days in high school.

Have you ever been published outside of Wattpad?

I have with poetry, but not with my novels. I have actually been offered a couple of book deals, both by members on here that have a small publishing house, but I don't know. I feel like would take a lot of the joy out writing. I haven't written it off completely.

But first I have to finish the book.

What’s your greatest achievement as a writer?

My greatest achievement I think is writing a book that is recommended constantly. I'm really proud of that.

Also, the fact that I've stuck with it all these years and accept that that time has not made my writing perfect. I'm always trying to improve.

What are your writing goals?

Just to write something that people truly love and remember years down the road.

What’s your favourite thing about writing for Wattpad?

The feedback I've received has meant everything. Without that feedback, my writing had more or less stayed in place. Once I joined I started to understand what my writing weaknesses were. Being here has helped me improve more in the last four years than I had in the twenty-plus years before.

I also love interacting with readers.

What’s your pet peeves about writing for Wattpad?

I have plenty of pet peeves reading here, but none with writing.

Aside from Wattpad, are there any other sites you’ve written for?


Where do you see your writing journey in five years?

Still improving and still here. I'm a simple girl and don't have any grand ambitions with my writing.

How would you feel about someone making fanwork based on your stories?

People have made fan artwork for me. If you're referring to fan fiction, I'm honestly not sure how I would feel.

Which Wattpad books that you’ve written do you feel best displays your writing talents?

My current one, definitely. My first books gave me the feedback I needed to learn where to improve, which I've applied to my current book. It's awesome because I can definitely see the improvement. Now it's being recommended to those wanting to improve on those aspects by reading books that excel at it. That very much put me on cloud nine.


About the Creator

Chloe Gilholy

Former healthcare worker and lab worker from Oxfordshire. Author of ten books including Drinking Poetry and Game of Mass Destruction. Travelled to over 20 countries.

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