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Reindeer Brains

Exploring the menu of the restaurant that inspired 'The Menu' (2022)

By Leslie WritesPublished 11 months ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
Top Story - July 2023
Reindeer Brains
Photo by Peter Lloyd on Unsplash

Our friends Malinda and Jon recently got back from a visit to Denmark. We’ve never traveled abroad, so I was naturally excited to hear their stories and live vicariously. We learned about Danish museums, Danish landmarks, and how cycling is the main mode of travel in Copenhagen. All of that is lovely, of course, but what about the FOOOOOD?

Images by friends Malinda and Jon

Jon took some very tempting photographs of delicious-looking sandwiches and desserts, each of which could be considered a work of art. But that is not what this story is about. When we met for the post vacation debriefing, Malinda casually mentioned that Noma, the restaurant that inspired the 2022 dark comedy, The Menu starring Ralph Fiennes is located in Copenhagen. I can’t remember if I was drinking anything at the time, but let’s imagine I did a spit take. YOU MEAN THAT DEMENTED SHIT IS REAL? Even without the murders, I couldn’t believe those insane food concepts are based on the work of a real chef! Malinda sent me a copy of the menu which was both amusing and difficult to digest (pun intended).

Noma boasts 3 Michelin stars, the highest possible number of stars, and has been named the best restaurant in the world by Restaurant Magazine in 2021.

Before I start roasting this menu with my patented comedy stylings, I’d better add an important disclaimer. I realize that native people and rural folks hunt and enjoy consuming all kinds of four legged creatures out of tradition, necessity, or both. I applaud their connection to the natural world and their reverence for the animals which give them sustenance. Rock on! I am not yucking your yum.

I aim to make fun of the ultra-rich who eat dishes created for shock value, gruesome arrangements of organs, flesh, and bone that would make Hannibal Lecter blush. I am talking about trust fund foodies who pay thousands for duck dicks pickled in goose blood and deconstructed capybara taints just to feel something.

I perused Nona’s game and forest season tasting menu of 2021 pictured below, which was obtained and reviewed by I say, “tasting menu,” but at a place this fancy you don’t order, you simply eat whatever they bring you. The menu changes daily. No substitutions. No exceptions.

Menu list from

The obvious attention grabber is, of course, the reindeer brain custard, which is served right in the skull! Is this how the wealthy get their Christmas spirit? The reviewer goes on to say that the flavor was nothing special but seemed charmed by the macabre presentation. I mean, YOLO! Amirite?

This outlandish fare is juxtaposed by the hilariously simple, like the dish referred to as 'plum.' And we can’t forget the 'oregano sandwich,' which to me sounds like something you’d do to smuggle drugs across the border.

Reindeer seems to be a theme, and I’m glad they made use of the whole animal. We have a bit of a menagerie with the boar, duck and bear also making cameos in this gastro gauntlet. Then we get to number 12: Buttermilk and Scoby.

No, not Scooby! Scoby! It’s the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast used in the preparation of kombucha, ‘ya silly noobs!

And I hope you saved room because we have reindeer caramel for dessert.



“Hey, you got reindeer in my caramel!”

“You got caramel in my reindeer!”

*Both take a taste*

“Hmm, not bad!”

I can only assume this is how such a combination was formed.

This is but one menu in the storied culinary career of an award-winning chef whose humble beginnings started with the flip of a burger. Even if flavors like these are not your cup of tea, you have to admire the man’s creativity!

Our friends did not dine at Nona. They opted for the ironically named plant-based restaurant, The Ark. Neither of them is vegan, but this place apparently knocked their socks off!

Here’s a real quote from the restaurant’s website.

‘It was the mushrooms that made me grab the edge of the table, like when Meg Ryan orgasmed in When Harry Met Sally.’

And, well, there you have it!


Divisive foods are having a moment right now on Vocal. This was my contribution. Please check out the other despised dishes by fellow creators (Donna's Marshmallow piece includes further links) as well as this film review of 'The Menu' by Grz Colm.


About the Creator

Leslie Writes

Another struggling millennial. Writing is my creative outlet and stress reliever.

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Comments (27)

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  • Tiffany Gordon 10 months ago

    A fun read! Congrats on your TOP STORY!

  • Zeeshan May11 months ago

    What a delightful adventure you took us on with this post! Exploring the menu of the restaurant that inspired 'The Menu' sounds like an enchanting experience. Your vivid descriptions and captivating storytelling transported me there with you.

  • Dana Stewart11 months ago

    I knew this was going to be good! The bit about the wealthy getting their Christmas spirit was hilarious. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Ian Read11 months ago

    Nice blend of humor and commentary. Like the movie you highlight the ridiculousness of fine dining not as a respect of craft, but of price. I mean some sounded appetizing (if not just a reinvention of what we 'peasants' eat lol), a couple others I would try if it wasn't reserved for the wealthy, others just sound crafted for shock value and I couldn't help but chuckle.

  • Jay Kantor11 months ago

    How 'Bout Blood Pudding? ~ No Soup for You ~ Next in Line

  • Lol, I did think of Scooby when I saw scoby 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I enjoyed reading this!

  • Jacqueline Leigh11 months ago

    Next it will be Santa's nuts !!! served with reindeer poo ice-cream lol

  • Shanica11 months ago

    Wow! is all I am going to say . . . too psychological traumatized to move a livid muscle in my brain. Lol. Thank you for the thoughtful share!

  • Naomi Gold11 months ago

    I loved that film so much. I really identified with the sassy protagonist, from beginning to end. I was just like yep, that’s exactly how it would go down if I was there. I had no idea it was loosely based on a real restaurant. That being said, I am one of those people who would eat everything on this menu if I could afford it. I would do it for the experience. As someone as recovered from an eating disorder as one can ever be (because it’s a lifelong thing that doesn’t go away) I’ve learned food is meant to be enjoyed. It’s for both sustenance and pleasure. It is a sensory experience. I can absolutely taste and feel the difference when food is made with love. I always support local restaurants with chefs who are passionate about what they do. And as a goth at heart, sign me up for the brain custard served in the skull! This was such a fun read. Congrats on Top Story! 🥂

  • Heather Hubler11 months ago

    Bahahaha!! I love your brand of humor. Your turn of phrase had me cracking up and the visuals I had in my head of some of these delicacies had me cringing a bit. To each their own, but I'll stick with non-brain meals :) Excellent work and congratulations on Top Story!!

  • Khoase Rasoaisi 11 months ago

    Hi Leslie I am from Maseru Lesotho southern Africa.. This how we roll, just turns to one of our favorite cuisines. This is exceptional food, delectable mouthwatering, sheep cow chicken heads complete with everything, pay us a visit let's enjoy the treat,, it'll be an experience of a lifetime.

  • Dana Crandell11 months ago

    I do so enjoy your brand of humor, Leslie! Great entry, and congratulations on Top Story!

  • Gina C.11 months ago

    Awesome, entertaining read! That menu is something else 😅 Congrats on TS!! Loved this :)

  • Lamar Wiggins11 months ago

    😂annnd🤮 loved your story and how you executed it. I’ll pass on 80% of this menu. I can imagine the oregano sandwich would be like eating a bunch of splinters, where you spend the rest of the day getting them out your gums. Hard pass, and congrats!

  • Donna Renee11 months ago

    Yay! Congrats on the Top Story!!

  • Babs Iverson11 months ago

    Fantastic and humorous read!!! Loved it!!!♥️♥️💕

  • Gerald Holmes11 months ago

    Loved this. That menu is unreal. Congrats on Top Story.

  • Cathy holmes11 months ago

    Yay. Congrats on the TS

  • Oneg In The Arctic11 months ago

    This was both entertaining and intriguing! As someone who has eaten beaver snout, beluga, and polar bear- I am definitely interesting! Also I loved this phrase you wrote “I am not yucking your yum”

  • Cendrine Marrouat11 months ago

    I I was born and raised in France. We eat veal / lamb brains there. Apparently, it's very healthful. But heck, is it disgusting! Loved reading your story!

  • Cathy holmes11 months ago

    This, while gross food offerings was genuinely hilarious. Should be a TS for sure. This made me lol "And we can’t forget the 'oregano sandwich,' which to me sounds like something you’d do to smuggle drugs across the border." Really well done.

  • Alex H Mittelman 11 months ago

    Cool! I like this!

  • Wow 😮 that was an Interesting read 📖 ❤️😉👍

  • Mariann Carroll11 months ago

    The pictures from your friends vacation is delicious 😋 I cannot imagine what a deer brain would look like in a plater skull 🤢

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